Time to rename our Confederate Forts

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
Grant is the only Civil War era general you mentioned and he was not an especially good general and he allowed Sherman to sully any honor he was due. The rest have had many things named after them but I doubt they were even born when most of the forts were named.

"The lost cause movement" is a Northern invention and delusion as far I know.

The Movie "Lost Cause" was financed and promoted by the Daughters of the Confederates. Stop trying to rewrite history.
You think a movie few have ever heard of or seen is some kind of "movement"? You don't even bother to mention what it is you consider false. Since I've never known them to do anything of which I would disapprove I have to wonder if you just don't like having Northern lies exposed.

Considering it was widespread viewed in just about every southern movie house for a few years and even screen in the White House, your idea of just a few is a bit off. Try again. You are trying to rewrite history once again. Sorry, didn't work out for you.
Apparently you don't read well
I had nothing to do with the movie or the Daughters of the Confederacy.
I never saw or heard of the movie or alleged movement even though I live in the South.
You can't even be bothered to point our what you consider an attempt to "change" history by me or anyone else.
You, Sir, do not know what you are talking about.
If you are going to charge me with something back it up or admit you are just another blow-hard propagandist who spouts off but says nothing.

What you are is a product of that method and it's still practiced in many families in the US. Any other country that went through it would have outlawed any and all monuments and not allowed the bastardization of the truth to be spread like it was and still is. And I bet you think the Earth is flat and the Landing on the Moon was faked as well.
Movement or method? And you haven't proven either. What I think is that you attempting to change history while tossing around baseless accusations as defection.
Do you realize that asserting that there is a Black America White America Brown America etc or Jewish America or Latino America is both racist and divisive? When we are all just Americans we will have started putting away racism. You don't fight racism by becoming racist.

Step one, admit your a racist. You fail the first step.
You fail step one. I am not a racist. Only a racist would think that everyone who is not of their race is a racist.

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
Grant is the only Civil War era general you mentioned and he was not an especially good general and he allowed Sherman to sully any honor he was due. The rest have had many things named after them but I doubt they were even born when most of the forts were named.

"The lost cause movement" is a Northern invention and delusion as far I know.

The Movie "Lost Cause" was financed and promoted by the Daughters of the Confederates. Stop trying to rewrite history.
You think a movie few have ever heard of or seen is some kind of "movement"? You don't even bother to mention what it is you consider false. Since I've never known them to do anything of which I would disapprove I have to wonder if you just don't like having Northern lies exposed.

Considering it was widespread viewed in just about every southern movie house for a few years and even screen in the White House, your idea of just a few is a bit off. Try again. You are trying to rewrite history once again. Sorry, didn't work out for you.
Apparently you don't read well
I had nothing to do with the movie or the Daughters of the Confederacy.
I never saw or heard of the movie or alleged movement even though I live in the South.
You can't even be bothered to point our what you consider an attempt to "change" history by me or anyone else.
You, Sir, do not know what you are talking about.
If you are going to charge me with something back it up or admit you are just another blow-hard propagandist who spouts off but says nothing.

What you are is a product of that method and it's still practiced in many families in the US. Any other country that went through it would have outlawed any and all monuments and not allowed the bastardization of the truth to be spread like it was and still is. And I bet you think the Earth is flat and the Landing on the Moon was faked as well.
Movement or method? And you haven't proven either. What I think is that you attempting to change history while tossing around baseless accusations as defection.
Do you realize that asserting that there is a Black America White America Brown America etc or Jewish America or Latino America is both racist and divisive? When we are all just Americans we will have started putting away racism. You don't fight racism by becoming racist.

Step one, admit your a racist. You fail the first step.
You fail step one. I am not a racist. Only a racist would think that everyone who is not of their race is a racist.

Hate to break it to your bigotted butt but there is a bit of racist in all of us. Some more than others. The biggest racist are those that deny it but show it each and every day, cupcake. You are a Racist Bigot.
Most insidious vestige of the Confederacy is the name of the Democrat party
Hahaha.... oh man, how stupid. Yes, it's Democrats crying like little bitches that everyone is trying to "destroy their heritage:".

Uh, no.

Even worse when YOU feel no shame for your party's past VITAL roles in secession, systematic racism, and abusive racial laws and policies... Change the fucking name.. BECAUSE every EDUCATED AMERICAN knows what you're hiding and the HYPOCRISY of your attempts to CONTINUE to divide this country...
Cute whining!

But again... Its the republicans crying about the confederate flags...and this is 2020, not 1863....so, join us in reality, ya crybaby, and stop hiding under a rock and face the world as it is.

Of course, you're one of the confederate flag crybabies, so i doubt you will grow a pair and admit any of this like a big boy.

Its 2020 and the Democrats are the party of censorship and cancelling everything. Its not about the Confederate flag, its about the radicals who have taken over the Democratic party wanting to protest everything about America as we know it. All the while its the Republicans and conservatives believing this can be a good place for everyone.
The confused Democrats seem to think they need to break everything down to replace it with something they have no idea of.
Only rightwing retards still wave fake Florida Confederate flags.

Rumor has it Marion Morrison gets a hard-on every morning he climbs his “flagpole” — really a tall dead Florida Pine — in front of his hut in the Okefenokee Swamp. After he’s raised his “State Flag” his excitement continues to grow as he climbs down. Finally he snaps to attention and salutes ... and faints. No harm done, though. His mangy dogs lick his face and bring him back to consciousness.

: )
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Time to rename our Confederate Forts
I did not know that the Confederate Army still had forts in the United States Anyone that wants to change the name of this historic bases. Please fuck off and die.
I know

Hard to believe we would have forts named for Generals who fought against us

No, it's not. We kissed and made up and lived happily ever after.

Shaming your former enemies forever, is a great plan, if you want them to remain your enemies forever.

IF you want Peace, you have to learn to live together in peace, not constantly attacking them.

We kissed and made up with Germany, Japan and Vietnam
We can accept them back into the Union without celebrating the atrocities that were the Confederacy.

Instead, we bought into the Lost Cause

Different situations got different treatment?

What a shock.

You do not have the Moral Authority to rescind the Forgiveness of our ancestors.

You are the bad guy here, for trying to reopen old wounds and spreading hate, racism and division.
CremeBrulee writes:
“That's the problem with this shit. Any name you might come up with will have some sort of stigma attached to it by someone. I guess you could start naming things after inanimate objects...”

I don’t think we will ever run out of genuine patriots and heroes who fought for worthy American (and universal) values. You are right, though, that we needn’t name forts after Generals only. Sure there may always be differences concerning this or that name, but at least let us not choose the names of men who fought against the United States in a war that defended slavery.
Or ideas even. Ft. Liberty, Ft. Freedom, Ft. Independence. I am not up to date on naming conventions for the military. Once you go down the rabbit hole of changing names though, you should be prepared to change everything named after anything or anyone to suit the whims of how people feel about something at any given time or according to their political ideology.
I love the idea of Ft. Liberty, Ft. Freedom, Ft. Independence. It would be hard to change these names once folks got used to them. Even the South during the Civil War claimed it was fighting for these ideals. Plus, maybe, hopefully, it would have a salutary subliminal influence on our military, and serve as a reminder of what we are supposed to be fighting for when we fight overseas.

This is meant as an insult to southern Americans, and it would be seen that way.
This is about insulting and marginalizing a group of people.
This is proof that Diversity and Multi-culturalism, as ideas and policy goals, were always lies.
Renaming Fort Benning — named after a diehard racist Confederate slaveholder (see comment #110) — calling it say “Fort Liberty“ — would be an “insult to Southern Americans...” ?

Not to any Americans (wherever they live) ... with their heads screwed on right!

SUre it would. It would be saying that Southern history and heritage is a shame that they bear, that they alone among all groups, are not allowed to celebrate their history.

That is an insult. YOur denial of that obvious fact is also offensive.
Slavery IS a shame they bear
Every nation has a time of slavery in its history. Englishmen were slave-owners, Turks were slave-owners, Berbers were slave-owners...
Can you accept this simple fact?
40 percent of the Confederacy was in bondage. Four million people.

No other nation ever embraced slavery to the degree the Confederacy did.
Really? What about medieval Baltic States where more than 85% of the total population were serfs who had less human rights than the slaves in the Confederacy?
Serfs were not property, they and their children were not bought and sold

The Slaves in Antiquity had it a lot harder than those in America during antebellum days. Picking cotton may not have been an idyllic life, but it was a lot better than rowing in a galley.

Charlton Heston?

Actually, Judah Ben-Hur. Heston was the actor that portrayed Mr. Ben-hur on the silver screen.

Ben-Hur was a fictional character

So what are you saying? That being a galley slave was an easy gig?

He is just disagreeing because liberals need to believe that America is the worst when it comes to slavery.

Any facts to the contrary, they dismiss, ignore, deny, deflect, whatever.


Today’s Republicans still defend the era of slavery.

Some of them were good people.

Actually, the GOP has always been against Slavery, in fact that is why the party was founded.

Sadly, they were formed to oppose slavery

Today’s Republicans disgrace that memory and choose instead to celebrate the memory of the slaveholders

We won the battle against slavery.

YOu are real brave, showing up 5 generations after the fight is over, and wanting to pick on people for something their great great grand daddy, might have done.

By "real brave" I mean, a real prick.

Actually, the veterans from both sides of the Civil War reconciled after the conflict.

Why can't modern liberals accept that?

I've posted photo evidence of that many times. rightwinger knows it. He is just a filthy liar.

They can't accept it, because they hate America and want to tear US apart.

The war ended. Since they were rejoining the union, it was felt that punitive measures would not speed the process.

That does not mean you have to accept the repulsive nature of the Confederacy.

GEt to the point when being a dick to their descendants 5 generations removed, is a good thing.

Or admit that you are just a petty tyrant for the sole joy of letting your internal evil and hate out into the world.

We are respecting the concerns of the descendants 5 generations removed from being slaves in that Confederacy.

That makes no sense. How does being a dick to the one group, benefit the other and why do you give more weight to the one group than that other anyways?

Notice you only complain when your group is the one who has to suck it up and respect the opinions of others

One side enslaved the other
Whose opinions should we be concerned with?

You hate America so what does it matter to you.

Seems you love the side that owned slaves

Seems you are an asshole.
Time to rename our Confederate Forts
I did not know that the Confederate Army still had forts in the United States Anyone that wants to change the name of this historic bases. Please fuck off and die.
I know

Hard to believe we would have forts named for Generals who fought against us

No, it's not. We kissed and made up and lived happily ever after.

Shaming your former enemies forever, is a great plan, if you want them to remain your enemies forever.

IF you want Peace, you have to learn to live together in peace, not constantly attacking them.

We kissed and made up with Germany, Japan and Vietnam
We can accept them back into the Union without celebrating the atrocities that were the Confederacy.

Instead, we bought into the Lost Cause

Different situations got different treatment?

What a shock.

You do not have the Moral Authority to rescind the Forgiveness of our ancestors.

You are the bad guy here, for trying to reopen old wounds and spreading hate, racism and division.
There is forgiveness and there is celebration.
Nobody is punishing the South. We just refuse to keep celebrating a Confederacy that was abhorrent to humanity.

A nation that was 40% slave is something to be honored?
There is forgiveness and there is celebration.
Nobody is punishing the South. We just refuse to keep celebrating a Confederacy that was abhorrent to humanity.
A nation that was 40% slave is something to be honored?

In most Confederate state counties along the Mississippi the slave population was above 70%. As was also true in some South Carolina and Georgia counties along the East Coast. The shift of slavery to the richer cotton growing Mississippi Delta and Deep South meant breaking up black families, and was often a death sentence in those days when swamps had to be cleared. States like Virginia and other “old south” & border states took up commercial raising and selling of black bodies. Here is a map with interactive features provided courtesy of the Smithsonian:

Polishprince writes:
“Actually, the veterans from both sides of the Civil War reconciled after the conflict. Why can't modern liberals accept that?”

The reconciliation after the Civil War you praise, like the construction of statues of Confederate leaders, the flying of Confederate flags over courthouses throughout the South, the later naming of military bases after some despicable Confederate generals (Fort Benning, for example) — all the love and “reconciliation” of white Americans ... was in most ways carried out at the expense of African Americans.

No, it was not. THe issues of the Civil War, all of them, were decided in the North's favor, to the benefit of blacks and the expense of the South, especially the southern plantation class.

The “Noble Lost Cause“ mythology was predicated on — and in large part consciously built in defense of — Jim Crow apartheid laws, Negro oppression, and white supremacy. Because of that the much desired “reconciliation” between North and South — not to mention black and white — never really could hold. That much ballyhooed “reconciliation,” based on white supremacy, started to come apart when the Civil Rights Movement ended legal white supremacy in our nation. Those who are unwilling even to address symbolic remnants of Jim Crow will never be able to address the profound remaining social and economic problems that divide our society in so many ways.

The "Lost Cause" idea was predicated on the idea of and the defense of the Southerns having either the Right to do what they did, or to have been IN the right to do what they did, ie Secession.

This was all about the self image of the Southern Whites, and their feelings about their heritage. It had nothing to do with White Supremacy, indeed, a large portion of the rewriting of history was to DOWNPLAY the importance of slavery and racial issues as reasons for the Civil War.

“Liberals” are not monolithic, and many like FDR and Wilson and even JFK bought into the “noble iconic” view of the “American hero” Robert E. Lee. But today other wise historical voices, voices like those of the great Frederick Douglass, remind us at whose expense that (ultimately shallow) reconciliation occurred.

It cost no one anything. It helped heal the nation so that the cost of the war could be lessened, and we could move forward together.

Today, the voices raised to reopen these wounds are aimed at destroying unity and punishing innocent people for crimes that were committed AND FORGIVEN, long ago.

The people who want to do that, to punish the innocent, for no reason, those are the bad guys of this story.

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement

Those "confederate" forts are on the old Confederate nation grounds, not surprising they have those names. Most of the Civil warm battles were on "confederate" grounds, thus having old forts with confederate general names on them would be unsurprising.
No, it was not. THe issues of the Civil War, all of them, were decided in the North's favor, to the benefit of blacks and the expense of the South, especially the southern plantation class.

The main issue was no more slave labor

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement

Those "confederate" forts are on the old Confederate nation grounds, not surprising they have those names. Most of the Civil warm battles were on "confederate" grounds, thus having old forts with confederate general names on them would be unsurprising.
Naming US ARMY forts after those who took up arms against them is surprising

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement

Those "confederate" forts are on the old Confederate nation grounds, not surprising they have those names. Most of the Civil warm battles were on "confederate" grounds, thus having old forts with confederate general names on them would be unsurprising.
Naming US ARMY forts after those who took up arms against them is surprising

Is it really? I think Tommy has a point there. Take yourself back to the time when the forts were created, and where they are located. They would be operating in southern communities, so I could see a rational by the government back then to throw the populace a bone.
The North won the war, they were the victors, the Union was saved, so you can flip the coin and ask why would it be so important to name Military forts in the south after Union Generals who defeated southern armies on Southern Ground? Why would it be so important to rub it in so to speak. There is a rational to say that the naming and putting up some statues as well was a continuation of reconciliation and forgivness.

I find concepts such a "forgiveness" and "tolerance" very rare today so to some, yes, it would seem surprising.
And I see a context here where it is not just about renaming forts. The Democrat party has willingly put up with and harbored its radicals who are Communist in their political leanings. Tearing it all down in the name of social justice has been done before. Its a tactic out of the communist playbook. Democrats are just sitting back and letting the mob have their way without any interjection or worse, approving of their actions. I look on all of this with great suspicion of motive.
George Washington looks like the next one to go. You can laugh at that, but based on what kids are taught in college about the evil of the US, just give it one or two more generations.
Time to rename our Confederate Forts
I did not know that the Confederate Army still had forts in the United States Anyone that wants to change the name of this historic bases. Please fuck off and die.
I know

Hard to believe we would have forts named for Generals who fought against us

No, it's not. We kissed and made up and lived happily ever after.

Shaming your former enemies forever, is a great plan, if you want them to remain your enemies forever.

IF you want Peace, you have to learn to live together in peace, not constantly attacking them.

We kissed and made up with Germany, Japan and Vietnam
We can accept them back into the Union without celebrating the atrocities that were the Confederacy.

Instead, we bought into the Lost Cause

Different situations got different treatment?

What a shock.

You do not have the Moral Authority to rescind the Forgiveness of our ancestors.

You are the bad guy here, for trying to reopen old wounds and spreading hate, racism and division.
There is forgiveness and there is celebration.
Nobody is punishing the South. We just refuse to keep celebrating a Confederacy that was abhorrent to humanity.

A nation that was 40% slave is something to be honored?
"We" who? If you don't wish to celebrate just don't. Nobody cares. It is only when you demand others accept your own lame-ass opinions and throw childish destructive temper tantrums to try to enforce those demands that there becomes a problem. Americans tend to not be that easily intimidated. You may well bite off far more than you can chew.

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement

Those "confederate" forts are on the old Confederate nation grounds, not surprising they have those names. Most of the Civil warm battles were on "confederate" grounds, thus having old forts with confederate general names on them would be unsurprising.
Naming US ARMY forts after those who took up arms against them is surprising

Is it really? I think Tommy has a point there. Take yourself back to the time when the forts were created, and where they are located. They would be operating in southern communities, so I could see a rational by the government back then to throw the populace a bone.
The North won the war, they were the victors, the Union was saved, so you can flip the coin and ask why would it be so important to name Military forts in the south after Union Generals who defeated southern armies on Southern Ground? Why would it be so important to rub it in so to speak. There is a rational to say that the naming and putting up some statues as well was a continuation of reconciliation and forgivness.

I find concepts such a "forgiveness" and "tolerance" very rare today so to some, yes, it would seem surprising.
And I see a context here where it is not just about renaming forts. The Democrat party has willingly put up with and harbored its radicals who are Communist in their political leanings. Tearing it all down in the name of social justice has been done before. Its a tactic out of the communist playbook. Democrats are just sitting back and letting the mob have their way without any interjection or worse, approving of their actions. I look on all of this with great suspicion of motive.
George Washington looks like the next one to go. You can laugh at that, but based on what kids are taught in college about the evil of the US, just give it one or two more generations.
Sure looks like you called the Washington prediction right!
We need to ask......What have these men done to deserve such an honor?

AP HIll, Braxton Bragg, George Pickett, John Bell Hood......why should they be honored?

Defending ones sacred lands and homes from an invasion sent by a Tyrant is more honorable than invading your neighbor because a Tyrant said so.
Defending the right to keep other human beings as slaves is the ultimate tyranny

Then if the SHAME IS SO UNFUCKINGUNBEARABLE to you --- rename your political party..


1) That WAS the party of Secession and slave keeping.

2) Most EVERY ONE of those statue figures was a STAUNCH Democrat.

3) Most EVERY ONE of those statues commissioned, dedicated and PLACED by Democrats..

Or -- are ya really NOT FEELING that much shame yet???? :no_text11:

Noticed "ComeOnDown to Chinatown Nancy" authored a resolution yesterday to PURGE the Capitol of portraits of former "racist southern DEMOCRATS" who are on "House Majority Leader Row"... Seems she's trying to erase the (D) after their names before any logic and reason points out the obvious here.. Won't succeed.. Better to be thinking up a "rebranding" of your racist party....
So the gist of this thread is...

How dare the Confedracy have slavery for 4 years.
It was OK for the USA to have slavery for 89 years.
Polishprince writes:
“Actually, the veterans from both sides of the Civil War reconciled after the conflict. Why can't modern liberals accept that?”

The reconciliation after the Civil War you praise, like the construction of statues of Confederate leaders, the flying of Confederate flags over courthouses throughout the South, the later naming of military bases after some despicable Confederate generals (Fort Benning, for example) — all the love and “reconciliation” of white Americans ... was in most ways carried out at the expense of African Americans.

The “Noble Lost Cause“ mythology was predicated on — and in large part consciously built in defense of — Jim Crow apartheid laws, Negro oppression, and white supremacy. Because of that the much desired “reconciliation” between North and South — not to mention black and white — never really could hold. That much ballyhooed “reconciliation,” based on white supremacy, started to come apart when the Civil Rights Movement ended legal white supremacy in our nation. Those who are unwilling even to address symbolic remnants of Jim Crow will never be able to address the profound remaining social and economic problems that divide our society in so many ways.

“Liberals” are not monolithic, and many like FDR and Wilson and even JFK bought into the “noble iconic” view of the “American hero” Robert E. Lee. But today other wise historical voices, voices like those of the great Frederick Douglass, remind us at whose expense that (ultimately shallow) reconciliation occurred.
The Jim Crow laws certainly impeded reconciliation no more than "Reconstruction":

Reconstruction. These laws included the following measures:

  • The South was divided into five military districts and governed by military governors until acceptable state constitutions could be written and approved by Congress.
  • All males, regardless of race, but excluding former Confederate leaders, were permitted to participate in the constitutional conventions that formed the new governments in each state.
  • New state constitutions were required to provide for universal manhood suffrage (voting rights for all men) without regard to race.
  • States were required to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment in order to be readmitted to the Union.
This is far more oppressive than the Jim Crow laws and only servers to further animosity. Having a (to one extent or another) hated enemy govern you until such time as he approves a constitution you will live by is not happy-making and allowed much abuse and legal looting. The resentment engendered resulted in the formation of the KKK.
A truth that is often forgotten is that you cannot force someone to honestly accept your philosophy and/or opinions by beatings or even laws they had no role in making. Americans traditionally tend to be rebellious individualistic and distrustful of "authority".
Slavery to even freedom with the Jim Crow laws was a hugh jump in status and served more as a protection for blacks than anything else. Healing requires both time and will.

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