TNX-1800 Vaccine in cooperation with UAB


all these a holes racing to get rich off this which should tell the American idiots it's about money and they don't give a chit what the side effects are. The trump hating idiots will line up for this bs. Cause the Gov. told them too. Gawd you gov loving morons are pathetic.
Whatever...........and yeah ........they are racing for a vaccine..........And to make money.......Gilead is positive proof of it.

I understand better than you Gov't......applied to me.........LMAO
for no reason. it's all bullshit. it became bullshit the first extension to the stay at home orders. And it continues with each goal post move out.

Exactly and these leftist have no idea how afterr this is over it's not over this gives the morons feds the ability to yell lock down now anytime they see fit in order to gain control over us. This will be on going unless we Pro American ppl stop thiis authoritarian bs!!

These boot licking fools think their gov. foams at the mouuth over them. The gov. doesn't give a chit about " the people" they care how much htey can take from our pays our lively hood etc.......
I'm not a FUCKING LEFTIST.........and I do my homework..........This is news .......if you don't like it.............Then go find a thread where someone cares...............

SARs in 2003 was real...most of the studies from that point on are Real..........UAB studies are real.............

This virus does kill.......spreads like the Flu............which also kills every year...and will RUN IT'S COURSE...........There is NO STOPPING IT..........Just like there is no stopping the common cold or the Flu............

The REACTION TO IT IS BS..............Sweden had the right idea and still with the Flu it just runs it's course and phases out.
I now know Wuhan flu is bullshit. There is now evidence solely on the fact that probable deaths are being counted.

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