To Abort or Not.

Monkeys are Monkeys and Monkeys make mistakes.

The goal is to get to the point in an OUTSTANDING education system where the rare young Monkey mistake in which abortion as a safe, legal option would be a helpful option, that option exists.

Abortion should be a safe, legal option agonized over, not an industry.

Young Monkeys are gonna fuck…. that’s historic fact. How’s letting them figure it out on their own been working out?


Take the keys to your star-ship and fly Monkeys! Fly!
Tearing a baby apart limb by limb will never be safe... Babies are being slaughtered everyday.... Its not women empowerment or womens rights when 53 of them are being killed each minute
Leftist support choice ONLY when it's their choice. If they truly supported a PRO CHOICE agenda where morality is concerned, they wouldn't be afraid of the people's voice.

LEFTISM = FASCISM. .. "It's our way or no way at all."

I don't know what planet you're from but here in reality my state has had the opportunity to vote on the abortion issue 3 times in my lifetime.

In 1968 the ballot initiative was asking whether abortion should be legal in my state. By a large margin the people of my state voted for choice and abortion became legal in my state years before Roe V. Wade. I was too young to be able to vote in 1968.

In 1981 the ballot initiative was asking whether we should use our state medicaid dollars to pay for abortions for low income women. Again the people of my state voted by a large margin for our state to use medicaid dollars to pay for abortions for low income women. So medicaid dollars in my state have been paying for abortions for low income women for nearly 4 decades. I'm proud to say I voted in the majority.

In 1991 the ballot initiative was asking whether we should enshrine choice as a law that can't be reversed. It said that no matter what any court says, no matter what any congress says or does, abortion remains legal and safe in my state. It passed by a large margin. I'm proud to say I voted in the majority.

The anti choice people managed to get initiatives on ballots in Colorado and Mississippi to outlaw abortion by declaring a fertilized egg is a human being with more rights than a living human woman. It was on the ballot in Mississippi twice. Both states voted to reject the far right radical initiative. All of them lost. Mississippi is a very red state.

So when you say the states have not been able to vote on choice you're lying. Learn about a subject before you post about it. That way you won't make a total fool of yourself to all of us intelligent people in cyberspace.
Monkeys are Monkeys and Monkeys make mistakes.

The goal is to get to the point in an OUTSTANDING education system where the rare young Monkey mistake in which abortion as a safe, legal option would be a helpful option, that option exists.

Abortion should be a safe, legal option that is agonized over.... not an industry.

Young Monkeys are gonna fuck. That's historic fact. How's letting them figure it out on their own been working out?


Take the keys to your star-ship and fly Monkeys! Fly!
Tearing a baby apart limb by limb will never be safe... Babies are being slaughtered everyday.... Its not women empowerment or womens rights when 53 of them are being killed each minute

You're not wrong, you simply come bearing ZERO solutions.

Teach them how to fuck responsibly and the abortion problem goes away.

Still not rocket science.

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