To Know Hillary is to Hate Hillary

Hillary haters are an interesting species. One wonders is it misogyny, is it insecurity, is it fear of women, is it simply an acknowledgment of a weak personality structure? Never is there a reason for the hatred which points to a lack of thought and intelligence. Is it also a sense of jealousy I wonder? Does the hater feel so weak they must hate another so as to feel strong?

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer
Hillary haters are an interesting species. One wonders is it misogyny, is it insecurity, is it fear of women, is it simply an acknowledgment of a weak personality structure? Never is there a reason for the hatred which points to a lack of thought and intelligence. Is it also a sense of jealousy I wonder? Does the hater feel so weak they must hate another so as to feel strong?

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

Hmmm, people don't like Hillary because she is a liar, corrupt, incompetent, has committed fraud, lied under oath, has never accomplished anything of value, caused the deaths of 4 americans in Benghazi, violated federal law and State dept regs with her email server, and basically lied every time she opened her mouth.

Whats really funny is that even the DNC knows that she is a terrible candidate and a loser, but they don't know how to dump her. The clintons and obama have destroyed the dem party, I find that very amusing.
Hillary haters are an interesting species. One wonders is it misogyny, is it insecurity, is it fear of women, is it simply an acknowledgment of a weak personality structure? Never is there a reason for the hatred which points to a lack of thought and intelligence. Is it also a sense of jealousy I wonder? Does the hater feel so weak they must hate another so as to feel strong?

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

Hmmm, people don't like Hillary because she is a liar, corrupt, incompetent, has committed fraud, lied under oath, has never accomplished anything of value, caused the deaths of 4 americans in Benghazi, violated federal law and State dept regs with her email server, and basically lied every time she opened her mouth.

Whats really funny is that even the DNC knows that she is a terrible candidate and a loser, but they don't know how to dump her. The clintons and obama have destroyed the dem party, I find that very amusing.
All that plus she has a dumb personality style. It is phony. She can't even pretend to be likable.
the desperate hillary derangement is really shining thru this morning...

i'm so sure if not for the person, you'd be supporting the policies of this candidate... o_O

a zillion hillary threads and still she's the odds on favorite. yáll must dig deep and try harder. :thup:
the desperate hillary derangement is really shining thru this morning...

i'm so sure if not for the person, you'd be supporting the policies of this candidate... o_O

a zillion hillary threads and still she's the odds on favorite. yáll must dig deep and try harder. :thup:
She's the odds on favorite because she has a vagina, and the Dems run in packs.................................

They live in the mud.
NLT Why three threads, all the same subject?

People picking on the front runner of the Democrap party..............the shame of it all.................................

She has so much luggage..........easy topic.

Hillary haters are an interesting species. One wonders is it misogyny, is it insecurity, is it fear of women, is it simply an acknowledgment of a weak personality structure? Never is there a reason for the hatred which points to a lack of thought and intelligence. Is it also a sense of jealousy I wonder? Does the hater feel so weak they must hate another so as to feel strong?

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

The majority of the country despises Hillary because she has earned their contempt. People like you are a "species" akin to cult members who are so blinded by devotion to the Hildebeast they can't see the obvious problems right in front of their face.
hmmm, guess you haven't heard....?

It IS the responsibility of the government worker to delete all of their own personal emails and only archive government related documents/email.

IF those personal emails are on a government server that is secure. Guess you haven't heard that HRC was not using a government server.

The same rules that you quoted prohibit doing government business outside of the government email system.

The bitch belongs in jail. Deal with it. She will never be president.
She is an old hag that cannot tell the truth. She also ruined the lives of the women BILL sexually assaulted. I can see why liberals love her.
Hillary haters are an interesting species. One wonders is it misogyny, is it insecurity, is it fear of women, is it simply an acknowledgment of a weak personality structure? Never is there a reason for the hatred which points to a lack of thought and intelligence. Is it also a sense of jealousy I wonder? Does the hater feel so weak they must hate another so as to feel strong?

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

Look at tthe liberal moron trying to blame any objection to HIllary on misogyny just like they blame any criticism of Obama on racism.

Libturds are utterly predictable.
Hillary haters are an interesting species. One wonders is it misogyny, is it insecurity, is it fear of women, is it simply an acknowledgment of a weak personality structure? Never is there a reason for the hatred which points to a lack of thought and intelligence. Is it also a sense of jealousy I wonder? Does the hater feel so weak they must hate another so as to feel strong?

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

Hmmm, people don't like Hillary because she is a liar, corrupt, incompetent, has committed fraud, lied under oath, has never accomplished anything of value, caused the deaths of 4 americans in Benghazi, violated federal law and State dept regs with her email server, and basically lied every time she opened her mouth.

Whats really funny is that even the DNC knows that she is a terrible candidate and a loser, but they don't know how to dump her. The clintons and obama have destroyed the dem party, I find that very amusing.

The two post featured above present the contrast between Americans...which is pulling us further and further apart.

The first is by a pompous-assed pinhead who has assumed that he is smarter than anyone else who disagrees with him, and undertakes a fucked up child-like amateur psychoanalysis of their thinking....and desreves to be told simply to GET FUCKED.

The other is what looks to me like an accurate statement of facts describing this awful woman who seems to think this country is another Banana Republic where she gets to be President just because her husband was Evita Peron in Argentina.
Hillary haters are an interesting species. One wonders is it misogyny, is it insecurity, is it fear of women, is it simply an acknowledgment of a weak personality structure? Never is there a reason for the hatred which points to a lack of thought and intelligence. Is it also a sense of jealousy I wonder? Does the hater feel so weak they must hate another so as to feel strong?

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

Sooo, it's safe to say you feel the same towards just about ever progressive or liberal that posts on these boards? I mean, if you could measure hate it would without a doubt side with liberals and progressives. Not saying Reps/cons don't have their hate, just that the left gets their way, things don't work and so all they have is anger and hate when demanding we do more their way.
hmmm, guess you haven't heard....?

It IS the responsibility of the government worker to delete all of their own personal emails and only archive government related documents/email.
As a State Department Official, she is under the guidelines to secure Confidential to Top Secret Information through protected Servers..............Not a Private Server...............Anyone who has signed the documents for these type of Documents are to be prosecuted via Federal Law...............Had this been a normal average Military person...................They'd be in Kansas at hard labor................

I've signed these documents...............but people like Hillary get a pass...............she broke the rules that the same department fired others for..............

That's the deal............and since the Dems hold the the DOJ..................nothing will ever happen to her.................
Exactly right. I expect the FBI to present a list of major violations and recommendations for indictment. Lynch and our Dept of Injustice will give Hillary a pass and the Liberals will rejoice with their "Victory".

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