To recharge your batteries...


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
and unwind and find inner peace when frustrated, sad, angry, depressed, overwhelmed, etc..........what do you do to get yourself back on par?

Normally I sit outside and listen to the birds sing and the wind play music on my windchimes along with the leaves on the poplar tree and eucalyptus tree. But it's cold today, ALL my joints are having a hissy fit, so being outside is out for now.

So my solution right now is to pop in Lord Of The Rings....Return Of The King. When it is over, I might watch Avatar again. Or maybe Merlin...or Hunt For Red October.

What do you do to unclutter your mind/body of toxic negatives?
Read a book..... watch a good show.... shop online ..... :D:D things like that!
Play my guitar, do some yoga, workout, cook ....just find the "quiet" within myself.
and unwind and find inner peace when frustrated, sad, angry, depressed, overwhelmed, etc..........what do you do to get yourself back on par?

Normally I sit outside and listen to the birds sing and the wind play music on my windchimes along with the leaves on the poplar tree and eucalyptus tree. But it's cold today, ALL my joints are having a hissy fit, so being outside is out for now.

So my solution right now is to pop in Lord Of The Rings....Return Of The King. When it is over, I might watch Avatar again. Or maybe Merlin...or Hunt For Red October.

What do you do to unclutter your mind/body of toxic negatives?

I think I hate you. I have no windchimes right now.

I guess I don't really have any regular thing that I do to unwind ... probably whatever I happen to feel like doing at the time!
I have windchimes everywhere. I even have a windchime tree. And when I went yard salin' this morning, I bought 4 more (buck each, can't beat that).
Make some, Granny, out of old keys...or old utensils.
But sitting in the back yard sipping Manhattens and listening to music helps also..

Truer words were never spoken :tongue:

Sipping a cocktail, watching the is helpful indeed! :D

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