To The Catholic Conservatives About the Pope...

What do you think about his leftist public opinions?

As a Roman Catholic..the pope is a South American leftist....his political opinions and thoughts on economics are dumb....
Also, he may be leftist or whatever, but he sure has a ton of money at his command should he want to use it. I could be all giving and leftist if I had a bankroll like the Catholic Church has.
I don't think you'd have ever found Christ in all that luxury.
Of course, the same goes for all you "evangelical" preachers out there. :thup:
Matthew 19:24"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Mark 10:25"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Luke 18:25"For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

3 different Gospels, repeated word for word. My feelings are that the Catholic leadership knows the truth, yet are unwilling to give up their leadership and power, and money to reveal the truth to the majority of their congregation.
Don't all the people who follow the Catholic church also read their Bible? How can it have stood for so long with such an obvious contradiction? Plus, they tithe every week. Poor, working class people. How can the church take their money when a lot of the people who are giving it can barely make ends meet? Some have no ends at all.
It's been my opinion for a long time now that if one truly believes one has the word of God, one does not sell it. It's free. If it's one's calling to preach the word of God, then do so. Earn a living doing something else, but the word should be free of charge. This is why I tend to disbelieve so-called preachers. They all want money for what they're doing. Rubbish.
I'm sure a lot of the money that's taken in goes to worthy causes--not just colorful costumes and Cadillacs--but it should be most of the money. The priests and preachers should live austerely. But, ultimately, this all falls on the shoulders of those who choose to follow them and give them their money--of course if you're taught from birth that this is how it is, what're you going to do?
You just haven't found the right church.

I have heard of some of the big ones around here, make you promise to tithe a certain amount to become a member, yet, they claim to be a Christian church, I don't think so. The Bible says to give the first 10 percent to God, not necessarily, the church, but God.

Our little church takes in around 200-300 a week, and most of that goes toward paying the bills, very little left over for God's work. Yet, with other churches, we are able to help feed people, and give clothes to those who need them.

The best example of a big church that does as they should, that I personally know of, is the Seventh Day Adventist in Greeneville, it's a big beautiful church, yet, much of the building was done by their own members, so they only had to buy materials, and they feed the hungry, and help people pay their light and water bills.

I have no problem with a preacher paying his bills, and living comfortably, because I have seen preachers at my grandparents bedside for days at a time, and yes, I mean days with only breaks for bathroom and eating. A preacher doesn't need to be driving a Yugo, praying it wont break down before he makes it to the next funeral, or hospital room, yet he doesn't need to be driving an impractical car like a corvette or hummer either.
He can accept all the people he wants, and they will go straight to Hell for being misled when they die. It's not technically their fault, but a technicality will still get you sent there.

You seem to be a person that thinks the church should change it's thinking to accommodate all people, but that is not the churches decision, a true church must follow the rules in the Bible as closely as they understand those rules. It doesn't mean we should preach hate, but we should preach the truth as we know it, or believe it to be. And that truth as we know it is subject to change, if it can be proven through the Scriptures, if it can't be, then it cant be changed.

Being a homosexual will not keep anyone out of Heaven, not claiming Jesus, and asking His forgiveness for sins and not believing He is the risen Son of God, will keep many out of Heaven.

Asking the Pope or Cardinal or Catholic Father to forgive you, instead of asking the same of Jesus, will keep many out of the Kingdom, even though they were simply fooled.

If Catholic's or Baptists or whoever thinks they can kill or hate or lie and claim Christianity and just have their sins absolved by a Priest, yet never accept Jesus into their lives, if they think they are going to Heaven, then they have been fooled by the prince of lies.
Yet they believe equally that it is YOU who have been fooled by the prince of lies. And have as equal an amount of evidence as you do.
Show me your evidence, I can produce mine, it is the Word of God,

if you own a Bible, then read it, and seek the Lord, not just from Catholic Priests but from Jews, and Protestants as well. Baptists, and Methodists, Presbyterians and Mormons, I have consulted all of them, as well as Catholics, if you truly want to learn, then seek Him and He shall reveal things you never knew.
Have you consulted Muslims, Hindu's, or Buddhists?
Nope, none of them recognize Jesus at all, the only reason I consulted Jews was for a better understanding of the Tanukh.(I misspelled that greatly), the Old Testament. And most Jews recognize the New Testament, even if they disagree with it from page 1.
Thank you, sorry I derailed your thread, i'll try to hush now. but I cant promise that.

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