
Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
No, not that event, and no, not that one either. This date in 1985 the siege of the CSA took place CSA standing for "The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord".

>> .... (initialized CSA) was a far right terrorist organization dedicated to Christian Identity and survivalism that was active in the United States during the 1970s and early 1980s. The CSA developed from a Baptist congregation called the Zarephath-Horeb Community Church, founded in 1971 in the small community of Elijah in southern Missouri. Over time, Zarephath-Horeb evolved into an extremist paramilitary organization and was rechristened CSA. CSA operated a large compound in northern Arkansas called "the Farm". In April 1985, law enforcement officers investigating the group for weapons violations and terrorist acts carried out a siege against the compound. After a peaceful resolution, officers arrested and convicted CSA's top leaders, and the organization dissolved.

The founder of the CSA was James Ellison, who was jailed for a period of time in federal prison along with his "high priest" Kerry Noble. Robert G. Millar became one of Ellison's spiritual advisers, and he was also the founder of Elohim City. Ellison was also mentored by Richard Girnt Butler, founder of the Aryan Nations and Robert E. Miles, founder of the Mountain Church in Cohoctah, Michigan. Both extreme right-wing leaders taught and practiced the theology of Christian Identity, a belief system which the FBI includes on its watch list as an extremist religion. Ellison had close ties to the Ku Klux Klan and the Aryan Nations, based in Hayden Lake, Idaho, and led by Richard Girnt Butler, who was described as "the glue of the Aryan Nations movement in the Northwest, if not the country" by the supervisor of the Inland Northwest Joint Terrorism Task Force.[3] Miles had a prison ministry and newsletter, relating mostly to the violent white Aryan groups, of which there are many, most notably, the Aryan Brotherhood. <<

>> CSA members sold weapons, distributed hate literature, and engaged in other criminal activity. They began to plot terrorist acts after Gordon Kahl, a North Dakota white supremacist who had killed two U.S. marshals in a shoot-out in February 1983, died in a federal raid several months later, thereby making him a martyr for the extreme right. CSA members planned to assassinate government officials who had prosecuted Kahl before his death, including a judge, an FBI agent, and a U.S. attorney. The assassinations were never carried out, but members of the group went on a crime spree in late 1983 that included setting fires in an Arkansas church with a largely homosexual congregation and in a Jewish centre and attempting to bomb a natural-gas pipeline. << -- 2 (expanded below)

(Wiki) -- >> In 1983, CSA member William Thomas accompanying Richard Wayne Snell and Steven Scott attempted to dynamite a natural gas pipeline which crossed the Red River on its way from the Gulf of Mexico to Chicago. This event ran as part of the group's A.T.T.A.C.K. operations. According to Kerry Noble, the group predicted this to result in riots (due to it being in winter). However, the trio were unsuccessful in carrying out the act of terror.[24]

The CSA had links with other radical organizations, including the Aryan Brotherhood, the Mountain Church, and The Order, which were all dangerous white supremacist organizations which advocated the violent overthrow of the United States Government. Many of their members were seen traveling in and out of the compound, and after a search of the compound, several stolen vehicles including one belonging to The Order were recovered. <<
On the 19th of April 1985 about 300 Federal agents (FBI, ATF and Hostage Rescue Team) were positioned in tiny Elijah, disguised as fishermen to blend in and not attract attention. After four days of negotiations Ellison was taken into custody without bloodshed. Upon his release from prison in 1987 he joined the Christian Identity community of Elohim City in Oklahoma, itself linked to white supremacy, the Aryan Republican Army, The Order and the McVeigh Murrah bombing exactly ten years after the CSA event. Elohim City had also been founded as a church.

Ellison's choice of the name "Zarephath" recalls another church in another tiny hamlet, Zarephath New Jersey which, despite its population of 37, is home to a 28-kilowatt radio station founded by Bishop Alma White, who founded the "Pillar of Fire" church in the early 20th century and was another white supremacist and notorious supporter of the Ku Klux Klan, lauding the KKK as the "prophets of a new and better age". The station still broadcasts today, reaching virtually all of New Jersey, southern New York and the NYC metro area, and eastern Pennsylvania as far as Philadelphia.
The CSA no longer exists, since that raid begun this date in 1985, nor does The Order. Elohim City, Christian Identity, and its various Klan Klones, still do.

It pays to know what's going on and where it's coming from.

Thanks for that eloquent analysis Frank. Nanoseconds of brain sweat went into this post I can tell. Kudos to your crack team of ---- whatever it is they do with all that crack.

And congrats on the Evelyn Wood speed reading course, you nailed it. One minute flat. Amazing. Phenomenal.

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