Too little too late at now a GOPer comes out to denounce Kemp electing himself as GA gov.

Considering fools sat idly by and allowed Kemp to engage in election fraud and voter purging to illegitimately elect himself as some so-called governor, when in fact the thieving criminal should be indicted there is no use at complaining now. Yet GOPers will slither out after the fact to pretend they are appalled at this crime instead of stopping it before hand. Considering repukes have a history of preying on the South when it comes to stealing elections, apparently they think they are entitled to do so:

Top GOP adviser denounces Georgia’s Brian Kemp: ‘He cheated & undermined democracy every step of the way’

A top Republican adviser denounced Georgia’s governor-elect Brian Kemp as a “hack” who stole the election.

John Weaver, a political strategist for former president George H.W. Bush and a presidential campaign adviser to the late John McCain, now works for Ohio’s Republican Gov. John Kasich — and he didn’t mince words when it came to Kemp."

Top GOP adviser denounces Georgia's Brian Kemp: 'He cheated & undermined democracy every step of the way'

What did he do, eliminate dead people from the rolls?

he stopped 52000 citizens from being new registered voters because their application names were not an exact match to how the govt had their names in their govt files... if a letter ot hyphen or apostrophe didn't match Kemp's state records, they denied them their voter registration, without contacting them and giving them time to correct the hyphen or period or letter....

70% of the rejected applicants were black.

So you're saying 52000 people couldn't follow the very first instruction when filling out the form?

1. LEGAL NAME. Your full legal name including any suffix such as Sr., Jr., III, is required on this form.

Free Georgia Voter Registration Form | PDF Template | Form Download

Ah yes, of course...

Here's where you chime in and say how stupid they are and should be disenfranchised..... :rolleyes:

You are an asshole.

So why didn't the Secretary of state create a rule to disenfranchise YOU and your ilk, from voting....?

Wow, you really are a bigot, you think minorities need different rules? Really? Is it that separate but equal thing you folks pushed decades ago? Are you wanting to bring that back?

Considering fools sat idly by and allowed Kemp to engage in election fraud and voter purging to illegitimately elect himself as some so-called governor, when in fact the thieving criminal should be indicted there is no use at complaining now. Yet GOPers will slither out after the fact to pretend they are appalled at this crime instead of stopping it before hand. Considering repukes have a history of preying on the South when it comes to stealing elections, apparently they think they are entitled to do so:

Top GOP adviser denounces Georgia’s Brian Kemp: ‘He cheated & undermined democracy every step of the way’

A top Republican adviser denounced Georgia’s governor-elect Brian Kemp as a “hack” who stole the election.

John Weaver, a political strategist for former president George H.W. Bush and a presidential campaign adviser to the late John McCain, now works for Ohio’s Republican Gov. John Kasich — and he didn’t mince words when it came to Kemp."

Top GOP adviser denounces Georgia's Brian Kemp: 'He cheated & undermined democracy every step of the way'

What did he do, eliminate dead people from the rolls?

he stopped 52000 citizens from being new registered voters because their application names were not an exact match to how the govt had their names in their govt files... if a letter ot hyphen or apostrophe didn't match Kemp's state records, they denied them their voter registration, without contacting them and giving them time to correct the hyphen or period or letter....

70% of the rejected applicants were black.

That is how it should be. You people on the left need to really think about what you are advocating.

See, right now you don't like having requirements for voting that are strict.

I get that. Because it is likely harming your voters more than ours... right now.

But if you support reducing these voting requirements, what happens when the Ultra-right start using the same tactic to vote multiple times, and have dead people vote? What happens when a real racists uses the election process to fraudulently gain power?

This is the same thing as all the left-wingers that were all in favor of Obama using executive privilege to push things they supported... and now Trump is using that same power, and you are acting all hypocritical over it.

Just like you excused Bill Clinton for all kinds of unfaithfulness, and now you want to act like Trumps unfaithful past should matter.

You set yourself up for drama. Everything you justify today, will be used against you tomorrow. You need to think about what you support.

Instead of complaining about being required to have an ID... how about you encourage your voters to have proper IDs?
what happens when the Ultra-right start using the same tactic to vote multiple times, and have dead people vote?

Go for it. The penalties for getting caught are severe enough that you won't do it much. WHich is why it doesn't happen in any real numbers now

This is the same thing as all the left-wingers that were all in favor of Obama using executive privilege to push things they supported... and now Trump is using that same power, and you are acting all hypocritical over it.

Hypocritical? The right went CRAZY over Obama using Executive Orders...and accepts them without question now

Just like you excused Bill Clinton for all kinds of unfaithfulness, and now you want to act like Trumps unfaithful past should matter.

You IMPEACHED Clinton over that and yet don't even blink at Trump's "antics"...and his illegal payoffs TO those women

Newsflash...the only reason your voter ID scams work is that older poorer voters don't have the paperwork required to get IDs. As the population ages out that will no longer work for you. What then?

Oh that's in simply "purge" voters you don't want voting...people who have been legally voting for decades in many cases
Considering fools sat idly by and allowed Kemp to engage in election fraud and voter purging to illegitimately elect himself as some so-called governor, when in fact the thieving criminal should be indicted there is no use at complaining now. Yet GOPers will slither out after the fact to pretend they are appalled at this crime instead of stopping it before hand. Considering repukes have a history of preying on the South when it comes to stealing elections, apparently they think they are entitled to do so:

Top GOP adviser denounces Georgia’s Brian Kemp: ‘He cheated & undermined democracy every step of the way’

A top Republican adviser denounced Georgia’s governor-elect Brian Kemp as a “hack” who stole the election.

John Weaver, a political strategist for former president George H.W. Bush and a presidential campaign adviser to the late John McCain, now works for Ohio’s Republican Gov. John Kasich — and he didn’t mince words when it came to Kemp."

Top GOP adviser denounces Georgia's Brian Kemp: 'He cheated & undermined democracy every step of the way'

What did he do, eliminate dead people from the rolls?

Dead people can’t vote so it doesn’t make a fucking difference if they are on the rolls.

Yet dead people request absentee ballots every election and many vote, go figure.

No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real

Your party has been in charge of most of the States the past decade, WHY HAVEN'T THEY corrected these 2 situations?

When the person dies and the State fills out their death certificate, the voting precinct is notified of their death and the dead person is removed from the voter roll, all in one swell sweep.

When an applicant for a voter registration card applies, they should be checked against e-verify, to discern if they are a citizen...

And voter rolls purged from all non citizens by verifying against e-verify that exist already on the voter rolls.

Republicans using dead people to vote, citizens voting in 2 States are equal opportunity fraudsters, along with Democratic voters and Independent voters

this can all be handled so easily, but no one in power in the States, wants to do it...

Instead they make up some phony baloney alleged voter fraud to create hurdles for legal living, citizens to vote... which do nothing to stop the Fraud in any kinds of numbers that would affect an election and disenfranchise millions of legal citizens....

It's time for REAL change, that affects the situations that are occurring.
Considering fools sat idly by and allowed Kemp to engage in election fraud and voter purging to illegitimately elect himself as some so-called governor, when in fact the thieving criminal should be indicted there is no use at complaining now. Yet GOPers will slither out after the fact to pretend they are appalled at this crime instead of stopping it before hand. Considering repukes have a history of preying on the South when it comes to stealing elections, apparently they think they are entitled to do so:

Top GOP adviser denounces Georgia’s Brian Kemp: ‘He cheated & undermined democracy every step of the way’

A top Republican adviser denounced Georgia’s governor-elect Brian Kemp as a “hack” who stole the election.

John Weaver, a political strategist for former president George H.W. Bush and a presidential campaign adviser to the late John McCain, now works for Ohio’s Republican Gov. John Kasich — and he didn’t mince words when it came to Kemp."

Top GOP adviser denounces Georgia's Brian Kemp: 'He cheated & undermined democracy every step of the way'

What did he do, eliminate dead people from the rolls?

Dead people can’t vote so it doesn’t make a fucking difference if they are on the rolls.

Yet dead people request absentee ballots every election and many vote, go figure.

No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real

Your party has been in charge of most of the States the past decade, WHY HAVEN'T THEY corrected these 2 situations?

When the person dies and the State fills out their death certificate, the voting precinct is notified of their death and the dead person is removed from the voter roll, all in one swell sweep.

When an applicant for a voter registration card applies, they should be checked against e-verify, to discern if they are a citizen...

And voter rolls purged from all non citizens by verifying against e-verify that exist already on the voter rolls.

Republicans using dead people to vote, citizens voting in 2 States are equal opportunity fraudsters, along with Democratic voters and Independent voters

this can all be handled so easily, but no one in power in the States, wants to do it...

Instead they make up some phony baloney alleged voter fraud to create hurdles for legal living, citizens to vote... which do nothing to stop the Fraud in any kinds of numbers that would affect an election and disenfranchise millions of legal citizens....

It's time for REAL change, that affects the situations that are occurring.

Major deflection noted.
Commies sue to stop States from cleaning their rolls. A few examples.

Va. Democrats sue to stop use of voter ‘purge list’

But you already knew that, didn't ya?

Considering fools sat idly by and allowed Kemp to engage in election fraud and voter purging to illegitimately elect himself as some so-called governor, when in fact the thieving criminal should be indicted there is no use at complaining now. Yet GOPers will slither out after the fact to pretend they are appalled at this crime instead of stopping it before hand. Considering repukes have a history of preying on the South when it comes to stealing elections, apparently they think they are entitled to do so:

Top GOP adviser denounces Georgia’s Brian Kemp: ‘He cheated & undermined democracy every step of the way’

A top Republican adviser denounced Georgia’s governor-elect Brian Kemp as a “hack” who stole the election.

John Weaver, a political strategist for former president George H.W. Bush and a presidential campaign adviser to the late John McCain, now works for Ohio’s Republican Gov. John Kasich — and he didn’t mince words when it came to Kemp."

Top GOP adviser denounces Georgia's Brian Kemp: 'He cheated & undermined democracy every step of the way'

What did he do, eliminate dead people from the rolls?

Dead people can’t vote so it doesn’t make a fucking difference if they are on the rolls.

Yet dead people request absentee ballots every election and many vote, go figure.

No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real

Your party has been in charge of most of the States the past decade, WHY HAVEN'T THEY corrected these 2 situations?

When the person dies and the State fills out their death certificate, the voting precinct is notified of their death and the dead person is removed from the voter roll, all in one swell sweep.

When an applicant for a voter registration card applies, they should be checked against e-verify, to discern if they are a citizen...

And voter rolls purged from all non citizens by verifying against e-verify that exist already on the voter rolls.

Republicans using dead people to vote, citizens voting in 2 States are equal opportunity fraudsters, along with Democratic voters and Independent voters

this can all be handled so easily, but no one in power in the States, wants to do it...

Instead they make up some phony baloney alleged voter fraud to create hurdles for legal living, citizens to vote... which do nothing to stop the Fraud in any kinds of numbers that would affect an election and disenfranchise millions of legal citizens....

It's time for REAL change, that affects the situations that are occurring.

Major deflection noted.
Commies sue to stop States from cleaning their rolls. A few examples.

Va. Democrats sue to stop use of voter ‘purge list’

DOJ to Florida: Don't You Dare Clean Up Your Voter Rolls

Democrats call Ohio's purgings of voter rolls too aggressive

Supreme Court Upholds Ohio’s Purge of Voting Rolls

But you already knew that, didn't ya?

I see you didn't even read your own articles. :rolleyes:

Your first article I could not get in to, in order to read it.

In your 2nd article, it was in 2012 and FLORIDA was breaking the law and trying to disenfranchise minority voters disproportionately, and did not seek the Justice department's permission, required under Law, at the time....

I'll read your other links in a minute.

The Justice Department sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner Thursday evening demanding the state cease purging its voting rolls because the process it is using has not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act, TPM has learned.

DOJ also said that Florida’s voter roll purge violated the National Voter Registration Act, which stipulates that voter roll maintenance should have ceased 90 days before an election, which given Florida’s August 14 primary, meant May 16.

Five of Florida’s counties are subject to the Voting Rights Act, but the state never sought permission from either the Justice Department or a federal court to implement its voter roll maintenance program.
What did he do, eliminate dead people from the rolls?

Dead people can’t vote so it doesn’t make a fucking difference if they are on the rolls.

Yet dead people request absentee ballots every election and many vote, go figure.

No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real

Your party has been in charge of most of the States the past decade, WHY HAVEN'T THEY corrected these 2 situations?

When the person dies and the State fills out their death certificate, the voting precinct is notified of their death and the dead person is removed from the voter roll, all in one swell sweep.

When an applicant for a voter registration card applies, they should be checked against e-verify, to discern if they are a citizen...

And voter rolls purged from all non citizens by verifying against e-verify that exist already on the voter rolls.

Republicans using dead people to vote, citizens voting in 2 States are equal opportunity fraudsters, along with Democratic voters and Independent voters

this can all be handled so easily, but no one in power in the States, wants to do it...

Instead they make up some phony baloney alleged voter fraud to create hurdles for legal living, citizens to vote... which do nothing to stop the Fraud in any kinds of numbers that would affect an election and disenfranchise millions of legal citizens....

It's time for REAL change, that affects the situations that are occurring.

Major deflection noted.
Commies sue to stop States from cleaning their rolls. A few examples.

Va. Democrats sue to stop use of voter ‘purge list’

DOJ to Florida: Don't You Dare Clean Up Your Voter Rolls

Democrats call Ohio's purgings of voter rolls too aggressive

Supreme Court Upholds Ohio’s Purge of Voting Rolls

But you already knew that, didn't ya?

I see you didn't even read your own articles. :rolleyes:

Your first article I could not get in to, in order to read it.

In your 2nd article, it was in 2012 and FLORIDA was breaking the law and trying to disenfranchise minority voters disproportionately, and did not seek the Justice department's permission, required under Law, at the time....

I'll read your other links in a minute.

The Justice Department sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner Thursday evening demanding the state cease purging its voting rolls because the process it is using has not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act, TPM has learned.

DOJ also said that Florida’s voter roll purge violated the National Voter Registration Act, which stipulates that voter roll maintenance should have ceased 90 days before an election, which given Florida’s August 14 primary, meant May 16.

Five of Florida’s counties are subject to the Voting Rights Act, but the state never sought permission from either the Justice Department or a federal court to implement its voter roll maintenance program.

The VRA requires States to maintain their rolls. They needed permission to follow the freaking law, really?

what happens when the Ultra-right start using the same tactic to vote multiple times, and have dead people vote?

Go for it. The penalties for getting caught are severe enough that you won't do it much. WHich is why it doesn't happen in any real numbers now

This is the same thing as all the left-wingers that were all in favor of Obama using executive privilege to push things they supported... and now Trump is using that same power, and you are acting all hypocritical over it.

Hypocritical? The right went CRAZY over Obama using Executive Orders...and accepts them without question now

Just like you excused Bill Clinton for all kinds of unfaithfulness, and now you want to act like Trumps unfaithful past should matter.

You IMPEACHED Clinton over that and yet don't even blink at Trump's "antics"...and his illegal payoffs TO those women

Newsflash...the only reason your voter ID scams work is that older poorer voters don't have the paperwork required to get IDs. As the population ages out that will no longer work for you. What then?

Oh that's in simply "purge" voters you don't want voting...people who have been legally voting for decades in many cases

You gotta love this person, trying to spin as fast as he can-------->

1. Clinton did his deeds WHILE IN OFFICE, as governor, and President; there is a difference you know!

2. Trumps money to women are CALLED NDAs, also known as Non disclosure agreements, and are PERFECTLY LEGAL! In fact, if there was any illegality, it was from the women who BROKE the NDAs they signed!

Aren't you and your Leftist friends embarrassed about constantly being wrong on the facts and staining your credibility yet? Or rather, are you paid well enough for to spout MISINFORMATION, to make it worth while to you to constantly look silly-)
Dead people can’t vote so it doesn’t make a fucking difference if they are on the rolls.

Yet dead people request absentee ballots every election and many vote, go figure.

No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real

Your party has been in charge of most of the States the past decade, WHY HAVEN'T THEY corrected these 2 situations?

When the person dies and the State fills out their death certificate, the voting precinct is notified of their death and the dead person is removed from the voter roll, all in one swell sweep.

When an applicant for a voter registration card applies, they should be checked against e-verify, to discern if they are a citizen...

And voter rolls purged from all non citizens by verifying against e-verify that exist already on the voter rolls.

Republicans using dead people to vote, citizens voting in 2 States are equal opportunity fraudsters, along with Democratic voters and Independent voters

this can all be handled so easily, but no one in power in the States, wants to do it...

Instead they make up some phony baloney alleged voter fraud to create hurdles for legal living, citizens to vote... which do nothing to stop the Fraud in any kinds of numbers that would affect an election and disenfranchise millions of legal citizens....

It's time for REAL change, that affects the situations that are occurring.

Major deflection noted.
Commies sue to stop States from cleaning their rolls. A few examples.

Va. Democrats sue to stop use of voter ‘purge list’

DOJ to Florida: Don't You Dare Clean Up Your Voter Rolls

Democrats call Ohio's purgings of voter rolls too aggressive

Supreme Court Upholds Ohio’s Purge of Voting Rolls

But you already knew that, didn't ya?

I see you didn't even read your own articles. :rolleyes:

Your first article I could not get in to, in order to read it.

In your 2nd article, it was in 2012 and FLORIDA was breaking the law and trying to disenfranchise minority voters disproportionately, and did not seek the Justice department's permission, required under Law, at the time....

I'll read your other links in a minute.

The Justice Department sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner Thursday evening demanding the state cease purging its voting rolls because the process it is using has not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act, TPM has learned.

DOJ also said that Florida’s voter roll purge violated the National Voter Registration Act, which stipulates that voter roll maintenance should have ceased 90 days before an election, which given Florida’s August 14 primary, meant May 16.

Five of Florida’s counties are subject to the Voting Rights Act, but the state never sought permission from either the Justice Department or a federal court to implement its voter roll maintenance program.

The VRA requires States to maintain their rolls. They needed permission to follow the freaking law, really?

Dead people can’t vote so it doesn’t make a fucking difference if they are on the rolls.

Yet dead people request absentee ballots every election and many vote, go figure.

No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real

Your party has been in charge of most of the States the past decade, WHY HAVEN'T THEY corrected these 2 situations?

When the person dies and the State fills out their death certificate, the voting precinct is notified of their death and the dead person is removed from the voter roll, all in one swell sweep.

When an applicant for a voter registration card applies, they should be checked against e-verify, to discern if they are a citizen...

And voter rolls purged from all non citizens by verifying against e-verify that exist already on the voter rolls.

Republicans using dead people to vote, citizens voting in 2 States are equal opportunity fraudsters, along with Democratic voters and Independent voters

this can all be handled so easily, but no one in power in the States, wants to do it...

Instead they make up some phony baloney alleged voter fraud to create hurdles for legal living, citizens to vote... which do nothing to stop the Fraud in any kinds of numbers that would affect an election and disenfranchise millions of legal citizens....

It's time for REAL change, that affects the situations that are occurring.

Major deflection noted.
Commies sue to stop States from cleaning their rolls. A few examples.

Va. Democrats sue to stop use of voter ‘purge list’

DOJ to Florida: Don't You Dare Clean Up Your Voter Rolls

Democrats call Ohio's purgings of voter rolls too aggressive

Supreme Court Upholds Ohio’s Purge of Voting Rolls

But you already knew that, didn't ya?

I see you didn't even read your own articles. :rolleyes:

Your first article I could not get in to, in order to read it.

In your 2nd article, it was in 2012 and FLORIDA was breaking the law and trying to disenfranchise minority voters disproportionately, and did not seek the Justice department's permission, required under Law, at the time....

I'll read your other links in a minute.

The Justice Department sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner Thursday evening demanding the state cease purging its voting rolls because the process it is using has not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act, TPM has learned.

DOJ also said that Florida’s voter roll purge violated the National Voter Registration Act, which stipulates that voter roll maintenance should have ceased 90 days before an election, which given Florida’s August 14 primary, meant May 16.

Five of Florida’s counties are subject to the Voting Rights Act, but the state never sought permission from either the Justice Department or a federal court to implement its voter roll maintenance program.

The VRA requires States to maintain their rolls. They needed permission to follow the freaking law, really?

and you missed the part where it says that purge process has to be complete 90 days before an election, giving those illegally/wrongfully purged, time for due process and get their names back on the roll....

FLORida in your link, was NOT following that law.... and THIS was the objection on the law suit. okTexas
Yet dead people request absentee ballots every election and many vote, go figure.

No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real

Your party has been in charge of most of the States the past decade, WHY HAVEN'T THEY corrected these 2 situations?

When the person dies and the State fills out their death certificate, the voting precinct is notified of their death and the dead person is removed from the voter roll, all in one swell sweep.

When an applicant for a voter registration card applies, they should be checked against e-verify, to discern if they are a citizen...

And voter rolls purged from all non citizens by verifying against e-verify that exist already on the voter rolls.

Republicans using dead people to vote, citizens voting in 2 States are equal opportunity fraudsters, along with Democratic voters and Independent voters

this can all be handled so easily, but no one in power in the States, wants to do it...

Instead they make up some phony baloney alleged voter fraud to create hurdles for legal living, citizens to vote... which do nothing to stop the Fraud in any kinds of numbers that would affect an election and disenfranchise millions of legal citizens....

It's time for REAL change, that affects the situations that are occurring.

Major deflection noted.
Commies sue to stop States from cleaning their rolls. A few examples.

Va. Democrats sue to stop use of voter ‘purge list’

DOJ to Florida: Don't You Dare Clean Up Your Voter Rolls

Democrats call Ohio's purgings of voter rolls too aggressive

Supreme Court Upholds Ohio’s Purge of Voting Rolls

But you already knew that, didn't ya?

I see you didn't even read your own articles. :rolleyes:

Your first article I could not get in to, in order to read it.

In your 2nd article, it was in 2012 and FLORIDA was breaking the law and trying to disenfranchise minority voters disproportionately, and did not seek the Justice department's permission, required under Law, at the time....

I'll read your other links in a minute.

The Justice Department sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner Thursday evening demanding the state cease purging its voting rolls because the process it is using has not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act, TPM has learned.

DOJ also said that Florida’s voter roll purge violated the National Voter Registration Act, which stipulates that voter roll maintenance should have ceased 90 days before an election, which given Florida’s August 14 primary, meant May 16.

Five of Florida’s counties are subject to the Voting Rights Act, but the state never sought permission from either the Justice Department or a federal court to implement its voter roll maintenance program.

The VRA requires States to maintain their rolls. They needed permission to follow the freaking law, really?

Yet dead people request absentee ballots every election and many vote, go figure.

No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real

Your party has been in charge of most of the States the past decade, WHY HAVEN'T THEY corrected these 2 situations?

When the person dies and the State fills out their death certificate, the voting precinct is notified of their death and the dead person is removed from the voter roll, all in one swell sweep.

When an applicant for a voter registration card applies, they should be checked against e-verify, to discern if they are a citizen...

And voter rolls purged from all non citizens by verifying against e-verify that exist already on the voter rolls.

Republicans using dead people to vote, citizens voting in 2 States are equal opportunity fraudsters, along with Democratic voters and Independent voters

this can all be handled so easily, but no one in power in the States, wants to do it...

Instead they make up some phony baloney alleged voter fraud to create hurdles for legal living, citizens to vote... which do nothing to stop the Fraud in any kinds of numbers that would affect an election and disenfranchise millions of legal citizens....

It's time for REAL change, that affects the situations that are occurring.

Major deflection noted.
Commies sue to stop States from cleaning their rolls. A few examples.

Va. Democrats sue to stop use of voter ‘purge list’

DOJ to Florida: Don't You Dare Clean Up Your Voter Rolls

Democrats call Ohio's purgings of voter rolls too aggressive

Supreme Court Upholds Ohio’s Purge of Voting Rolls

But you already knew that, didn't ya?

I see you didn't even read your own articles. :rolleyes:

Your first article I could not get in to, in order to read it.

In your 2nd article, it was in 2012 and FLORIDA was breaking the law and trying to disenfranchise minority voters disproportionately, and did not seek the Justice department's permission, required under Law, at the time....

I'll read your other links in a minute.

The Justice Department sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner Thursday evening demanding the state cease purging its voting rolls because the process it is using has not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act, TPM has learned.

DOJ also said that Florida’s voter roll purge violated the National Voter Registration Act, which stipulates that voter roll maintenance should have ceased 90 days before an election, which given Florida’s August 14 primary, meant May 16.

Five of Florida’s counties are subject to the Voting Rights Act, but the state never sought permission from either the Justice Department or a federal court to implement its voter roll maintenance program.

The VRA requires States to maintain their rolls. They needed permission to follow the freaking law, really?

and you missed the part where it says that purge process has to be complete 90 days before an election, giving those illegally/wrongfully purged, time for due process and get their names back on the roll....

FLORida in your link, was NOT following that law.... and THIS was the objection on the law suit. okTexas

So you're implying it wasn't completed 90 days out, yet you have provided no link showing that to be the case. You got any more goal post moves planned?

Considering fools sat idly by and allowed Kemp to engage in election fraud and voter purging to illegitimately elect himself as some so-called governor, when in fact the thieving criminal should be indicted there is no use at complaining now. Yet GOPers will slither out after the fact to pretend they are appalled at this crime instead of stopping it before hand. Considering repukes have a history of preying on the South when it comes to stealing elections, apparently they think they are entitled to do so:

Top GOP adviser denounces Georgia’s Brian Kemp: ‘He cheated & undermined democracy every step of the way’

A top Republican adviser denounced Georgia’s governor-elect Brian Kemp as a “hack” who stole the election.

John Weaver, a political strategist for former president George H.W. Bush and a presidential campaign adviser to the late John McCain, now works for Ohio’s Republican Gov. John Kasich — and he didn’t mince words when it came to Kemp."

Top GOP adviser denounces Georgia's Brian Kemp: 'He cheated & undermined democracy every step of the way'

What did he do, eliminate dead people from the rolls?

he stopped 52000 citizens from being new registered voters because their application names were not an exact match to how the govt had their names in their govt files... if a letter ot hyphen or apostrophe didn't match Kemp's state records, they denied them their voter registration, without contacting them and giving them time to correct the hyphen or period or letter....

70% of the rejected applicants were black.

Have the link?
what happens when the Ultra-right start using the same tactic to vote multiple times, and have dead people vote?

Go for it. The penalties for getting caught are severe enough that you won't do it much. WHich is why it doesn't happen in any real numbers now

This is the same thing as all the left-wingers that were all in favor of Obama using executive privilege to push things they supported... and now Trump is using that same power, and you are acting all hypocritical over it.

Hypocritical? The right went CRAZY over Obama using Executive Orders...and accepts them without question now

Just like you excused Bill Clinton for all kinds of unfaithfulness, and now you want to act like Trumps unfaithful past should matter.

You IMPEACHED Clinton over that and yet don't even blink at Trump's "antics"...and his illegal payoffs TO those women

Newsflash...the only reason your voter ID scams work is that older poorer voters don't have the paperwork required to get IDs. As the population ages out that will no longer work for you. What then?

Oh that's in simply "purge" voters you don't want voting...people who have been legally voting for decades in many cases

Hypocritical? The right went CRAZY over Obama using Executive Orders...and accepts them without question now

Well yeah.... the people on the left defended it. So it is acceptable now. So why would you expect right-wingers to have a problem with Trump doing executive orders now? The left-wing made that the norm. So now it's the norm. You reap what you sow, dude.

LOL.... this is so baffling to me.

Obama does it. You defend it.
Trump does it. "Why are you not against this!"

When you defend something your guy does to the bitter end.... you cannot complain that the rest of us are not opposing it, just because it isn't your guy doing it anymore.

You IMPEACHED Clinton over that and yet don't even blink at Trump's "antics"...and his illegal payoffs TO those women

Huh? What is illegal about it? I could offer you $20 to go away and stop posting crap. We could call that "hush money". There is nothing illegal about it.

Clinton was impeached because he lied under oath, obstructed justice, witness tampered, and a number of other things.

The left-wing did nothing but support him, even though unlike Kavanough, Clinton was credibly accused of rape. A woman detailed, when, where, and what happened, and talked to people about it.

Trump has done nothing legally wrong yet, by any stretch. There's no question he is terrible with women. But there is also no evidence yet to suggest he's done anything legally wrong.

Newsflash...the only reason your voter ID scams work is that older poorer voters don't have the paperwork required to get IDs. As the population ages out that will no longer work for you. What then?

Oh that's in simply "purge" voters you don't want voting...people who have been legally voting for decades in many cases

How is that a scam? Is requiring ID to drive a car, a scam?

And what evidence do you have that purging votes, was done without cause? Because everything I've seen suggests that only invalid votes were purged. If you can't even write your name, you don't get to vote. Otherwise, I can drive around not writing a name and vote 50 times for a Republican. Is that what you want to have happen?

Because I promise you, that if you push this idiotic 'don't have to even write your name to vote' crap, there will be ultra-right groups that will take advantage of your stupidity.
Have the link?

ATLANTA (AP) — Marsha Appling-Nunez was showing the college students she teaches how to check online if they’re registered to vote when she made a troubling discovery. Despite being an active Georgia voter who had cast ballots in recent elections, she was no longer registered.

“I was kind of shocked,” said Appling-Nunez, who moved from one Atlanta suburb to another in May and believed she had successfully changed her address on the voter rolls.

“I’ve always voted. I try to not miss any elections, including local ones,” Appling-Nunez said.

She tried re-registering, but with about one month left before a November election that will decide a governor’s race and some competitive U.S. House races, Appling-Nunez’s application is one of over 53,000 sitting on hold with Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s office. And unlike Appling-Nunez, many people on that list — which is predominantly black, according to an analysis by The Associated Press — may not even know their voter registration has been held up.

Tuesday is Georgia’s deadline to register and be eligible to vote in the November General Election.

Kemp, who’s also the Republican candidate for governor, is in charge of elections and voter registration in Georgia.

His Democratic opponent, former state Rep. Stacey Abrams, and voting rights advocacy groups charge that Kemp is systematically using his office to suppress votes and tilt the election, and that his policies disproportionately affect black and minority voters.

Kemp denies it vehemently.

But through a process that Kemp calls voter roll maintenance and his opponents call voter roll purges, Kemp’s office has cancelled over 1.4 million voter registrations since 2012. Nearly 670,000 registrations were cancelled in 2017 alone.

Voting rights become a flashpoint in Georgia governor's race

On Friday, in a separate case, the American Civil Liberties Union announced the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit had denied Kemp's request to block a court order requiring him to exercise due process before rejecting ballots over mismatching signatures and handwriting.

Judge Rules Against Georgia Election Law, Calling It A 'Severe Burden' For Voters
Have the link?

ATLANTA (AP) — Marsha Appling-Nunez was showing the college students she teaches how to check online if they’re registered to vote when she made a troubling discovery. Despite being an active Georgia voter who had cast ballots in recent elections, she was no longer registered.

“I was kind of shocked,” said Appling-Nunez, who moved from one Atlanta suburb to another in May and believed she had successfully changed her address on the voter rolls.

“I’ve always voted. I try to not miss any elections, including local ones,” Appling-Nunez said.

She tried re-registering, but with about one month left before a November election that will decide a governor’s race and some competitive U.S. House races, Appling-Nunez’s application is one of over 53,000 sitting on hold with Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s office. And unlike Appling-Nunez, many people on that list — which is predominantly black, according to an analysis by The Associated Press — may not even know their voter registration has been held up.

Tuesday is Georgia’s deadline to register and be eligible to vote in the November General Election.

Kemp, who’s also the Republican candidate for governor, is in charge of elections and voter registration in Georgia.

His Democratic opponent, former state Rep. Stacey Abrams, and voting rights advocacy groups charge that Kemp is systematically using his office to suppress votes and tilt the election, and that his policies disproportionately affect black and minority voters.

Kemp denies it vehemently.

But through a process that Kemp calls voter roll maintenance and his opponents call voter roll purges, Kemp’s office has cancelled over 1.4 million voter registrations since 2012. Nearly 670,000 registrations were cancelled in 2017 alone.

Voting rights become a flashpoint in Georgia governor's race

On Friday, in a separate case, the American Civil Liberties Union announced the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit had denied Kemp's request to block a court order requiring him to exercise due process before rejecting ballots over mismatching signatures and handwriting.

Judge Rules Against Georgia Election Law, Calling It A 'Severe Burden' For Voters

Since 2014 over 6 million voters registered to vote in Georgia and there are those registrations that don't follow the legislatures exact match law, only a small portion. However the group that Abrams has been working with is not following the law when signing voters up.

Seems like there is a lot of blame to go around and not just Kemp. Not sure why the exact match law can't be followed. Kemp should have recused himself, however I don't see any fraud just people not following the law.
what happens when the Ultra-right start using the same tactic to vote multiple times, and have dead people vote?

Go for it. The penalties for getting caught are severe enough that you won't do it much. WHich is why it doesn't happen in any real numbers now

This is the same thing as all the left-wingers that were all in favor of Obama using executive privilege to push things they supported... and now Trump is using that same power, and you are acting all hypocritical over it.

Hypocritical? The right went CRAZY over Obama using Executive Orders...and accepts them without question now

Just like you excused Bill Clinton for all kinds of unfaithfulness, and now you want to act like Trumps unfaithful past should matter.

You IMPEACHED Clinton over that and yet don't even blink at Trump's "antics"...and his illegal payoffs TO those women

Newsflash...the only reason your voter ID scams work is that older poorer voters don't have the paperwork required to get IDs. As the population ages out that will no longer work for you. What then?

Oh that's in simply "purge" voters you don't want voting...people who have been legally voting for decades in many cases

You gotta love this person, trying to spin as fast as he can-------->

1. Clinton did his deeds WHILE IN OFFICE, as governor, and President; there is a difference you know!

2. Trumps money to women are CALLED NDAs, also known as Non disclosure agreements, and are PERFECTLY LEGAL! In fact, if there was any illegality, it was from the women who BROKE the NDAs they signed!

Aren't you and your Leftist friends embarrassed about constantly being wrong on the facts and staining your credibility yet? Or rather, are you paid well enough for to spout MISINFORMATION, to make it worth while to you to constantly look silly-)

That is why their propaganda usually fails legal scrutiny.

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