Too many whites at Florida college

Flagler has to become a failing school just like all the other colleges with a diverse student body.
But of course it's fine to have colleges that have always been known as "historically black".

I remember an ESPN show back in the 90's (hell I don't know, maybe it's still on) it was called "Black College Sports Today".

I remember watching an episode one day with my son. There were two black guys that hosted it.

When my son saw the title he looked up at me very confused. He was being taught about diversity, being taught about MLK, and not seeing the color of someone's skin, and instead seeing their character. Then he comes across something like this blatantly in your face on TV.

Then there's shit like this: Black College Today

And of course, it's perfectly okay, the media and everyone completely accepts it, but the moment a college is getting too white, well shit we can't have that, and programs are developed to change it immediately !!

I mean christ, we could go on with this shit all day. I remember here just recently on I think it was the B.E.T. awards, or some NAACP awards show, where Jamie Foxx was up on stage receiving some award and he commented quote:
'black people are the most talented people in the world'.
I thought to myself, can you imagine George Clooney on stage saying white people were the most talented ? Lol ! Obviously it would never happen, but if it did Clooney is in for some deep ass shit.
Foxx goes on, nobody challeneges him, no morning show cancels his appearance.

Fucking amazing ! You know, for me I don't give such a big shit anymore, it's a blatant double-standard but what are you going to do, the media is trained to keep their mouths shut.

What I am disgusted about though is white kids of today, and what they must be feeling and going through. They must be asking themselves why they are being persecuted. It's just a downright sad ass shame.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Must Embrace Diversity ? The Conversation - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education


raymondwinbush • a year ago

This is a very naive article and is easy to write from behind the desk of at TWI (Traditionally White Insitution). HBCUs have *always* "embraced diversity since they were first opened because TWIs, via American apartheid kept Black students from entering their doors. Would we ever see an article entitled, "Catholic Universities Must Embrace Protestants" or "Women's Colleges Must Embrace Men"? Why is the burden of "duhversity" placed on HBCUS which have and continue to be underfunded, understaffed and under appreciated compared to TWIs.

I teach at an HBCU (Morgan State University) and have also taught at Fisk, Oakwood and Alabama A & M, all HBCUs. I have also taught at Vanderbilt (14 years) and I have heard this same argument posed in a variety of ways during my 39 years in higher education. Like "True the Vote" going after "voter fraud" which doesn't exist, "diversity at HBCUs" has never been a problem. Perhaps what *is* the problem is that HBCUs are reminders of the unfinished business of dismantling white supremacy in *all* of its forms in a society that is in a state of denial about its racist past.

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Too many white people in this country ...period.
That's why the knockout game was started...
Taking the fight to the streets....
One whitey at a time.

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