Top election data analyst says Trump’s odds of winning have suddenly surged - but can’t explain why

Indeed, choosing Biden over Trump in 2021 was a big mistake, repeating by by electing the Harris/Walz ticket would be adding insult to injury...
The only good thing to come of it was getting rid of Pence.
5 is concerning

The number of single women who put the need to be able to kill their baby above all else is troubling, politically and socially.
What an idiotic statement, still no matter how typical of you. Troll clown.
Many pollsters over sample the female vote which is biased toward Harris. That skews the poll.
I'm watching Trump, right now, in very deep blue Colorado. He is speaking in Aurora. Aurora is one of those cities that have begged for help and had the government call them all liars.
Democrats might seem like borderline commies these days but they are politically astute. The reason they kept Kamila away from the media is obvious. She is an empty suit and it's getting harder and harder to keep her from responding to hardball questions. The media is trying to protect her but she can't get away with ignoring the disaster victims and her response is less than satisfactory.
Could it be because the nation sees that Harris and Walz are useless losers?

I am not sure the nation as a whole is intelligent enough to see that. Many just want some free stuff and to take money from the rich.
I am not sure the nation as a whole is intelligent enough to see that. Many just want some free stuff and to take money from the rich.

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