Town Hall With Trump, Media Professionals Are Kooks!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
I watched the CNN Town Hall with Donald Trump and CNN's coverage last night and what I found most alarming about it, and this is really significant because as I have written before I think Donald Trump should never ever be given the Presidency because he would be dangerous beyond words in that capacity because of his character trait of putting his interests over the American people's interest and they even trumped Trump being vintage Trump last night, but what I found most alarming about it is the media and the many media professionals appearing on CNN "bias" in their coverage of Donald Trump it really subverts the media's job of being an asset to our country's Democracy and to help the country select the best candidates and implement the best public policy for our people. These CNN media professionals live in their own world and they don't allot for the consideration that many other people live in a different world and it is very fair and legitimate for these people to live in that world.

These media people have to stop with this labeling of people that believe the 2020 election was fraudulent are liars. It doesn't matter that the Trump team had fifty plus lawsuits claiming fraud and lost them all. Election laws in some states were changed for mail in balloting, in some voting districts nonconforming ballots were allowed to be cured in others not and the whole concept of mail in balloting without a compelling reason like for health reason, age or absent from the voting district area open up the door to ballot harvesting where some voters are subject to pressure to vote the way the harvester wishes. And the media with this viewpoint that if certain members of the administration or a party believe there was no fraud that such is somehow objective truth and for others to think otherwise means they are lying is preposterous people are entitled to their own viewpoint their own conscience.

The media with this attitude that their viewpoint somehow gains gospel status is garbage and it really needs to go away in our society. The media with their viewpoint that just because E. Jean Carroll won her civil case, Donald Trump should be labeled a rapist, a moral depraved sexual predator who is then ineligible to be elected President on character grounds. These media types need to allow for other legitimate viewpoints here like assuming everything Ms. Carroll said was true about the incident there was problems with her behavior that day she exercised outstanding bad judgement engaging in a daring contest with Mr. Trump to try on a see thru outfit then going into a fitting room that has a door with Mr. Trump you being a very attractive women and knowing Mr. Trump's reputation as a womanizer it doesn't justify his sexual aggression or him being held liable to the law over it but it does justify that he not be condemned over it Ms. Carroll's irresponsible behavior provided the proximate cause for the sexual assault. And the media condemnation of Trump over his denial of the sexual assault and this is also a criticism of the NY defamation law in question but penalizing someone for denying perpetrating a crime no matter how verbally aggressive calling a person a nut job or opportunist or the like should be considered a violation of a person's civil rights a person should always be free to exercise speech denying he or she perpetrated a crime.

All this media bias where they demand everyone live in their world really undermines the media's performing their role in examining candidates and their policy positions. Kaitlin Collins did a great job last night she was excellent in trying to get Trump to answer important issues and not ignore or distort the truth; but she conducted herself like any of the cable network big star hosts would have performed where they spend so much time holding up their interviewee to the standards of their world like that is the only legitimate world. She spent so much time on issues like the stupid 2020 election and the E. Jean Carroll case she didn't spend time delving into Trump's scary public policy positions. Like him saying the Republican House should not veer off don't raise the debt ceiling drive forward drive to the point where the nation defaults then the Democrats will give you your five billion dollar spending cuts. She should have asked Mr. Trump does he understand that if the Treasury department doesn't pay the interest and principal payments on a Treasury bond when it becomes due America will be in technical default and if the credit rating agencies have any credibility at all they would have to downgrade the credit rating of Treasury bonds and notes below AAA which would cause a massive selling of Treasury bonds because many holders of such bonds only hold them because of their triple AAA credit rating which they are contractually require to honor and since the U.S. is at its debt ceiling and is unable to pay all its bills the numbers of Treasury bond buyers in the market would be low causing Treasury bond prices to drop and this would cause contagion in other bond and financial markets causing them to drop this would cause layoffs and a drop off in capital spending. She should have asked him does he really think that the many extremely reputable and talented economist who have said that defaulting on America's treasury bonds and notes would have catastrophic economic effects are wrong. Furthermore does he really seriously think that after the Republicans cause a Treasury debt default and the subsequent dramatic economic harm the Democrats are going to then give the Democrats five trillion dollars in spending cuts, the U.S. government will be a desperately needed employer and driver of employment at that point Democrats are never going to at that point agree to such cuts. Plus at that point Medicaid costs Food Stamps costs TANF costs, etc. are all going to dramatically increase and the Federal government will have to do stimulus packages, the Republicans will be responsible for making the national debt dramatically worse!

There is so many relevant policy issues that should have been explored during this Town Hall with Trump to demonstrate he is a disaster beyond words waiting to happen if he is given the Presidency. Trump said during the Town Hall that he would negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine within twenty-four hours of becoming President and he could do that because of the weaknesses of both Zelensky and Putin. Kaitlin should have asked him what did he mean by Zelensky's weakness was he referring to that fact Zelensky needs ammunition from America to keep the Russian Army at bay would Trump really stop the shipment of things like 155 mm shells which the Ukraine military uses in their howitzers to stop the advance of the Russian Army. Does Trump acknowledge that Putin has made clear his territorial goals he not only wants to reconstitute the old Soviet Union but he wants to reestablish a Russian empire which will take more of Europe than the Soviet Union did. Does Trump acknowledge what America's best retired Generals have said publicly which is that Putin with his current army cannot win the war against Ukraine Putin in order to achieve this goal will have to rebuild his army which at the earliest will take the better part of a decade. So within this time frame if Ukraine is given the appropriate arms and sustained military assistance it could win this war against Russia and if Ukraine wins this war it will build up its military power sufficient enough to be a defacto impenetrable security barrier against the Russian Army invading NATO through Ukraine. Trump said that the US has given $170 billion dollars to Ukraine and European countries have given $20 billion during this Ukrainian War; those numbers don't sound right to me I thought the figure for the U.S. was like $47 billion and Trump's comments don't understand leadership, diplomacy and the complete picture. Leadership doesn't mean you act like a bookkeeper and say I am only giving as much as so and so or this group or that group. Doesn't Trump understand that outside of Germany most of the European countries aren't in great economic shape and Germany has a problem where during World War II the German Army killed hundreds of thousands of Russians Germany has to be careful not to rally the Russian people to support the Ukrainian war as this war being a repeat of the one in the nineteen thirties and forties. When 9-11 occurred and America was looking for allies to go into Afghanistan and remove the Taliban from power European countries helped America they weren't being super self centered; any prudent and fair assessment would conclude that Europe with respect to the Ukrainian war has been great allies to America the alliance is working well there is no need for whining rather praise is in order!

Backlash Erupts Against CNN for Hosting the Former President

11 May 2023 ~~ By Paul Bois

CNN faced backlash from opponents of former President Donald Trump for hosting him in a town hall on the network Wednesday, charging that they gave him a stage.
“CNN should be ashamed of themselves,” lamented socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). “They have lost total control of this ‘town hall’ to again be manipulated into platforming election disinformation, defenses of Jan 6th, and a public attack on a sexual abuse victim. The audience is cheering him on and laughing at the host.”
“This is an irresponsible disaster of journalism. We have absolutely learned nothing,” said Matt Fuller of the Daily Beast.
“This is really not going how CNN must have thought or hoped it would go,” said Yahoo News senior correspondent Michael Weiss. “He is steamrolling, getting laughs for his crassest comments, and seems far more self-assured and confident than someone this deep in the soup should be.”

It is hilarious that their argument essentially boils down to them needing Trump silenced because he is so good at pointing out how terrible they are.
I guess their idea of a "Town Hall" is Trump just sits there and isn't allowed to talk while she screams at him for an hour?
Who is going to watch that and who would subject themselves to it?
The fact that talking heads of CNN and Maoist Democrats were so triggered tells me Trump was over target. These clowns are so dishonest to the point of criminal insanity.
CNN sponsored the "Town Hall" knowing Trump would help their ratings. What They didn’t count on was DJT schooling that witch Collins. She thought she was going to get the better of him. Not even close.
I think that President Trump's mental acuity compared to that of President Biden's was on full display tonight, is front and center well above and beyond old Joe.
I watched the CNN Town Hall with Donald Trump and CNN's coverage last night and what I found most alarming about it, and this is really significant because as I have written before I think Donald Trump should never ever be given the Presidency because he would be dangerous beyond words in that capacity because of his character trait of putting his interests over the American people's interest and they even trumped Trump being vintage Trump last night, but what I found most alarming about it is the media and the many media professionals appearing on CNN "bias" in their coverage of Donald Trump it really subverts the media's job of being an asset to our country's Democracy and to help the country select the best candidates and implement the best public policy for our people. These CNN media professionals live in their own world and they don't allot for the consideration that many other people live in a different world and it is very fair and legitimate for these people to live in that world.

These media people have to stop with this labeling of people that believe the 2020 election was fraudulent are liars. It doesn't matter that the Trump team had fifty plus lawsuits claiming fraud and lost them all. Election laws in some states were changed for mail in balloting, in some voting districts nonconforming ballots were allowed to be cured in others not and the whole concept of mail in balloting without a compelling reason like for health reason, age or absent from the voting district area open up the door to ballot harvesting where some voters are subject to pressure to vote the way the harvester wishes. And the media with this viewpoint that if certain members of the administration or a party believe there was no fraud that such is somehow objective truth and for others to think otherwise means they are lying is preposterous people are entitled to their own viewpoint their own conscience.

The media with this attitude that their viewpoint somehow gains gospel status is garbage and it really needs to go away in our society. The media with their viewpoint that just because E. Jean Carroll won her civil case, Donald Trump should be labeled a rapist, a moral depraved sexual predator who is then ineligible to be elected President on character grounds. These media types need to allow for other legitimate viewpoints here like assuming everything Ms. Carroll said was true about the incident there was problems with her behavior that day she exercised outstanding bad judgement engaging in a daring contest with Mr. Trump to try on a see thru outfit then going into a fitting room that has a door with Mr. Trump you being a very attractive women and knowing Mr. Trump's reputation as a womanizer it doesn't justify his sexual aggression or him being held liable to the law over it but it does justify that he not be condemned over it Ms. Carroll's irresponsible behavior provided the proximate cause for the sexual assault. And the media condemnation of Trump over his denial of the sexual assault and this is also a criticism of the NY defamation law in question but penalizing someone for denying perpetrating a crime no matter how verbally aggressive calling a person a nut job or opportunist or the like should be considered a violation of a person's civil rights a person should always be free to exercise speech denying he or she perpetrated a crime.

All this media bias where they demand everyone live in their world really undermines the media's performing their role in examining candidates and their policy positions. Kaitlin Collins did a great job last night she was excellent in trying to get Trump to answer important issues and not ignore or distort the truth; but she conducted herself like any of the cable network big star hosts would have performed where they spend so much time holding up their interviewee to the standards of their world like that is the only legitimate world. She spent so much time on issues like the stupid 2020 election and the E. Jean Carroll case she didn't spend time delving into Trump's scary public policy positions. Like him saying the Republican House should not veer off don't raise the debt ceiling drive forward drive to the point where the nation defaults then the Democrats will give you your five billion dollar spending cuts. She should have asked Mr. Trump does he understand that if the Treasury department doesn't pay the interest and principal payments on a Treasury bond when it becomes due America will be in technical default and if the credit rating agencies have any credibility at all they would have to downgrade the credit rating of Treasury bonds and notes below AAA which would cause a massive selling of Treasury bonds because many holders of such bonds only hold them because of their triple AAA credit rating which they are contractually require to honor and since the U.S. is at its debt ceiling and is unable to pay all its bills the numbers of Treasury bond buyers in the market would be low causing Treasury bond prices to drop and this would cause contagion in other bond and financial markets causing them to drop this would cause layoffs and a drop off in capital spending. She should have asked him does he really think that the many extremely reputable and talented economist who have said that defaulting on America's treasury bonds and notes would have catastrophic economic effects are wrong. Furthermore does he really seriously think that after the Republicans cause a Treasury debt default and the subsequent dramatic economic harm the Democrats are going to then give the Democrats five trillion dollars in spending cuts, the U.S. government will be a desperately needed employer and driver of employment at that point Democrats are never going to at that point agree to such cuts. Plus at that point Medicaid costs Food Stamps costs TANF costs, etc. are all going to dramatically increase and the Federal government will have to do stimulus packages, the Republicans will be responsible for making the national debt dramatically worse!

There is so many relevant policy issues that should have been explored during this Town Hall with Trump to demonstrate he is a disaster beyond words waiting to happen if he is given the Presidency. Trump said during the Town Hall that he would negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine within twenty-four hours of becoming President and he could do that because of the weaknesses of both Zelensky and Putin. Kaitlin should have asked him what did he mean by Zelensky's weakness was he referring to that fact Zelensky needs ammunition from America to keep the Russian Army at bay would Trump really stop the shipment of things like 155 mm shells which the Ukraine military uses in their howitzers to stop the advance of the Russian Army. Does Trump acknowledge that Putin has made clear his territorial goals he not only wants to reconstitute the old Soviet Union but he wants to reestablish a Russian empire which will take more of Europe than the Soviet Union did. Does Trump acknowledge what America's best retired Generals have said publicly which is that Putin with his current army cannot win the war against Ukraine Putin in order to achieve this goal will have to rebuild his army which at the earliest will take the better part of a decade. So within this time frame if Ukraine is given the appropriate arms and sustained military assistance it could win this war against Russia and if Ukraine wins this war it will build up its military power sufficient enough to be a defacto impenetrable security barrier against the Russian Army invading NATO through Ukraine. Trump said that the US has given $170 billion dollars to Ukraine and European countries have given $20 billion during this Ukrainian War; those numbers don't sound right to me I thought the figure for the U.S. was like $47 billion and Trump's comments don't understand leadership, diplomacy and the complete picture. Leadership doesn't mean you act like a bookkeeper and say I am only giving as much as so and so or this group or that group. Doesn't Trump understand that outside of Germany most of the European countries aren't in great economic shape and Germany has a problem where during World War II the German Army killed hundreds of thousands of Russians Germany has to be careful not to rally the Russian people to support the Ukrainian war as this war being a repeat of the one in the nineteen thirties and forties. When 9-11 occurred and America was looking for allies to go into Afghanistan and remove the Taliban from power European countries helped America they weren't being super self centered; any prudent and fair assessment would conclude that Europe with respect to the Ukrainian war has been great allies to America the alliance is working well there is no need for whining rather praise is in order!
They are either lying or stooooopid. The election wasn't stolen. Anyone who doesn't believe that is just wrong.

Backlash Erupts Against CNN for Hosting the Former President

11 May 2023 ~~ By Paul Bois

CNN faced backlash from opponents of former President Donald Trump for hosting him in a town hall on the network Wednesday, charging that they gave him a stage.
“CNN should be ashamed of themselves,” lamented socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). “They have lost total control of this ‘town hall’ to again be manipulated into platforming election disinformation, defenses of Jan 6th, and a public attack on a sexual abuse victim. The audience is cheering him on and laughing at the host.”
“This is an irresponsible disaster of journalism. We have absolutely learned nothing,” said Matt Fuller of the Daily Beast.
“This is really not going how CNN must have thought or hoped it would go,” said Yahoo News senior correspondent Michael Weiss. “He is steamrolling, getting laughs for his crassest comments, and seems far more self-assured and confident than someone this deep in the soup should be.”

It is hilarious that their argument essentially boils down to them needing Trump silenced because he is so good at pointing out how terrible they are.
I guess their idea of a "Town Hall" is Trump just sits there and isn't allowed to talk while she screams at him for an hour?
Who is going to watch that and who would subject themselves to it?
The fact that talking heads of CNN and Maoist Democrats were so triggered tells me Trump was over target. These clowns are so dishonest to the point of criminal insanity.
CNN sponsored the "Town Hall" knowing Trump would help their ratings. What They didn’t count on was DJT schooling that witch Collins. She thought she was going to get the better of him. Not even close.
I think that President Trump's mental acuity compared to that of President Biden's was on full display tonight, is front and center well above and beyond old Joe.


It was a waste-of-time exercise in watching a leftist whore ask the same questions over and over and over and over in the hope that she'd bully President Trump into capitulating and giving the answer she wanted.

First and last time I've ever allowed CNN on my TV screen.

That pretty much sums it up.


CNN’s Oliver Darcy Reports CEO Chris Licht and Network are ‘Facing Fury of Criticism’ Within Company After Trump Town Hall​

11 May 2023 ~~ By Charlie Nash

CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy revealed Wednesday evening that CNN was “facing a fury of criticism” within the company following its controversial town hall with former President Donald Trump.

“It’s hard to see how America was served by the spectacle of lies that aired on CNN Wednesday evening,” wrote Darcy in CNN’s Reliable Sources newsletter.

While he praised the “tough and knowledgable” CNN host Kaitlan Collins for her attempts at fact-checking Trump’s remarks, Darcy said Collins was given “an impossible task” and “put in an uncomfortable position,” given that the audience was comprised of Republicans who mostly applauded the former president and laughed at his comments.
“And CNN aired it all. On and on it went. It felt like 2016 all over again. It was Trump’s unhinged social media feed brought to life on stage,” Darcy wrote, noting that Trump’s staffers were reportedly “delighted” with the event.
Darcy wrote that “CNN and new network boss Chris Licht are facing a fury of criticism — both internally and externally over the event,” before adding, “How Licht and other CNN executives address the criticism in the coming days and weeks will be crucial.”
“Will they defend what transpired at Saint Anselm College? Or will they express some regret? For now, CNN is defending itself,” he wrote.
In a statement on Wednesday, a CNN spokesperson praised Collins for her role in the town hall:
“Tonight, Kaitlan Collins exemplified what it means to be a world-class journalist. She asked tough, fair and revealing questions. And she followed up and fact-checked President Trump in real time to arm voters with crucial information about his positions as he enters the 2024 election as the Republican frontrunner. That is CNN’s role and responsibility: to get answers and hold the powerful to account.”
However, many politicos, journalists and observers have criticized CNN for hosting Trump live on-air and accused the network of losing control over the interview.
“It was an interesting night. Mr. Trump’s first lie was told just seconds into the night with his false, familiar claim that the 2020 election was, quote, ‘a rigged election,'” said CNN anchor Jake Tapper following the town hall. “And the falsehoods kept coming, fast and furious, about the January 6 insurrection, about the threat to Vice President Pence, about Pence’s ability to overturn the election, about Covid, about the economy, and more.”
Trump concluded his appearance in the town hall by praising Collins and regaling the audience for over a minute.
“I like you guys. We love New Hampshire!” he said as the audience stood in applause.

Maoist Democrats and the Quisling Media are in an uproar because they wanted to set Trump up at this town hall and instead Trump hit a grand slam AND made the moderator look as stupid and vacuous as she is.
If the folks at CNN insist, just go ahead and keep listening to your insular world echoes.
At first, I thought it was a mistake for Trump to go on the Communist National Network.
Trump outdid himself and of course now they are crying foul over the internet. Sorry CNN, you set yourself up. We got another chance to make them look like idiots. The moderator turned white within minutes. How did Trump manage to get the audience all MAGA.
Indeed, Maoist/Progressives/Marxist Leftists working for CNN think they and their political views, not objective journalism, should be running CNN. They don’t want a free press, and independent press. They want a Liberal/Progressive/Leftist press. They don’t want journalism; they want their political agendas.
We are now beginning to hear from a few prominent GOP sources, what I have been saying since the Bush #43 administration. Every minute of ABC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC/NBC/NPR “news” coverage should be considered an in-kind campaign contribution to Democrats. The Federal Election Commision should fine them all the equivalent of their ad revenue during every minute of propagandist “news” they report.
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Try as they might, the leftist MSM proved they are simply just not on Trump's level.

Trump was ready - CNN was clearly NOT.

- On the live stage facing a CNN host, Trump demonstrated exactly why the Democrat Party decided there would be no debates for Joe to participate in. The CNN host doesn't have Biden's cognitive impairment yet still got destroyed.

They were playing checkers while he played chess.

He masterfully responded to their questions, side-stepped their jabs, and countered them

He didn't have to put up with their nasty, rude, insulting behaviour, and he called them.out, fired back...he even had CNN's own hand-picked audience on his side, LAUGHING at the CNN host.


He took over the Town Hall meeting, made himself look awesome, and made CNN look like a fake news laughing stock.

He made them look SO bad CNN cut / ended the Town Hall meeting 25 minutes early, just to make their world-wide, televised ass-spanking end.

CNN personalities, AOC, and others lost thrir friggin' minds!

AOC attacked CNN, telling them they should be ashamed for successfully letting Trump use CNN as a 2024 Presidential ad.

It was a waste-of-time exercise in watching a leftist whore ask the same questions
the media whore's disrespect
Too many Republicans, Conservatives, and most MAGA's & QAnon'rs like above.....are simply misogynistic unhappy failed souls.
In the humble opinion of my poor avatar.

They look for every opportunity to spew their disrespect towards women.

Personally, I think it is sad. It is, again in my opinion, a tell on an unhappy failed life.

Too many Republicans, Conservatives, and most MAGA's & QAnon'rs like above.....are simply misogynistic unhappy failed souls.
In the humble opinion of my poor avatar.

They look for every opportunity to spew their disrespect towards women.

Personally, I think it is sad. It is, again in my opinion, a tell on an unhappy failed life.


AOC publicly admitted and criticized CNN for successfully setting Trump for a win like a college volleyball Setter placing the ball percectly up for the Spiker for a game-winning, in-your-face spike.


...and they did. THAT is SAD (for snowflakes).

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