Toxic-Waste: Shiva's Refugee


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a toxic-waste elegy involving Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and was inspired by John Boorman's The Emerald Forest.

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"After the American sci-fi horror film Alien: Covenant was released, people were curious about how modern civilization contemplated the consequences of anarchy. The film presented the story of predatory alien creatures shocking human sensibilities about sanity and survival and peace. Lord Shiva (Hindu god of destruction and meditation) saw the film and liked it and wondered if the modern anathema of mishandled industrialization-related toxic-waste was creating new kinds of 'village refugees' so he started meditating about what sentient beings in the universe were alarmed by toxic-waste on Earth."


"Shiva found such a sentient being hiding on Venus. She was a former queen of the species known as the 'Borg' (a cybernetic species with a bee-hive political structure). According to the Borg-queen, toxic-waste was a demoralizing element of action and decision, and it frightened her beyond belief. The Borg-queen was praying to the gods, and Shiva heard her prayer and decided to transform himself into an onyx manifestation (or 'avatar') of himself and visit the Borg-queen on Venus."


SHIVA: I've come to Venus to answer your prayers.
BORG-QUEEN: Thank you! Toxic-waste will demoralize this universe...
SHIVA: Why did you flee from your Borg species?
BORG-QUEEN: They were about to experiment with biochemical warfare!
SHIVA: I see...they obviously weren't alarmed by toxic-waste on Earth.
BORG-QUEEN: Indeed not; I fear that this trend will tear apart every living soul.
SHIVA: I have an idea; I'll transform you into a Rajasthani (Indian) princess.
BORG-QUEEN: Then what?
SHIVA: I'll give you a palace in India and protect you, and we'll write poems.
SHIVA: Yes! We'll submit poems to the India Times about toxic-waste.
BORG-QUEEN: I suppose you'll supply some nifty cartoons/drawings.
SHIVA: Yes. Those will complement your poems...
BORG-QUEEN: Do you think it will inspired humanity to deal with toxic-waste?
SHIVA: It can't hurt; and besides, it's better than hiding here on Venus forever.
BORG-QUEEN: I agree; I suppose this 'creativity protest' just might work!
SHIVA: I'm sure it will help; this will be our 'anti-corruption prayer.'
BORG-QUEEN: Sounds cool...

"Shiva did as he promised and began drawing political-cartoons about the dangers of toxic-waste to complement the Borg-queen's poems about toxic-waste and eco-conservation. The work was appreciated by the India Times, and Shiva gave the Borg-queen a palace in Rajasthan after he transformed her into a beautiful Indian princess. The creative work was indeed a terrific anti-corruption prayer, and the Borg-queen took the Indian-princess name 'Eli.' Eli and Shiva were a powerful duo."


SHIVA: Your sci-fi horror film Alien: Covenant inspired me...
RIDLEY SCOTT: Thank you, Lord Shiva.
SHIVA: I began thinking about anarchy in the modern age.
RIDLEY SCOTT: Yes, the film inspires ideas about 'evolutionary chaos.'
SHIVA: Indeed; I was focusing on industrialization problems.
RIDLEY SCOTT: Yes, such as toxic waste, right?
SHIVA: Precisely; I've enjoyed working with an Indian princess about the matter.
RIDLEY SCOTT: Yes, the princess Eli (in Rajasthan); I enjoy her poems.
SHIVA: The India Times has been publishing our work on toxic-waste.
RIDLEY SCOTT: Toxic-waste is a modern anathema...
SHIVA: Indeed; perhaps your film will inspire more eco-conscious creativity.
RIDLEY SOTT: It's surely a film about the 'sanctity' of evolution...
SHIVA: Yes, the predatory creatures in the film represent wrath.
RIDLEY SCOTT: Toxic-waste is like a sore on the soul, no?
SHIVA: I agree. That's why Eli and I both appreciate Alien: Covenant.
RIDLEY SCOTT: It's a good feeling to work like a priest!
SHIVA: Yes it is, and I think that's because teamwork defines passion.
RIDLEY SCOTT: Maybe a classic sci-fi horror film like Frankenstein symbolizes nuclear war.
SHIVA: Perhaps it does; perhaps storytelling and creativity uplift the gloomy heart!
RIDLEY SCOTT: I will remember what you said about how my film inspired you.
SHIVA: Great! Yes, it compelled me to think about 'civics taxonomy.'
RIDLEY SCOTT: Maybe I'll make a movie about Jesus working with terrorism.




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