Transgender Starbucks Worker Fired After Confrontation At Work

Normally I hate gay people, but Baron Von Murderpaws doesn't try to make me turn LGBT or want to seek special treatment because he's gay so I actually consider him a friend. He knows that I don't approve of his lifestyle and he doesn't care and we like each other anyways.
I’ve met transsexuals. They are not a threat.

I used to know one but that's not the point.
That is exactly the point. You hate people you don’t know and have no idea who they influence. That’s blind hatred.
So what should happen to trans folks? Should they be cured of their mental’ illness?’
They should be isolated from children and not pandered to but otherwise left alone

“Pandering” being defined as not allowing trans to use the opposite sex bathroom

And not allowing trans men to compete in womens sports
Letting them live their lives the way they want to.
Why do you want to interfere with someone ‘pursuit of happiness?’

THERE IS no "happiness" in self-deceipt, in hating your innate biology, in being unable to cope with reality.
That is not "happiness," it is pathological, often fatal mental illness which you condone and respect, encouraging more of the same.
Years ago, homosexuals, who labeled themselves "gay," another one-word oxymoron, said "What we do in the privacy of our bedrooms is nobody else's business." From this, they began parading their "privacy" and shoving it down everyone's throats.
Bake our cake or we sue you, "bigot." Then they demanded, and got, marriage between two men, or two women.
When one wonders will the sick perverts demand marriage between men and sheep, men and dogs?

These perverts molest and rape children and even babies in horrific, evil numbers. When priests were discovered molesting boys, homosexuals seized on it, failing to note that every molesting priest is, by definition, homosexual, like them.

Now we have Panda Eyes, which are two black eyes resulting in small infants being brutally, painfully sodomized by savages who celebrate their evil.

On his death bed, Oscar Wilde said to his homosexual lover were, "Did you ever love any of those boys (that we raped)?"

(No.) Neither did I." Dead at 46. Due to their orgiastic propensities and violence, homosexuals die, on average, decades earlier than real men.

And there will be gullibles here who will swallow that CIA planted drivel without a passing thought .
These guys with makeup and fake boobs think they are pretty and when you use your 1st Amendment right to laugh they get angry to the point of violence and left wing democrats take their side. The freaking world is upside down. Show us the manifest.

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