Transgender student sues Baptist university that expelled her

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Transgender student sues Baptist university that expelled her -

Domaine Javier had already been accepted to California Baptist University’s nursing program with a dual scholarship in music and academics when she came out as transgender on an episode of MTV’s “True Life” in 2011. Months after the show aired, Javier received a letter from the university accusing her of fraud: She had listed her gender as female on her admissions application, an identity claim California Baptist refused to accept. Shortly after that, Javier was expelled.

Among other questions, I really wonder why people bare their souls on these idiot "reality" shows. I also wonder why the shows are popular.

As for the college, if they had this rule before the suit, they're in the right. If they decided on this policy in response to the student coming out, then I suspect they're in violation of the contract they had with her.

BUT --

California Baptist, like many other religiously-affiliated institutions, bans same-sex relationships through a policy on “sexual conduct outside of marriage,” but there is no such language prohibiting the enrollment of transgender students. And while Christian universities have successfully defended against anti-gay discrimination suits on religious grounds, it’s less likely that they can make the same case for an anti-transgender policy, Suzanne Goldberg, a professor at Columbia Law School who specializes in sexuality and gender law, told the Huffington Post. ”While the position against same-sex sexual relations in some religions is widely known, I don’t think the same is true for positions regarding gender identity,” she said.

Evidently, they made their policy in response to this particular student.

I also wonder why some people believe other people's sexuality is their business. do those same meddling busybodies agree that their sexuality is also open to scrutiny? I doubt it.
He wasn't expelled because of a sexual relationship but because he lied on the application. That's called fraud.
If his drivers license and birth certificate list her as a man, then she should have enrolled as a man. You have to write what's official on legal documents, not just how you feel.

from the above link;
"Welcome to California Baptist University a Top Private Christian College."

Private- they can do as they wish
Christian- apparently the student did not "demonstrate Christian Values" as stated in the student handbook under 'conduct'

why would a transgender student even want to enroll in a private christian college is beyond me, unless it was to intentionally be antagonistic to the PRIVATE college.

from the above link;
"Welcome to California Baptist University a Top Private Christian College."

Private- they can do as they wish
Christian- apparently the student did not "demonstrate Christian Values" as stated in the student handbook under 'conduct'

why would a transgender student even want to enroll in a private christian college is beyond me, unless it was to intentionally be antagonistic to the PRIVATE college.

If they are indeed 100% private with no government funding.......
Why did they enroll in a private Christian University in the first place? Sounds like a set up to me.

from the above link;
"Welcome to California Baptist University a Top Private Christian College."

Private- they can do as they wish
Christian- apparently the student did not "demonstrate Christian Values" as stated in the student handbook under 'conduct'

why would a transgender student even want to enroll in a private christian college is beyond me, unless it was to intentionally be antagonistic to the PRIVATE college.

Possible. There is also the possibility that that college is the best in the area, and she wanted to go to the best college.

from the above link;
"Welcome to California Baptist University a Top Private Christian College."

Private- they can do as they wish
Christian- apparently the student did not "demonstrate Christian Values" as stated in the student handbook under 'conduct'

why would a transgender student even want to enroll in a private christian college is beyond me, unless it was to intentionally be antagonistic to the PRIVATE college.

Possible. There is also the possibility that that college is the best in the area, and she wanted to go to the best college.

It may be the right university for excellent Nursing and Music programs in one place.

from the above link;
"Welcome to California Baptist University a Top Private Christian College."

Private- they can do as they wish
Christian- apparently the student did not "demonstrate Christian Values" as stated in the student handbook under 'conduct'

why would a transgender student even want to enroll in a private christian college is beyond me, unless it was to intentionally be antagonistic to the PRIVATE college.

If they are indeed 100% private with no government funding.......

In the mission statement they state that their purpose is to educate so that their alumni may spread the gospel.
In the about us section they claim to accept no federal funding......

This whole thing is nothing more than a bullshit scheme to antagonize this college for some unknown reason.

Look, I am a jew, I would be lying on my application if I signed it too, as I can't go about living a christian life or demonstrating christian values. That said, this situation would be simular to me enrolling, getting expelled, and then launching a media attack on the college because they discriminate against jews.

Yet I knew that prior to enrolling.......

from the above link;
"Welcome to California Baptist University a Top Private Christian College."

Private- they can do as they wish
Christian- apparently the student did not "demonstrate Christian Values" as stated in the student handbook under 'conduct'

why would a transgender student even want to enroll in a private christian college is beyond me, unless it was to intentionally be antagonistic to the PRIVATE college.

I think your first point about "private" institution may well be true. And, I have often wondered why anyone would want to belong to a church/religion that hates them.

Christian values? WWJD?

And, sorry, I don't remember reading what her driver's license states. But, its true that all transgenders go through a period of time when when their driver's license does not agree with their physiology. Indeed, transgenders would say "always".

Katzen, I also don't remember any mention of a "sexual relationship", either in the article or by me. I'll read it again.
Look, I am a jew, I would be lying on my application if I signed it too, as I can't go about living a christian life or demonstrating christian values. That said, this situation would be simular to me enrolling, getting expelled, and then launching a media attack on the college because they discriminate against jews.

She's not a baptist?
Look, I am a jew, I would be lying on my application if I signed it too, as I can't go about living a christian life or demonstrating christian values. That said, this situation would be simular to me enrolling, getting expelled, and then launching a media attack on the college because they discriminate against jews.

She's not a baptist?

If "she" has a penis, then she is a he.
This "case" doesn't appear to have the merit to progress through the court system as a "test case".

I am not a lawyer, but I saw one drive past on the way to his office this very morning.

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