Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

I doubt I did so explicitly.

You did.
I'm sure he got into the vehicle after WIlson grabbed him for no reason.

Wilson didn't grab him. Forensics found nothing on Brown's neck to indicate Wilson had grabbed him there.
Dorian Johnson says differently...

Johnson lied or misremembered. In fact, one witness (a black male) stated that Johnson lied on national TV as to how it went down.
and Wilson is a known liar.
Lied about what?
Multiple witnesses said he had his hands up and was giving up.

Multiple witnesses also said Brown charged at Wilson.
The only witness who said the "Charging" thing was insane racist Witness 40, who was known to be a liar, but McCullouch put her in front of the Grand Jury anyway.
Did you mean Witness 140? Anyway, you couldn't be more wrong. There were multiple witnesses who said Brown charged at or walked towards Wilson.

Below is a list of witnesses from the DOJ report who stated Brown charged at or walked towards Wilson. Many of these witnesses also said Wilson never fired at Brown's back nor did Brown ever have his hands up. With one or two exceptions, all witnesses are black:

Witness 102 - Stated that Brown charged at Wilson, that Wilson did not fire at Brown's back and Brown's hands were not up.
Witness 103 - Stated that Brown charged at Wilson, that Wilson did not fire at Brown's back and Brown's hands were not up.
Witness 104 - Stated that Brown charged at Wilson, that Wilson did not fire at Brown's back and Brown's hands were not up.
Witness 105 - Stated that Brown charged at Wilson, that Wilson did not fire at Brown's back and Brown's hands were not up.
Witness 106 - Stated Brown's hands were not up.
Witness 110 - Stated that Brown charged at Wilson, that Wilson did not fire at Brown's back and Brown's hands were not up.
Witness 115 - Stated Brown's hands were not up.
Witness 141 - Stated that Brown charged at Wilson and Brown's hands were not up.
Witness 123 - Stated that Wilson did not fire at Brown's back.

Below is a list of witnesses who gave contradictory accounts or outright lied and admitted to or were caught lying when pressed by officers or FBI:

Witness 125 - Admitted to lying and did not witness the incident.
Witness 131 - Admitted to lying.
Witness 112 - Gave contradictory statements as to whether Brown's hands were up.
Witness 124 - Gave contradictory statements.
Witness 118 - Gave contradictory statements.
Witness 142 - Gave contradictory statements and lied.
Witness 138 - Gave contradictory statements.
Witness 132 - Gave contradictory statements.
Witness 121 - Gave contradictory statements.
Witness 137 - Gave contradictory statements and lied.
Witness 128 - Lied.
Witness 139 - Gave contradictory statements.
Witness 120 - Lied and later recanted.

  • At least two witnesses refused to give statements for fear of community reprisals. They avoided answering phone calls from police and FBI and one even moved out of state.
  • Another witness lied for fear of community reprisal.
  • A white witness related how two black women approached him at some point and wanted a phone video of him stating what he saw (this was at some point after the crowds formed and started to get unruly and people were claiming Brown was murdered, had his hands up, was shot in the back, etc.) and he told them they wouldn't like what he had to say. One of them called him a "White motherfucker" and they stomped off.

As you can see, you were completely wrong which either means you outright lied or were too lazy to research the facts. I'm not sure which is worse.
Wilson didn't grab him. Forensics found nothing on Brown's neck to indicate Wilson had grabbed him there.
Bruises only get raised when you are alive... he was dead within seconds of that encounter.

Johnson lied or misremembered. In fact, one witness (a black male) stated that Johnson lied on national TV as to how it went down.
Or they had different vantage points.

Lied about what?
Whether he ever used the N-word, whether he knew about the cigars, whether he shot at Brown when he was running away.

Multiple witnesses also said Brown charged at Wilson.

Did you mean Witness 140? Anyway, you couldn't be more wrong. There were multiple witnesses who said Brown charged at or walked towards Wilson.
Nope, I mean Witness 40. And isn't it odd that all the HIGHER NUMBER WITNESSES are the ones who "corroborate" Wilson's story.

As opposed to the ones interviewed that day.


Many of whom said he had his hands up, Wilson fired at him while he was running away, said he was kneeling when he was fired upon, etc.

But, hey, let's talk about Witness 40, that McCulloch put on the stand.

Here is Witness 40, Sandra McElroy, 45-years old, who, according to The Smoking Gun, testified at the grand jury that Brown "'bent down in a football position...and began to charge at the officer.'"

Before we dismiss her as a "troubled, bipolar" woman with "a criminal past"--remember, her testimony was permissible and aided in the exoneration of Brown's murderer. Think about this!

On several occasions, McElroy made allegations to the police which police latter determined were "complete fabrications," writes reporters William Bastone, Andrew Goldberg, and Joseph Jesselli, in their article "'Witness 40': Exposing A Fraud in Ferguson."

Here is McElroy commenting at her YouTube page (now deleted) about a missing white woman. The woman "had a baby with a black man." McElroy's response: "'see what happens when you bed down with a monkey have apes and party with them.'"

McElroy has a "history of making racist remarks and once insinuated herself into another high-profile St. Louis criminal case with claims that police eventually dismissed as a 'complete fabrication,'" again.

Hey, wait, I think we might have found your ideal woman!!!
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Whether he ever used the N-word, whether he knew about the cigars, whether he shot at Brown when he was running away.

Nope, I mean Witness 40. And isn't it odd that all the HIGHER NUMBER WITNESSES are the ones who "corroborate" Wilson's story.
As opposed to the ones interviewed that day.

Witnesses 14, 16, 22, 35,
View attachment 940324
Many of whom said he had his hands up, Wilson fired at him while he was running away, said he was kneeling when he was fired upon, etc.
Too late. You already claimed the only one who said Brown charged at Wilson was the "insane racist". You were wrong or you lied.

Beyond that, this chart doesn't tell us who lied or whose statements were or were not consistent with physical and forensic evidence. The DOJ report does.
Why was the insane racist put in front of the grand jury at ALL, that's the better question.
It doesn't matter because they rejected her as a credible witness. Her statements were erratic, implausible and were not consistent with physical and forensic evidence.
No, they didn't, if they didn't hear from all the witnesses and WIlson was allowed to make self-serving statements without challenge.
Yes they did and the witnesses you refer to were liars

He was correct thats why he was unchallenged
It doesn't matter because they rejected her as a credible witness. Her statements were erratic, implausible and were not consistent with physical and forensic evidence.

Then why put her in front of the grand jury at all... unless the purpose was to confuse the issue?

Yes they did and the witnesses you refer to were liars

He was correct thats why he was unchallenged

Yet when the civil suit happened, they did challenge his account, and when he was found to have lied on key points, the city fired him and settled for $1.5MM
Then why put her in front of the grand jury at all... unless the purpose was to confuse the issue?

Yet when the civil suit happened, they did challenge his account, and when he was found to have lied on key points, the city fired him and settled for $1.5MM
No they did not

He was not fired dumbass

Settelements prove nothing
No they did not

He was not fired dumbass

Settelements prove nothing

They proved that no one wanted to argue this case in front of an actual jury, because they'd lose.

Why did you lie and say she was the only witness to say Brown charged at Wilson unless the purpose was to confuse the issue?
Well, if this was the quality of witnesses that McCulloch put on the stand, you have to wonder about "Witness 140" who was clearly not someone interviewed the day of the incident.
They proved that no one wanted to argue this case in front of an actual jury, because they'd lose.

Well, if this was the quality of witnesses that McCulloch put on the stand, you have to wonder about "Witness 140" who was clearly not someone interviewed the day of the incident.
You, who lied, lament liars being put on the stand.

The irony could sink a battleship.
You, who lied, lament liars being put on the stand.

The irony could sink a battleship.
Nope. I tell nothing but the truth.

She never should have been put on the stand. But she was. Because McCulloch went into this saying, "How do I excuse this officer who could have been my Dead Dad."
Nope. I tell nothing but the truth.

Except, your claim that she was the only witness to say Brown charged at Wilson was not the truth. You lied and you were caught.
She never should have been put on the stand. But she was. Because McCulloch went into this saying, "How do I excuse this officer who could have been my Dead Dad."
In light of your own lies to promote a false narrative, I really don't give a shit about this. The process worked, her lies were exposed and she was rejected as a witness. This throws a monkey wrench in the part of your narrative that claims the process was biased towards the officer.
Except, your claim that she was the only witness to say Brown charged at Wilson was not the truth. You lied and you were caught.
Didn't say she was the only witness... But why put her on the stand at all, unless you are trying to confuse the jury?

In light of your own lies to promote a false narrative, I really don't give a shit about this.

Really? Then why do you spend DAYS On these threads, trying to rationalize what every sensible person could see as a fuckup. At worst, he murdered this kid. At best, he showed very poor judgement in allowing a simple traffic violation to escalate into the use of deadly force.
Didn't say she was the only witness...

In Post #711 you said; "The only witness who said the "Charging" thing was insane racist Witness 40,..."
But why put her on the stand at all, unless you are trying to confuse the jury?

Why did you lie?
Really? Then why do you spend DAYS On these threads,

Says the guy who spends days on these threads.
trying to rationalize what every sensible person could see as a fuckup.

If there were fuckups, are they any worse than your lying or the lying of so many "witnesses"? You've never said anything about that, have you?
At worst, he murdered this kid. At best, he showed very poor judgement in allowing a simple traffic violation to escalate into the use of deadly force.
At worst, race hustlers like yourself conflate the issue to where the officer pulled his firearm over jaywalking when he did not.
If there were fuckups, are they any worse than your lying or the lying of so many "witnesses"? You've never said anything about that, have you?

Um, yeah, no one died because of anything I did. That makes Wilson's fuckup MUCH, MUCH, MUCH worse.

At worst, race hustlers like yourself conflate the issue to where the officer pulled his firearm over jaywalking when he did not.
That was one of his statements.

His other statement was that he knew they were the Grand Theft Cigar guys. Which means approaching them in a supposed friendly manner made no sense.
Um, yeah, no one died because of anything I did. That makes Wilson's fuckup MUCH, MUCH, MUCH worse.

The lying on your part, that of the "witnesses", millions across the country and deluded protesters resulted in the riots which caused untold dollars in damage; mostly to businesses and property and the Ferguson Market that had nothing to do with the shooting.

As for the shooting, it was justified and so not a fuckup.
That was one of his statements.

His other statement was that he knew they were the Grand Theft Cigar guys. Which means approaching them in a supposed friendly manner made no sense.
And for the hundredth time, while confronting them about the jaywalking he did not know they were the suspects from the convenience store theft. While doing so, he noticed the cigars in Brown's hand. This is when he realized they were the robbery suspects.

So while confronting them on the jaywalking he DIDN'T know. When he saw the cigars in his hand, he DID know. Got it? How many more times will you have to be told this?
The lying on your part, that of the "witnesses", millions across the country and deluded protesters resulted in the riots which caused untold dollars in damage; mostly to businesses and property and the Ferguson Market that had nothing to do with the shooting.
Wow, I did all that? I'm impressed. Master of Chaos!!!

Yup, them darkies would be totally happy if it weren't for those outside agitators!!!!

And for the hundredth time, while confronting them about the jaywalking he did not know they were the suspects from the convenience store theft. While doing so, he noticed the cigars in Brown's hand. This is when he realized they were the robbery suspects.
Except that's not what he told his sergeant immediately afterwards.

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