Transracial people


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
Is it becoming a new American trend? Looks like being a transgender is way too mainstream now so people are changing their race en mass. Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King are the heroes of the transracial movement. I bet we will be many transanimal people in a few years since everybody is turning completely crazy these days. I hope we will be able to stop this degeneracy.
We're all descended from apes. Which were descended from ocean omoeba.

Do you honestly think God struck a magic wand and suddenly created "man"?

I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit.
So what next? What happens if someone says all their lives they felt like they were a dog or cat or maybe a raccoon? You have to show understanding and tolerance, you know.
We are so insecure as a proto-classic entity that we must defer ourselves as having been . . born of "God"?

What a load of horse shit.

The Christian God is no different from any Roman God> Isis, Thore, etc.

Regale yourselves in yourselves as human beings. Not as mirrors of any "Gods".
If there is a God, then he would be everybody and everything's God.

Its severely hypocritical of a faith to preach about a God and minimize it to those who believe in their version of it, and then go invade and kill others who believe in a different version.

There is only one faith that is still doing that today.
We're all descended from apes.
Some might consider me "transracial", in a sense, considering I have so much blood in my veins from so many different races. I have literally ascended beyond race...
Some might consider me "transracial", in a sense, considering I have so much blood in my veins from so many different races. I have literally ascended beyond race...
At least you don't try to change your race and become white, black or asian person. You are have your own personality and it's the only thing that matters. Trying to change your race is just beyond retarded.
Some might consider me "transracial", in a sense, considering I have so much blood in my veins from so many different races. I have literally ascended beyond race...
That's not blood thats semen
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Some might consider me "transracial", in a sense, considering I have so much blood in my veins from so many different races. I have literally ascended beyond race...
That's not blood thats semen

Whatever it is, it's a concuction of different stupid bloods that have made her into a mutant with super stupid abilities.
Transanimal!!? Yes...that's it. I'm actually on the inside...a rare Bengal tiger. I can't be blamed for violence. And....the government has to establish some protected land for me to live on.

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