Trey Radel Scandal VS Harry Reids Tyranny And Pelosi's Insanity. Big Deal !!

Feb 1, 2013

Yah? So? what is the big deal that Congressman Radel bought/used cocaine? Anyone hearing of this story when it broke out wonder, yah? well what the hell is Nancy Pelosi On? What the fajesus is going on with Debbie Wasserman? Is Alan Grayson taking "Whacky Pills"?
And Harry Reid gets away with bribing congressmen with god knows how many millions of our tax dollars!
Radel's problem with cocaine in this scenario, well thats like Big Bird caught overdosing on Xanax while Oprah states that she wants to kill all white people between 50 and 98.
I am beginning to think that Nancy Pelosi died 5 years ago and is being kept alive by a solar panel/w/batteries.

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