Truck in Iowa Runs Over Protester

No it's people standing in front of my truck who would be the haters. Their rights do not trump my own. Blocking people from going about their own business is not a right to start with.
I'm not in favor of it myself but this is ridiculous like all the rest of the violence, Lucky he didn't kill someone. Protest ok, murder not so much...
Well, yes. That's just what the facts say, so I understand how you had no way of knowing. FOX News told you something, so you BELIEVED with all your heart and soul, and you saw no need to look outside your cult for any info.
And who was it that told YOU that there was just a slight increase in violent crime, Mamooth? I'd love to see you back that claim up.
That's what CNN is telling me...not Fox News. Care to try again?
Yep, driver slowed to have them get away but they chose to stay in front of the truck.

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All my life I thought protesting was OK so long as you carried signs and marched up and down the sidewalk in front of the place you were protesting so long as you didn't block the door.

Now, in the past few years thanks to the terroristic Left, it is a constitutional right now to block highways, freeways, traffic, entire city blocks if you want and by gum, the cops will be there to make sure you don't get in their ways! Used to be cops would beat you over the head and throw your ass in jail for doing that!
TWO YEARS AGO, DUPE....after murders of blacks on video....NOT Dems rioting, dupe. How MANY BLM DUH?
We cant discuss your hundreds of riots if they are 2 years old, but YOU can whine endlessly about one mini riot from 1.5 years ago? :cuckoo:

Also, for the record, you have rioted all over the place the past few days. Rioting is all your party ever seems to do. Im still amazed how democrats can mention january 6th without being buried by the shame of their immense hypocrisy.
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Doesn't seem too bright, but that is what is said to have happened by the one reporting below the OP thread post link article.

It is not credible. Especially in the context of the last few years where we have seen liberals trained or conditioned to do such behavior and then lie about it.

Why are you playing along with this game, as though you have not seen it dozens of times before?
I AM LOOKING AT YOU AND THE GOP BASE being judge and jury when you have no clue. At least figuratively, you idiots are a lynch mob. I'm waiting to see what the law and JOURNALISTS not your propagandists say.....You look at this clip and go nuts...We don't have a clue what happened, hater dupe...

I have a "clue" in that I can SEE THE MOB ATTACKING THE TRUCK,


We have seen liberals using the exact same tactic for years now, and in every instance they falsely claim that the driver of the vehicle attacked them.

Really, the one in a million chance, that the driver did purposeful attack someone with his vehicle, and then changed his behavior to trying to get away without hurting anyone else, AND the members of the "crowd" saw him do it, and placed their bodies in his path, based on a really retarded assumption that he would not want to hit them, when he supposed just proved teh opposite,....

It is YOUR position that is utterly groundless, ie "without a clue".
So your point seems to be that the right has been lying about liberal violence for many years.

I think everyone will agree with that point.

"I have a magic rock that repels tigers! Do you see any tigers? That proves it works!".

Even for a fascist thug, that's lame.
Oh, no, the left has been violent for a long time. They are, however, unaccustomed to running into opposition, and they don't like it.
It is terrorism, plain and simple.

Yesterday it was an actual insurrection in Arizona.

We will protect our children. That's all anyone has to know.

If protesters surround my car when my kids are in it, that is an act of terror and it will be dealt with accordingly.
Just tourists.
Republican white-wingers like them some blood-letting....on streets, in schools, at churches, at WalMart, at movie theaters, at the nation's Capitol.................

You say "white" like it is a bad thing.

Bodecea, let me ask you a question. Is it ok to be white?
It is not credible. Especially in the context of the last few years where we have seen liberals trained or conditioned to do such behavior and then lie about it.

Why are you playing along with this game, as though you have not seen it dozens of times before?
Devil's advocate for clarity, fact finding, detailed investigation, etc, and avoidance of jumping to conclusions, such as was trained at the Eastern Aviation and Ground Accident Investigation School.
Devil's advocate for clarity, fact finding, detailed investigation, etc, and avoidance of jumping to conclusions, such as was trained at the Eastern Aviation and Ground Accident Investigation School.

Are you willing to admit that there is a 99% plus chance that the odds of it being as reported, ie "truck runs down protestor"

is complete bullshit and that the mob was the bad guys?
Are you willing to admit that there is a 99% plus chance that the odds of it being as reported, ie "truck runs down protestor"

is complete bullshit and that the mob was the bad guys?
Oh, hell no! There are advantages to not jumping to conclusions on first reports without all the facts. Always have been.

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