Trudeau makes a spectacular ass of himself in India

Wut the everluvin fuk?
* Indian government denies report of snub to the Canadian Prime Minister and insisted normal diplomatic protocol has been extended to Trudeau. They also expressed surprise over the Canadian side preferring to schedule Trudeau's official engagements in Delhi at the fag end of the tour as against the normal practice of having bilateral meetings during the first part of such visits.

PM Narendra Modi welcomes Canadian PM Justin Trudeau: Highlights - Times of India ►
Clueless, classless, racist and straight up bizarre. What the hell is wrong with leftists? Trudeau's mockable pictures in India add insult to his train wreck of a trip

Turdeau is the perfect leader for America’s left wing lunatics. He’s an open borders and Muslim appeaser, and pussified feminist tool bag.

Every leftist should move up to Canada and crown him their non-gender specific monarch.

Who would you have to fight against? I suppose Canada.
* Indian government denies report of snub to the Canadian Prime Minister and insisted normal diplomatic protocol has been extended to Trudeau. They also expressed surprise over the Canadian side preferring to schedule Trudeau's official engagements in Delhi at the fag end of the tour as against the normal practice of having bilateral meetings during the first part of such visits.

PM Narendra Modi welcomes Canadian PM Justin Trudeau: Highlights - Times of India ►
Of course they are embracing him, because they see it as opportunity and nothing more. He is acting like Hillary Clinton by patronizing these people because he wants their investments. Well he can have their mafia style culture that will run around in his nation buying up every location they can place their poor lackeys into, as they then run up under a network name like Patel, where the locations will then pay and receive support from the network created within. Did'nt Joe Biden say that you couldn't go into a 7-11 anymore unless you have an Indian accent ?? Otherwise he had become frustrated that a group of people are swiftly taking over businesses in this nation, and then having a culture that is actually anti-American culture in many ways.

They're religious culture is anti-American where they don't believe in their son's and daughters marrying outside of their culture or race. This is totally anti-American, yet they are sitting here building great wealth in the country in which they hate except for what it can do for them in the form of wealth.

When will American's wake up that they have been sold out in every way imaginable ??

Can you imagine if American's (especially white Americans), were to adopt the culture and policies of these people we have allowed to come in here, and to live amongst us ??? We would be attacked as racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, haters, anti-immigration, protectionist and you name it.

When will American's wake up ??
They don't call him Prime Minister Zoolander fer nuttin', donchaknow?
What is wrong with Canada? FFS...

Canada's fine. That was a ridiculous parade through India though, and when tensions were already high. What was with the convicted murderer, too? Who's guest was he?
No...when your country elects people like that're not fine.

Well, Trump is my president and prone to gaffes, so I don't necessarily judge a people for the occasional bafoon. Husband is Canadian, as is much of his family. My personal experience with Canada and Canadians has been positive, so Canada is fine by me.
What is wrong with Canada? FFS...

Canada's fine. That was a ridiculous parade through India though, and when tensions were already high. What was with the convicted murderer, too? Who's guest was he?
No...when your country elects people like that're not fine.

Well, Trump is my president and prone to gaffes, so I don't necessarily judge a people for the occasional bafoon. Husband is Canadian, as is much of his family. My personal experience with Canada and Canadians has been positive, so Canada is fine by me.
No, don't get me wrong, Canadians as a group, are wonderfully pleasant people. I think that may be the crux of the matter. They seem to be a bit weak kneed and Trudeau is an extension of that.
Since this is the lefts new outrage, of 'cultural appropriation' I want to see our boards libs go apeshit.

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