Trudeau makes a spectacular ass of himself in India

Trudeau is a lightweight.

He goes so far out of his way to show how tolerant Canadians are, he’s become a cartoonish joke.

I heard that an India asked if he should dress as a Mountie when he visits Canada....

All these pictures of Trudeau and his family dressed in Indian clothing is very patronising to the Indians. What would Americans think if for example the South Korean Prime Minister, his wife and children visited America and constantly were all dressed in Cowboy hats, Cowboy boots and leather chaps?




^^^^ The Indian lady on the left is thinking "Who is this stupid faggot and why does his have his wife and children making fun of Indians?"


^^^^ The Indian man is dressed in normal clothing ie. not Fancy Dress like the faggot Trudeau, who knows maybe Trudeau and his family are hoping to audition to be in some Bollywood film or whatever.


^^^^ This literally is the MOST patronising of ALL the pictures the inclusion of a Spinning Wheel. WTF?!


^^^^ The Indians in this picture look like they do not know to laugh or cry, um I think the one in the navy blue turban is actually laughing though.


The next Liberal ads will be Trudeau singing Bollywood style. lol

I like how he refers to himself in third person, instead of saying "I stand for" or "I believe in this"... he goes "will Justin Trudeau fight with his very last breath" :D

Canadians love to say he's a rockstar on the world stage... And here is the video to prove it. :D

Anyone can walk alone. But when you're actively trying to get yourself close to a conversation and then subsequently get outrageously burned/semi-ignored by someone in said conversation, that makes you a loser.
Clueless, classless, racist and straight up bizarre. What the hell is wrong with leftists? Trudeau's mockable pictures in India add insult to his train wreck of a trip
.Key word - leftist.

He doesn't care about politics and that much should have been obvious by now. He just rehearses and regurgitates lines that his party feeds him as demonstrated any time he's been put "on-point".

The party is a bunch of regressive quasi-communists, and he is their poster child. He goes out and says/does things for public exposure and public exposure only, exactly the opposite of Harper who was basically a shadow in Canadian politics that made things happen.

He's going about and trying to pander as much as physically possible to make sure the liberals get elected again for personal reasons, because professionally they are probably worse than actual communism at this point... they just don't have long enough to make sure everyone is "equal in poverty".

If you watch the debates from Canadian Parliament, he never answers any question he's been asked and every time he opens mouth he's blasting Harper, just like Barry did with "but Booosh".
Just imagine for a moment if the Trump family dressed up like this ?
The outrage from the left would be felt around the world.
Canada has their own Barry, dismissive, arrogant and out of touch.

Trudeau is obviously going for trying to be a super nice guy that just agrees with everyone else except his normal citizenry, and every controversial thing that might alter the status quo of Canada, he's all for, essentially he takes a stand on absolutely nothing but chooses the cheesy way out of any controversial thing by just immediately capitulating to it and saying it's no big deal, we can all get along and so on so forth.

And yeah it comes off as disingenuous because he takes it way too far and everyone can see that it's something he has learned how to do to get people to like him, and not even necessarily something he actually stands for.

All these pictures of Trudeau and his family dressed in Indian clothing is very patronising to the Indians. What would Americans think if for example the South Korean Prime Minister, his wife and children visited America and constantly were all dressed in Cowboy hats, Cowboy boots and leather chaps?




^^^^ The Indian lady on the left is thinking "Who is this stupid faggot and why does his have his wife and children making fun of Indians?"


^^^^ The Indian man is dressed in normal clothing ie. not Fancy Dress like the faggot Trudeau, who knows maybe Trudeau and his family are hoping to audition to be in some Bollywood film or whatever.


^^^^ This literally is the MOST patronising of ALL the pictures the inclusion of a Spinning Wheel. WTF?!


^^^^ The Indians in this picture look like they do not know to laugh or cry, um I think the one in the navy blue turban is actually laughing though.



We would think they were clueless douches!
I guarantee his sons will hate him forever for this stunt.

This is how conservatives are made! Good job, Trudeau, you fucking faggot.
Trudeau is the ultimate piece of shit. He’s an embarrassment to world leaders and he literally trips all over himself attempting to take political correctness to new heights (all at the expense of common sense, decency, security, fiscal responsibility, and sanity).
Trudeau is the ultimate piece of shit. He’s an embarrassment to world leaders and he literally trips all over himself attempting to take political correctness to new heights (all at the expense of common sense, decency, security, fiscal responsibility, and sanity).

Now i know who Trudeau reminds me of. This is how he seems to behave. He just runs around doing shit to get people to like him as a person instead of actually doing his job. And again, just because you think someone is a really nice guy, doesn't mean they are good for leading a country. But clearly his head it's if you like him, that means he would be a good prime minister. It's all a big popularity contest for him, and he's trying to be as popular with as many groups as at all possible. No matter what he actually personally thinks about a matter.

It's all a big popularity contest for him, and he's trying to be as popular with as many groups as at all possible.
Which is bad enough...but this @sshole does it at the expensive of his fellow citizens, at the expense of his nation, and at the expensive of his responsibilities.
All these pictures of Trudeau and his family dressed in Indian clothing is very patronising to the Indians. What would Americans think if for example the South Korean Prime Minister, his wife and children visited America and constantly were all dressed in Cowboy hats, Cowboy boots and leather chaps?
Hands win the post of the day Lucy. That is an exceptional point.


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