Trudeau Wants Freedoms for Ukrainians that he Won't Allow Canadians to Enjoy.

So, just because Canadians don't have artillery dropping on their heads, means that they're not being shit on by an overbearing and corrupt fascist dictator.

Jeezus are you moonbats fucking obtuse.
So, asking people to follow precautions during a pandemic is "being shit on by an overbearing and corrupt fascist dictator"? Do you want some cheese to go with your whine?

Yeah, talk about fucking obtuse. And you retards wonder why you are not taken seriously.
Good one! Do you understand the message in that cartoon. Basically it's saying that the truckers' beefs were bullshit, which of course they were. Never was it defined exactly why they went to Ottawa to cause trouble. It certainly had nothing to do with Covid and wearing masks or being vaccinated.

Compare those clowns to the Ukraine being taken down by Russia!
Thanks for explaining my cartoon back to me. Would have totally not gotten it. :rolleyes:
Thanks for explaining my cartoon back to me. Would have totally not gotten it. :rolleyes:
Yes, I suspected that it could have been misinterpreted.
But I'm not familiar with your political demeanour?
what is anyone's metric for 'freedom' Don?

Democracy surviving sparks. So even though Jan.6th. was a close call, it still is allowing a coup attempt by Trump to go unpunished. That's a pretty good indication that democracy has lost the initiative. The risk of arresting Trump and putting him behind bars (or execution) is too high for Garland and the DOJ. It would risk a popular uprising that would probably ultimately fail but it would cost thousands of lives.
And two, the impending election is going to be swept by the same fascist movement, almost certainly. That hasn't happened yet but if it does then there will be no power at the ballot boxes.

Trump is close to negating any power of government to stop him. The US military isn't secured and that use of lethal force may not be dependable.

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