Trump 1994: "Putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing."

Leave it to Donald, to stop the flood of illegal terrorists into our country.
Donald Knows Best, when it comes to jobs in America instead of Asia.
The Donald Trump Show, truth without apology.
Donald the Menace, to the UN.
I Remember Donald, making billions for his family.
Donald's Heroes, making fools of German terrorists.
This Old Donald, building a wall.
This Is Your Donald, not another UN representative.
Trump would be better suited for a political position in the 1950's. You know, like the popular TV show, Leave it to Donald...:badgrin:
Bernie would have been considered a Communist in the 1950s. He would have also sided with Castro during the Cuban missile crisis. Donald would had Bernie & Hil locked up during that time.
Donald Trump in 1994: 'Putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing' -

Trump would be better suited for a political position in the 1950's. You know, like the popular TV show, Leave it to Donald...:badgrin:
Interesting read. . . .

"Trump, however, has also praised women in the workplace -- or at least his willingness to hire them -- in his book, "The Art of The Deal."
"My own mother was a housewife all her life. And yet it's turned out that I've hired a lot of women for top jobs, and they've been among my best people. Often, in fact, they are more effective than the men around them," he wrote."
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Donald is a racist, a chauvinist, and an egomaniac. And I am sure there are some other similar adjectives that fit Donnie.
Seems like the lefties have scraped the bottom of the barrel so hard that they've worn a hole in it...

Shame you didn't care this much about things Hitlery has said and done over the years.
Seems like the lefties have scraped the bottom of the barrel so hard that they've worn a hole in it...

Shame you didn't care this much about things Hitlery has said and done over the years.

No, no, no. If he can go back and talk about Clinton's indiscretions, why can't CNN go back and bring up Donald's Neanderthal comments?

All is fair in War and Politics. Donnie is not keeping anything off limits. Why should the opposite side do differently?
OMG.... and the hits just keep on coming. CNN? 1994?

And, naturally, you have the same reaction when the right brings up Vince Foster or Whitewater, right?

Do you think Herr Trump believes differently now about women than he did then? If so, by what indicators?

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