Trump Adminstration: It's OK to give Russia Top Secret Intel but not Congress!


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Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
Vice President Mike Pence responded Thursday to lawmakers, including Republicans, who lamented the lack of information shared by the Trump administration during classified congressional briefings on the killing of top Iranian Gen. Qassem Suleiman, saying the intelligence was too sensitive to share.
Speaking with NBC's "TODAY," Pence told Savannah Guthrie that they could not share with Congress some of the "most compelling" intelligence behind the administration's decision to kill Soleimani because doing so "could compromise sources and methods."
Amid GOP pushback, Pence says sharing intel with Congress could 'compromise' sources
But,when it comes to Russia:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.
Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials
The Trump Administration is pathetic, they gave Congress a poor excuse overview of why killing Soleimani was hugely needed because of the threat of imminent attacks. So they coped out with a lame excuse why the Congressional briefing lacked any substance.
Trump and his administration are the least transparent in history of the United States and they do a poor job covering up the fact that they are so nontransparent.
So they have no compelling evidence at all of an impending attack they thwarted by assassinating the dude.
Vice President Mike Pence responded Thursday to lawmakers, including Republicans, who lamented the lack of information shared by the Trump administration during classified congressional briefings on the killing of top Iranian Gen. Qassem Suleiman, saying the intelligence was too sensitive to share.
Speaking with NBC's "TODAY," Pence told Savannah Guthrie that they could not share with Congress some of the "most compelling" intelligence behind the administration's decision to kill Soleimani because doing so "could compromise sources and methods."
Amid GOP pushback, Pence says sharing intel with Congress could 'compromise' sources
But,when it comes to Russia:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.
Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials
The Trump Administration is pathetic, they gave Congress a poor excuse overview of why killing Soleimani was hugely needed because of the threat of imminent attacks. So they coped out with a lame excuse why the Congressional briefing lacked any substance.
Trump and his administration are the least transparent in history of the United States and they do a poor job covering up the fact that they are so nontransparent.

Not everyone in congress have the necessary clearance to hear the most sensitive information. The ones with the proper clearance were briefed.

I just can't believe anyone would object to taking Soleimani out. He was banned from travel outside Iran by a unanimous vote by the UN security counsel for terrorist activities and a designated terrorist for 20 years. He was actively aiding in attacks on the US by Iranian militias and other proxies. So you commies can cry all you want for this butcher, it just proves how anti-American you are.

Vice President Mike Pence responded Thursday to lawmakers, including Republicans, who lamented the lack of information shared by the Trump administration during classified congressional briefings on the killing of top Iranian Gen. Qassem Suleiman, saying the intelligence was too sensitive to share.
Speaking with NBC's "TODAY," Pence told Savannah Guthrie that they could not share with Congress some of the "most compelling" intelligence behind the administration's decision to kill Soleimani because doing so "could compromise sources and methods."
Amid GOP pushback, Pence says sharing intel with Congress could 'compromise' sources
But,when it comes to Russia:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.
Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials
The Trump Administration is pathetic, they gave Congress a poor excuse overview of why killing Soleimani was hugely needed because of the threat of imminent attacks. So they coped out with a lame excuse why the Congressional briefing lacked any substance.
Trump and his administration are the least transparent in history of the United States and they do a poor job covering up the fact that they are so nontransparent.

Providing intel to Russia about an imminent terrorist attack saved lives....and apparently pisses you off.

Providing intel to Dimwingers in Congress would end up costing lives with the way they leak.......something that doesn't piss you off.
Why todays congress is not due sensitive classified timely info=
1)excessive numbers are either under ethics investigation for abuse of power and possibly espionage and treason or their contacts are=making them a risk.
Example: if one member tells Kerry who has in the past violated the Logan Act and did not hold him accountable, and even supported his act = means todays partisan congress conspired or supported Espionage making them a high risk especially when Kerry committed his Act of espionage with Iran. Which brings us to point
2) as long as the swamp prevents and ignores these leaks, abuse of powers, espionage, sabotage, corruption with foreign influences then there is to high a risk to share info with rogue agents.
3)according to their own standard, now that there is open proof the congress majority became so through illegal and false charges and used Russian dissinformation in doing so then by their own words and admission:
Pelosi AS MAJORITY SPEAKER and Dem majority congress is "AN ILLEGITIMATE CONGRESS" and they have no rights but that of a jail cell for abuse of power & manipulating an election(2018 midterms to regain the house so they could do a fake impeachment as part of their continuation of their treasonous coup.
-oops their own standard checkmated themselves in a corner!
Vice President Mike Pence responded Thursday to lawmakers, including Republicans, who lamented the lack of information shared by the Trump administration during classified congressional briefings on the killing of top Iranian Gen. Qassem Suleiman, saying the intelligence was too sensitive to share.
Speaking with NBC's "TODAY," Pence told Savannah Guthrie that they could not share with Congress some of the "most compelling" intelligence behind the administration's decision to kill Soleimani because doing so "could compromise sources and methods."
Amid GOP pushback, Pence says sharing intel with Congress could 'compromise' sources
But,when it comes to Russia:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.
Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials
The Trump Administration is pathetic, they gave Congress a poor excuse overview of why killing Soleimani was hugely needed because of the threat of imminent attacks. So they coped out with a lame excuse why the Congressional briefing lacked any substance.
Trump and his administration are the least transparent in history of the United States and they do a poor job covering up the fact that they are so nontransparent.

Providing intel to Russia about an imminent terrorist attack saved lives....and apparently pisses you off.

Providing intel to Dimwingers in Congress would end up costing lives with the way they leak.......something that doesn't piss you off.

Trumpsters can always be counted on to denigrate to the extreme. They've been taught to trust the Russians more than Democrats.
Vice President Mike Pence responded Thursday to lawmakers, including Republicans, who lamented the lack of information shared by the Trump administration during classified congressional briefings on the killing of top Iranian Gen. Qassem Suleiman, saying the intelligence was too sensitive to share.
Speaking with NBC's "TODAY," Pence told Savannah Guthrie that they could not share with Congress some of the "most compelling" intelligence behind the administration's decision to kill Soleimani because doing so "could compromise sources and methods."
Amid GOP pushback, Pence says sharing intel with Congress could 'compromise' sources
But,when it comes to Russia:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.
Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials
The Trump Administration is pathetic, they gave Congress a poor excuse overview of why killing Soleimani was hugely needed because of the threat of imminent attacks. So they coped out with a lame excuse why the Congressional briefing lacked any substance.
Trump and his administration are the least transparent in history of the United States and they do a poor job covering up the fact that they are so nontransparent.

Providing intel to Russia about an imminent terrorist attack saved lives....and apparently pisses you off.

Providing intel to Dimwingers in Congress would end up costing lives with the way they leak.......something that doesn't piss you off.

Trumpsters can always be counted on to denigrate to the extreme. They've been taught to trust the Russians more than Democrats.

WTF are you babbling about? There was nothing to trust the Russians with. We simply gave them a heads up about a terrorist attack. I know thwarting those really pisses you off.

And Dimwingers can't be trusted with anything.
Vice President Mike Pence responded Thursday to lawmakers, including Republicans, who lamented the lack of information shared by the Trump administration during classified congressional briefings on the killing of top Iranian Gen. Qassem Suleiman, saying the intelligence was too sensitive to share.
Speaking with NBC's "TODAY," Pence told Savannah Guthrie that they could not share with Congress some of the "most compelling" intelligence behind the administration's decision to kill Soleimani because doing so "could compromise sources and methods."
Amid GOP pushback, Pence says sharing intel with Congress could 'compromise' sources
But,when it comes to Russia:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.
Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials
The Trump Administration is pathetic, they gave Congress a poor excuse overview of why killing Soleimani was hugely needed because of the threat of imminent attacks. So they coped out with a lame excuse why the Congressional briefing lacked any substance.
Trump and his administration are the least transparent in history of the United States and they do a poor job covering up the fact that they are so nontransparent.

Providing intel to Russia about an imminent terrorist attack saved lives....and apparently pisses you off.

Providing intel to Dimwingers in Congress would end up costing lives with the way they leak.......something that doesn't piss you off.

Trumpsters can always be counted on to denigrate to the extreme. They've been taught to trust the Russians more than Democrats.

WTF are you babbling about? There was nothing to trust the Russians with. We simply gave them a heads up about a terrorist attack. I know thwarting those really pisses you off.

And Dimwingers can't be trusted with anything.

Like I said you guys trust Russians, like Putin-Bear, over leading American Congressmen and Congresswomen for no other reason than they are democrats. Trumpybear demands it.
Vice President Mike Pence responded Thursday to lawmakers, including Republicans, who lamented the lack of information shared by the Trump administration during classified congressional briefings on the killing of top Iranian Gen. Qassem Suleiman, saying the intelligence was too sensitive to share.
Speaking with NBC's "TODAY," Pence told Savannah Guthrie that they could not share with Congress some of the "most compelling" intelligence behind the administration's decision to kill Soleimani because doing so "could compromise sources and methods."
Amid GOP pushback, Pence says sharing intel with Congress could 'compromise' sources
But,when it comes to Russia:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.
Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials
The Trump Administration is pathetic, they gave Congress a poor excuse overview of why killing Soleimani was hugely needed because of the threat of imminent attacks. So they coped out with a lame excuse why the Congressional briefing lacked any substance.
Trump and his administration are the least transparent in history of the United States and they do a poor job covering up the fact that they are so nontransparent.

Providing intel to Russia about an imminent terrorist attack saved lives....and apparently pisses you off.

Providing intel to Dimwingers in Congress would end up costing lives with the way they leak.......something that doesn't piss you off.

Trumpsters can always be counted on to denigrate to the extreme. They've been taught to trust the Russians more than Democrats.

And you think there isn't good reason for that? When have the Democrats ever proved themselves trustworthy?

They're pissed off because Trump accomplished a successful mission, and they weren't part of it. They can't take any credit for it. Furthermore, it's likely that if Trump did consult them, and they told Trump he couldn't do it, and Trump killed Soleimani anyway, they would be impeaching him for that too.

Given the fact the Piglosi leaderships only focus is to get Trump removed from office, how can they be trusted? That would be like going to your job as a supervisor, and telling an underling that wants your job about some great idea you had to improve production for the company. That would be the stupidest thing you could do.
Vice President Mike Pence responded Thursday to lawmakers, including Republicans, who lamented the lack of information shared by the Trump administration during classified congressional briefings on the killing of top Iranian Gen. Qassem Suleiman, saying the intelligence was too sensitive to share.
Speaking with NBC's "TODAY," Pence told Savannah Guthrie that they could not share with Congress some of the "most compelling" intelligence behind the administration's decision to kill Soleimani because doing so "could compromise sources and methods."
Amid GOP pushback, Pence says sharing intel with Congress could 'compromise' sources
But,when it comes to Russia:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.
Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials
The Trump Administration is pathetic, they gave Congress a poor excuse overview of why killing Soleimani was hugely needed because of the threat of imminent attacks. So they coped out with a lame excuse why the Congressional briefing lacked any substance.
Trump and his administration are the least transparent in history of the United States and they do a poor job covering up the fact that they are so nontransparent.

Providing intel to Russia about an imminent terrorist attack saved lives....and apparently pisses you off.

Providing intel to Dimwingers in Congress would end up costing lives with the way they leak.......something that doesn't piss you off.

Trumpsters can always be counted on to denigrate to the extreme. They've been taught to trust the Russians more than Democrats.

WTF are you babbling about? There was nothing to trust the Russians with. We simply gave them a heads up about a terrorist attack. I know thwarting those really pisses you off.

And Dimwingers can't be trusted with anything.

Like I said you guys trust Russians, like Putin-Bear, over leading American Congressmen and Congresswomen for no other reason than they are democrats. Trumpybear demands it.

You guys accuse anyone who disagrees with you of being Russian assets...such as Tulsi Gabbard, a US veteran. You're dead, dumb and blind Boo.
Had President Trump given Chuck and Nancy the heads-up on the planned whacking of Soleimani, the general would still be alive and well today. They would have given the terrorist the heads up, rather than let Trump have credit for anything.

BTW, he did give a heads up to Sen. Graham, as well as senior advisor Jared Kushner. So the legislative branch as well as the executive were both put on notice.

As far as providing select information to the Russian Federation to help prevent terror, what's the problem? We are in a Global War on terror.
Vice President Mike Pence responded Thursday to lawmakers, including Republicans, who lamented the lack of information shared by the Trump administration during classified congressional briefings on the killing of top Iranian Gen. Qassem Suleiman, saying the intelligence was too sensitive to share.
Speaking with NBC's "TODAY," Pence told Savannah Guthrie that they could not share with Congress some of the "most compelling" intelligence behind the administration's decision to kill Soleimani because doing so "could compromise sources and methods."
Amid GOP pushback, Pence says sharing intel with Congress could 'compromise' sources
But,when it comes to Russia:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.
Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials
The Trump Administration is pathetic, they gave Congress a poor excuse overview of why killing Soleimani was hugely needed because of the threat of imminent attacks. So they coped out with a lame excuse why the Congressional briefing lacked any substance.
Trump and his administration are the least transparent in history of the United States and they do a poor job covering up the fact that they are so nontransparent.

Providing intel to Russia about an imminent terrorist attack saved lives....and apparently pisses you off.

Providing intel to Dimwingers in Congress would end up costing lives with the way they leak.......something that doesn't piss you off.

Trumpsters can always be counted on to denigrate to the extreme. They've been taught to trust the Russians more than Democrats.

WTF are you babbling about? There was nothing to trust the Russians with. We simply gave them a heads up about a terrorist attack. I know thwarting those really pisses you off.

And Dimwingers can't be trusted with anything.

Like I said you guys trust Russians, like Putin-Bear, over leading American Congressmen and Congresswomen for no other reason than they are democrats. Trumpybear demands it.

You guys accuse anyone who disagrees with you of being Russian assets...such as Tulsi Gabbard, a US veteran. You're dead, dumb and blind Boo.
There are witting assets and unwitting assets. Gabbard is an unwitting asset.

Opinion: Tulsi Gabbard may not be a Russian asset. But she sure talks like one

But Clinton wasn’t entirely wrong, either. Gabbard is, in fact, a favorite of Russian propaganda machines. A general rule of thumb I think Americans should all be able to agree on is that whoever the Russians want elected president, we should not elect president. That seems obvious, but then, 62,984,828 citizens didn’t get the memo in 2016.

In addition, Gabbard has routinely expressed sympathy for a key Russian ally, Syrian autocrat Bashar Assad, whom she met with in 2017, even to the point of being openly skeptical of expert reports that Assad had used chemical weapons against his own civilians in Syria. While it’d be admirable to believe that over-eagerness to engage in any conflict abroad inevitably results in the tragic and inexcusable loss of innocent lives while recklessly bombing from above, that’s not exactly her stance, either. Check out this tweet from 2015, when she praises Russian President Vladimir Putin over President Obama.

Al-Qaeda attacked us on 9/11 and must be defeated. Obama won’t bomb them in Syria. Putin did. #neverforget911
He only shares information with people who like and support him.
Considering any intel given to Dems would be used to harm him and America, it’s kind of a no-brainer to not give them such intel. It’s not his fault that Dems are totally un-American now and will stoop to any level to undermine President Trump and help our enemies destroy America.
Vice President Mike Pence responded Thursday to lawmakers, including Republicans, who lamented the lack of information shared by the Trump administration during classified congressional briefings on the killing of top Iranian Gen. Qassem Suleiman, saying the intelligence was too sensitive to share.
Speaking with NBC's "TODAY," Pence told Savannah Guthrie that they could not share with Congress some of the "most compelling" intelligence behind the administration's decision to kill Soleimani because doing so "could compromise sources and methods."
Amid GOP pushback, Pence says sharing intel with Congress could 'compromise' sources
But,when it comes to Russia:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.
Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials
The Trump Administration is pathetic, they gave Congress a poor excuse overview of why killing Soleimani was hugely needed because of the threat of imminent attacks. So they coped out with a lame excuse why the Congressional briefing lacked any substance.
Trump and his administration are the least transparent in history of the United States and they do a poor job covering up the fact that they are so nontransparent.

Providing intel to Russia about an imminent terrorist attack saved lives....and apparently pisses you off.

Providing intel to Dimwingers in Congress would end up costing lives with the way they leak.......something that doesn't piss you off.

Trumpsters can always be counted on to denigrate to the extreme. They've been taught to trust the Russians more than Democrats.

And you think there isn't good reason for that? When have the Democrats ever proved themselves trustworthy?

They're pissed off because Trump accomplished a successful mission, and they weren't part of it. They can't take any credit for it. Furthermore, it's likely that if Trump did consult them, and they told Trump he couldn't do it, and Trump killed Soleimani anyway, they would be impeaching him for that too.

Given the fact the Piglosi leaderships only focus is to get Trump removed from office, how can they be trusted? That would be like going to your job as a supervisor, and telling an underling that wants your job about some great idea you had to improve production for the company. That would be the stupidest thing you could do.

Denigrating the opposition to the point that the Good Trumpybear Goose-steppers consider them traitors has been the goal from day one of his campaign. If the Administration has information that this Iranian was instrumental in an imminent attack, they could have found someone from either party to consult with, but they didn't. In reality it's another misstep on the world stage by our bumbling idiot in chief.

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