Trump bring KKK dems out closet

couch protester

Gold Member
Dec 7, 2015
Trump is the Martin Luther King Jr of Civil Rights for Republican free speech which MLK caused rabid democrat KKK to disrupt his free speech rallies. These rivals were the KKK democrats who provoked racism and terrorized Republican blacks and whites for having the right to vote for the candidate of their choice, The Republicans never protested against the KKK democrats free speech rallies or protested the racist candidates but you do. Trump campaign is exposing democrats true colors by revealing KKK democrats. Beware of these rabid dog KKK democrats, they are dangerous and need to be put down by voting Trump.






Take the same Trump mirror and expose your own human flaws as a phony self-righteous hypocrite, verbal bully, making yourself out to be holier than thou to the world as a closet bigot. White liberals are likely more racist and prejudice behind closed doors as closet bigots or don't confront pals or relatives who are, but to much of a hypocrite to admit it. So, they relieve their guilt on Trump to hide their own shame-blame. The KKK democrats was organized to disrupt free speech.


Trump is the Martin Luther King Jr of Civil Rights for Republican free speech which MLK caused rabid democrat KKK to disrupt his free speech rallies. These rivals were the KKK democrats who provoked racism and terrorized Republican blacks and whites for having the right to vote for the candidate of their choice, The Republicans never protested against the KKK democrats free speech rallies or protested the racist candidates but you do. Trump campaign is exposing democrats true colors by revealing KKK democrats. Beware of these rabid dog KKK democrats, they are dangerous and need to be put down by voting Trump.

*snip imbecile's memes*

kkk'es haven't been dems since the passage of the civil rights laws.

why do you loons need to lie? own your bigotry, baby!
kkk'es haven't been dems since the passage of the civil rights laws.

why do you loons need to lie? own your bigotry, baby!
All the jack asses wearing KKK outfits and appearing in public at Trump rallies are all Democrats.

Considering that the Democrats started the KKK and long supported the KKK over a century, you morons have a hard time dismissing it now when you are the only ones still using it.

The simple truth of the matter is that the Democrats are the party of RACE BAITING in all its forms, from being pro-white to being anti-white, and so you lying bastards will never stop putting on the Klan sheets; you will never let the KKK die the death it deserves and be forgotten.

You profit too much from it, making it entirely your baby, dumbass.
If you would be kind enough to point out any current Democrats who support the KKK, or their goals, I promise you they won't get my vote. It's true Byrd was a racist,but he reformed enough to receive forgiveness from the NAACP.. I'm pretty sure he isn't running for any office today anyway.
The retards have to go back more than half a century to find Democratic Kluxxers. :lol:

Christian extremists is what they are, and always have been. The poor retards can't see the evidence right in front of their faces. They have a cross on their uniforms!

The tards prefer half truths. "Dey wuz Democrats a very long time ago." The dumb shits connect dots that aren't there to the modern Democratic party, as if those old timey Kluxxers would support ObamaCare, gay rights, gun control, high taxes, affirmative action, and amnesty for illegals. I can just hear those good old boys now. "The Confederate flag is racist!"


They were, and still are, right wing. And Christian.

Now you know the WHOLE truth. For the life of me, I don't know why the retards fear the facts and the whole truth.

Actually, I do. It's because the Klan are their political ancestors. The Klan was Democratic because the South was Democratic. The South is Republican now, and so is the Klan. They are on the same side of the aisle as the pseudo-cons.

Trump is the Martin Luther King Jr of Civil Rights for Republican free speech which MLK caused rabid democrat KKK to disrupt his free speech rallies. These rivals were the KKK democrats who provoked racism and terrorized Republican blacks and whites for having the right to vote for the candidate of their choice, The Republicans never protested against the KKK democrats free speech rallies or protested the racist candidates but you do. Trump campaign is exposing democrats true colors by revealing KKK democrats. Beware of these rabid dog KKK democrats, they are dangerous and need to be put down by voting Trump.

*snip imbecile's memes*

kkk'es haven't been dems since the passage of the civil rights laws.

So Byrd became a Republican after the Republicans ran the 1964 Act through? The documentation please.
If you would be kind enough to point out any current Democrats who support the KKK, or their goals, I promise you they won't get my vote. It's true Byrd was a racist,but he reformed enough to receive forgiveness from the NAACP.

Who did (and still does) the NAACP answer to?

The Democrats, of course.
The retards have to go back more than half a century to find Democratic Kluxxers. :lol:

Christian extremists is what they are, and always have been. The poor retards can't see the evidence right in front of their faces. They have a cross on their uniforms!

The tards prefer half truths. "Dey wuz Democrats a very long time ago." The dumb shits connect dots that aren't there to the modern Democratic party, as if those old timey Kluxxers would support ObamaCare, gay rights, gun control, high taxes, affirmative action, and amnesty for illegals. I can just hear those good old boys now. "The Confederate flag is racist!"


They were right wing. And Christian.

Now you know the WHOLE truth. For the life of me, I don't know why the retards fear the facts and the whole truth.

Actually, I do. It's because the Klan are their political ancestors. The Klan was Democratic because the South was Democratic. The South is Republican now, and so is the Klan. They are on the same side of the aisle as the pseudo-cons.

Good post.

To add: In the 20's the Klan was republican in the Midwest and some northern and western states.

Indiana even elected a GOP KKK'er governor.
The retards have to go back more than half a century to find Democratic Kluxxers. :lol:

Christian extremists is what they are, and always have been. The poor retards can't see the evidence right in front of their faces. They have a cross on their uniforms!

The tards prefer half truths. "Dey wuz Democrats a very long time ago." The dumb shits connect dots that aren't there to the modern Democratic party, as if those old timey Kluxxers would support ObamaCare, gay rights, gun control, high taxes, affirmative action, and amnesty for illegals. I can just hear those good old boys now. "The Confederate flag is racist!"


They were right wing. And Christian.

Now you know the WHOLE truth. For the life of me, I don't know why the retards fear the facts and the whole truth.

Actually, I do. It's because the Klan are their political ancestors. The Klan was Democratic because the South was Democratic. The South is Republican now, and so is the Klan. They are on the same side of the aisle as the pseudo-cons.

Good post.

To add: In the 20's the Klan was republican in the Midwest and some northern and western states.

Indiana even elected a GOP KKK'er governor.
Yep. Edward Jackson. 1924. Republican backed by the KKK.

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