Trump calls out Vacationing Nazi Pelousy.

Put down the $13 ice cream and do the people's work!

Sorry, I have no respect or any time for the Tweeting, Hanging at Mar-A-Lago, golfing, and pep rally throwing reality TV star. The white hot spotlight is on him and he's losing it. He's searching for anything that will even remotely stick to take the focus off of him. Sorry Donny, you own this.

Trump has lowered the projected death rate from over 2 million, down to 60K today.

Nazi fought for money for the Kennedy Center and abortions, and went on vacation.

We've got a quarter of the whole world's CV deaths, a third of its cases, and more than six times more active cases than any country in the world. We have the least flattened curve and we are 42nd in testing per capita, just over one percent.

We can sum this up in three words: Rump fucked up.

So why is Nazi Pelousy on vacation?

This is the time that Congress set aside for it and she has earned it. Again, your stupid, childish name-calling is boring
and it originated from your feckless grifter.

can't let tens of thousands of dead Americans delay a Nazi Pelousy vacation, right? She has vodka to swill and $13 a pint ice cream to eat on late night TV shows.
Put down the $13 ice cream and do the people's work!

Sorry, I have no respect or any time for the Tweeting, Hanging at Mar-A-Lago, golfing, and pep rally throwing reality TV star. The white hot spotlight is on him and he's losing it. He's searching for anything that will even remotely stick to take the focus off of him. Sorry Donny, you own this.

Trump has lowered the projected death rate from over 2 million, down to 60K today.

Nazi fought for money for the Kennedy Center and abortions, and went on vacation.

We've got a quarter of the whole world's CV deaths, a third of its cases, and more than six times more active cases than any country in the world. We have the least flattened curve and we are 42nd in testing per capita, just over one percent.

We can sum this up in three words: Rump fucked up.

So why is Nazi Pelousy on vacation?

This is the time that Congress set aside for it and she has earned it. Again, your stupid, childish name-calling is boring
and it originated from your feckless grifter.

can't let tens of thousands of dead Americans delay a Nazi Pelousy vacation, right? She has vodka to swill and $13 a pint ice cream to eat on late night TV shows.

Bored. Trump hanging out at Mar-A-Lago smooching with every other person that had the virus. Kinda like his dodging STD's. He was a soldier.
The Wicked Witch of the House continues to show her indifference to the pain of the American people.

OH, and how's that? Trump is on vacation every weekend at his Mara Largo golf course and has spent over 200 million
on the company jet. That is the golf that he said he would not be playing because he would be too busy working in the White House. So let's talk about Trump, who could care less about the welfare of the American people unless his mouth makes him look good to his uninformed minions.
Unless you are an illegal immigrant she doesn't care about you. She has proven that over her long pathetic career. President Trump does more work in a week than Pelosi does in a month. He is entitled to play whenever he wants
Establishment types don't care about Small Business...........they want control with their lobbyist buddies.............Small Business isn't need in Crony Capitalism to them.

They don't care if they they got their raises out of this........even as NONE LOST THEIR JOBS.
The Wicked Witch of the House continues to show her indifference to the pain of the American people.

OH, and how's that? Trump is on vacation every weekend at his Mara Largo golf course and has spent over 200 million
on the company jet. That is the golf that he said he would not be playing because he would be too busy working in the White House. So let's talk about Trump, who could care less about the welfare of the American people unless his mouth makes him look good to his uninformed minions.
Unless you are an illegal immigrant she doesn't care about you. She has proven that over her long pathetic career. President Trump does more work in a week than Pelosi does in a month. He is entitled to play whenever he wants

Sure. What work?...Tweeting...Golfing...Pep Rallies...Watching Fox...Hand gestures...Eye Movements....Yeah..he work hard...NOT.
The Wicked Witch of the House continues to show her indifference to the pain of the American people.

OH, and how's that? Trump is on vacation every weekend at his Mara Largo golf course and has spent over 200 million
on the company jet. That is the golf that he said he would not be playing because he would be too busy working in the White House. So let's talk about Trump, who could care less about the welfare of the American people unless his mouth makes him look good to his uninformed minions.
Unless you are an illegal immigrant she doesn't care about you. She has proven that over her long pathetic career. President Trump does more work in a week than Pelosi does in a month. He is entitled to play whenever he wants

Sure. What work?...Tweeting...Golfing...Pep Rallies...Watching Fox...Hand gestures...Eye Movements....Yeah..he work hard...NOT.
Yes in the simplified world of Libtardia, that is what President Trump does.
Do it Mr President! :clap:..........enough is enough!

"President Donald Trump warned Congress on Wednesday that he would consider using his authority to close both sessions of Congress, allowing him to make recess appointments."

Trump has not shown sympathy a single time or tried to reassure the country a single time during this. He does not lead.
Try actually watching a briefing. Here's a clue: "Morning Joe is not real news".
Watching Trump pass the buck and attack pandemic victims is not productive. Waste your time with that embarrassing horseshit if you want, snowflake.
Nancy Pelosi comes from a completely Democratic political family and has never worked a day in the real world. Then she married a multi-millionaire. That explains her arrogant disdain for the American people. Anyone who has not held a real job in their life should be barred from running for office.
Put down the $13 ice cream and do the people's work!

Another desperate finger pointing at someone else...

So now we have had:
Obama a few times
The Constitution
Heathcare Workers
The Wicked Witch of the House continues to show her indifference to the pain of the American people.

OH, and how's that? Trump is on vacation every weekend at his Mara Largo golf course and has spent over 200 million
on the company jet. That is the golf that he said he would not be playing because he would be too busy working in the White House. So let's talk about Trump, who could care less about the welfare of the American people unless his mouth makes him look good to his uninformed minions.
Unless you are an illegal immigrant she doesn't care about you. She has proven that over her long pathetic career. President Trump does more work in a week than Pelosi does in a month. He is entitled to play whenever he wants

Sure. What work?...Tweeting...Golfing...Pep Rallies...Watching Fox...Hand gestures...Eye Movements....Yeah..he work hard...NOT.
Cool story, Tardo.
Put down the $13 ice cream and do the people's work!

Sorry, I have no respect or any time for the Tweeting, Hanging at Mar-A-Lago, golfing, and pep rally throwing reality TV star. The white hot spotlight is on him and he's losing it. He's searching for anything that will even remotely stick to take the focus off of him. Sorry Donny, you own this.

Trump has lowered the projected death rate from over 2 million, down to 60K today.

Nazi fought for money for the Kennedy Center and abortions, and went on vacation.

We've got a quarter of the whole world's CV deaths, a third of its cases, and more than six times more active cases than any country in the world. We have the least flattened curve and we are 42nd in testing per capita, just over one percent.

We can sum this up in three words: Rump fucked up.

So why is Nazi Pelousy on vacation?

This is the time that Congress set aside for it and she has earned it. Again, your stupid, childish name-calling is boring
and it originated from your feckless grifter.

can't let tens of thousands of dead Americans delay a Nazi Pelousy vacation, right? She has vodka to swill and $13 a pint ice cream to eat on late night TV shows.

Congress is in recess at this time. Nobody is home. Trump flapped away again to impress his uninformed followers. After all,
Trump is on vacation 4 days a week playing golf that he said he would not be doing.
The Wicked Witch of the House continues to show her indifference to the pain of the American people.

OH, and how's that? Trump is on vacation every weekend at his Mara Largo golf course and has spent over 200 million
on the company jet. That is the golf that he said he would not be playing because he would be too busy working in the White House. So let's talk about Trump, who could care less about the welfare of the American people unless his mouth makes him look good to his uninformed minions.
Unless you are an illegal immigrant she doesn't care about you. She has proven that over her long pathetic career. President Trump does more work in a week than Pelosi does in a month. He is entitled to play whenever he wants

Sure. What work?...Tweeting...Golfing...Pep Rallies...Watching Fox...Hand gestures...Eye Movements....Yeah..he work hard...NOT.
Yes in the simplified world of Libtardia, that is what President Trump does.

No, that is Trump's simplified world--watching TV and playing golf. He doesn't have the mental fortitude to do much else.
Put down the $13 ice cream and do the people's work!

Sorry, I have no respect or any time for the Tweeting, Hanging at Mar-A-Lago, golfing, and pep rally throwing reality TV star. The white hot spotlight is on him and he's losing it. He's searching for anything that will even remotely stick to take the focus off of him. Sorry Donny, you own this.

Trump has lowered the projected death rate from over 2 million, down to 60K today.

Nazi fought for money for the Kennedy Center and abortions, and went on vacation.

We've got a quarter of the whole world's CV deaths, a third of its cases, and more than six times more active cases than any country in the world. We have the least flattened curve and we are 42nd in testing per capita, just over one percent.

We can sum this up in three words: Rump fucked up.

So why is Nazi Pelousy on vacation?

This is the time that Congress set aside for it and she has earned it. Again, your stupid, childish name-calling is boring
and it originated from your feckless grifter.

can't let tens of thousands of dead Americans delay a Nazi Pelousy vacation, right? She has vodka to swill and $13 a pint ice cream to eat on late night TV shows.

Congress is in recess at this time. Nobody is home. Trump flapped away again to impress his uninformed followers. After all,
Trump is on vacation 4 days a week playing golf that he said he would not be doing.

Recess.....vacation. Call it what you want. Nazi Pelousy is home swilling vodka instead of working on a crisis.
Put down the $13 ice cream and do the people's work!

dInky dOnald is dElusional. Nobody is on vacation.
Put down the $13 ice cream and do the people's work!

dInky dOnald is dElusional. Nobody is on vacation.

Why do you post such blatant lies and think anyone believes your bullshit?
Put down the $13 ice cream and do the people's work!

Sorry, I have no respect or any time for the Tweeting, Hanging at Mar-A-Lago, golfing, and pep rally throwing reality TV star. The white hot spotlight is on him and he's losing it. He's searching for anything that will even remotely stick to take the focus off of him. Sorry Donny, you own this.

Trump has lowered the projected death rate from over 2 million, down to 60K today.

Nazi fought for money for the Kennedy Center and abortions, and went on vacation.

We've got a quarter of the whole world's CV deaths, a third of its cases, and more than six times more active cases than any country in the world. We have the least flattened curve and we are 42nd in testing per capita, just over one percent.

We can sum this up in three words: Rump fucked up.

So why is Nazi Pelousy on vacation?

This is the time that Congress set aside for it and she has earned it. Again, your stupid, childish name-calling is boring
and it originated from your feckless grifter.

can't let tens of thousands of dead Americans delay a Nazi Pelousy vacation, right? She has vodka to swill and $13 a pint ice cream to eat on late night TV shows.

Here's a klown with an Italian name, mocking Italian names. Hard to believe, Harry.
Anyone who has not held a real job in their life should be barred from running for office.

Hm, that would take Rump right out of the Orange House. I like the way you think.

You know, I made that point back in '15 and '16, over and over and over. And yet the Electrical College shocked us by plopping a loser who had never held a job, or even any position of responsibility of any kind, into the most responsible job in the world. Boggles the mind, donut?


Oh and what about people who can't spell? They should not be tapppppppped for public office either.
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