Trump Campaign Details “Inflammatory, Violent Rhetoric” Used Against Former President

Hard to believe he would go there. Vance already admitted for the team, they will make up stories if needed to draw attention, and most of the time, their stories attack ethnic groups, immigrants (whether legal or not) women, as well as opposition. Lying about people is policy with them.

Who's been attempted to be be killed twice in two months?

You need to stop your charade
Who's been attempted to be be killed twice in two months?

You need to stop your charade
Gee, why would anybody want to do that? Sure, he does a lot of hate speech, but that doesn't justify Republicans and Democrats taking shots at the man. Those nut balls have been held responsible in the past and will be held responsible in the future, and it is of note, their surmvival rate is 50/50, this summer. This is America. You have the freedom to say anything you like and not be arrested for saying it, but that does not mean some half baked, disturbed person of low impulse control, won't beat the crap out of you or shoot you. But, it is his choice and like I said, if something happens, I am sure the perp will be punished or killed, even if the victim does not live through to see it.
More than a little rich coming from the guy who's cried "RETRIBUTION", "FRAUD", ENEMY OF THE STATE" for almost a decade now. Preaching violent retribution for his perceived enemies.
He did this to himself. He created the toxic political environment we have now. Aided and abetted by just every Republican out there.

Sorry. Sympathy somewhat limited here. Trump never tones the rhetoric down. And the country (for the large part) tolerates it.
People love Trump because he puts them first. He was the only alternative to the dismissive Democrats and neocons who were basically saying, "shut the hell up and do what we tell you". Americans love Trump because he'll make America Great Again and restore the American Dream for everyone. Democrats and neocons don't give a shit about anyone but the rich and their own reelection. MAGA
But Trump needs to turn down the rhetoric.

Hell, today that smurf Biden press secretary said it is perfectly fine to keep saying Trump is a threat to democracy (one of the triggers for would be assassin Routh). More Democrat dog whistles.

The Trump campaign has since emailed supporters dozens of instances where prominent Democrats have used “increasingly incendiary rhetoric” against the former president. Many examples feature Trump and his supporters being referred to as a “threat” to the United States or democracy itself.
Among them include the following – to give just a sampling of the rhetoric leading up to the second assassination attempt:
And not surprisingly, after the second attempt on Trump’s life the rhetoric against him hasn’t toned down one bit. But that was to obviously be expected, as the rhetoric only escalated following the first assassination attempt. Team Trump provided plenty of examples of that too:
Also featured are a number of examples of inflammatory rhetoric used against Trump between the two attempts on his life. While including comments by lower-profile Democrats, the campaign also highlighted instances by liberal commentators and broadcasters.

“Democrats and the Fake News must immediately cease their inflammatory, violent rhetoric against President Trump — which was mimicked by yesterday’s would-be assassin,” Trump’s campaign added.

A 150-second video of notable clips was shared on social media by the End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) account on X.
These are dog whistles used to radicalize ActBlue brownshirts

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