Trump celebrating New Years' with Melania by his side at Mar A Lago can't help but get political: "the weaponization of the FBI is a disgrace"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Why is the FBI failing to do it's job? because the crimes of the left are inconvenient for the prevailing political narrative, which is more important to leftist zealots than the safety and well being of patriotic Americans

Why is the FBI failing to do it's job? because the crimes of the left are inconvenient for the prevailing political narrative, which is more important to leftist zealots than the safety and well being of patriotic Americans

Damn the FBI for investigating and recovering stolen Too Secret Documents. Don’t they have better things to do?
Why is the FBI failing to do it's job? because the crimes of the left are inconvenient for the prevailing political narrative, which is more important to leftist zealots than the safety and well being of patriotic Americans

The FBI is really good at raiding people's homes for political purposes....and not charging them with a crime.
I see that The Donald kicked off the year with a nice simple Fact .

Only mentally unbalanced individuals try to dismiss Facts

Time to write the leftist parasites off.

They've made it clear that facts mean nothing to them.

There is literally no "alt right"
Things the Alt-Right Says:

1). There is no "alt right"
2). Qanon is a left thing, the right has nothing to do with Qanon.
3). Trump never lies.
4). Commie, Nazi
5). There was no insurrection, it was a peaceful protest
6). Nancy is bad, MTG is my Hero.
7). Witch Hunt
8). Trump said "peaceful" once.
9). Stolen Election, except when (R) win.
Things the Alt-Right Says:

1). There is no "alt right"
2). Qanon is a left thing, the right has nothing to do with Qanon.
3). Trump never lies.
4). Commie, Nazi
5). There was no insurrection, it was a peaceful protest
6). Nancy is bad, MTG is my Hero.
7). Witch Hunt
8). Trump said "peaceful" once.
9). Stolen Election, except when (R) win.

You're cute when you pout.

Things the Alt-Right Says:

1). There is no "alt right"
2). Qanon is a left thing, the right has nothing to do with Qanon.
3). Trump never lies.
4). Commie, Nazi
5). There was no insurrection, it was a peaceful protest
6). Nancy is bad, MTG is my Hero.
7). Witch Hunt
8). Trump said "peaceful" once.
9). Stolen Election, except when (R) win.
Things the left says:
1) There is no far left
2) ANTIFA is a right thing, the left has nothing to do with ANTIFA
2) Biden never lies
4) White Supremacist, Racist
5) Black Lives Matter participated in peaceful demonstrations
6) Orange man bad, Kamela is my hero.
7) Witch Hunt against Hunter.
9) Stolen Election, except when (D) win.
Looks like opposite sides of the same coin. Abolish both.
Why is the FBI failing to do it's job? because the crimes of the left are inconvenient for the prevailing political narrative, which is more important to leftist zealots than the safety and well being of patriotic Americans

The FBI isn't "failing to do it's job". Trump and his minions are failing to abide by the law. Democrats do abide by the law, for the most part. Republicans keep accusing Democrats of committing crimes, but investigations have routinely shown that the crimes Republicans claim the Democrats committed, never happened.

25+ Clinton investigations have shown Republicans NOTHING.
Things the left says:
1) There is no far left
2) ANTIFA is a right thing, the left has nothing to do with ANTIFA
2) Biden never lies
4) White Supremacist, Racist
5) Black Lives Matter participated in peaceful demonstrations
6) Orange man bad, Kamela is my hero.
7) Witch Hunt against Hunter.
9) Stolen Election, except when (D) win.
Looks like opposite sides of the same coin. Abolish both.

Another right winger tells leftist what they think and gets it, quite predictably, COMPLETELY WRONG.

Why don't you fools try coming up with plans and programs that W0RK and that don't crash the economy or impoverish working people, because voting just to piss off Democrats has left your country struggling and unstable.
Things the left says:
1) There is no far left
2) ANTIFA is a right thing, the left has nothing to do with ANTIFA
2) Biden never lies
4) White Supremacist, Racist
5) Black Lives Matter participated in peaceful demonstrations
6) Orange man bad, Kamela is my hero.
7) Witch Hunt against Hunter.
9) Stolen Election, except when (D) win.
Looks like opposite sides of the same coin. Abolish both.

Replace them with what?
Why is the FBI failing to do it's job? because the crimes of the left are inconvenient for the prevailing political narrative, which is more important to leftist zealots than the safety and well being of patriotic Americans

An idiotic thread with lies and nothing to back it up with. What a joke.
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