Trump compliments moderator Kristen Welker, gives credit where credit is due!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
As I listened to last nights’ debate, I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the moderator, Kristen Welker, to use her position to tip the scale in Joe Biden’s favor, as was arrogantly and blatantly done during the first debate by Chris Wallace.

Come on man, I’ll bet almost every Trump supporter expected the same last night, and asked themselves’ why our President was willing to actually put himself in harm’s way, a second time, knowing how our big media, and that includes NBC, has repeatedly attacked our President and spread countless lies from, “anonymous sources”, and also lies by intentional omissions.

Well, to my absolute surprise, I began to realize Kristen Welker was doing a professional job, without bias or attempting to tip the scale in Biden’s favor, and then this is what happened:

President Trump took the time to compliment Kristen Welker, something I never thought would happen, but shows me Trump is more than happy to give credit where credit is due. And for that, I applaud President Trump!

Finally, thank you Kristen Welker for the unbiased and professional job you did in moderating last night’s debate.


Our communist/socialist domestic revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.
As I listened to last nights’ debate, I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the moderator, Kristen Welker, to use her position to tip the scale in Joe Biden’s favor, as was arrogantly and blatantly done during the first debate by Chris Wallace.

Come on man, I’ll bet almost every Trump supporter expected the same last night, and asked themselves’ why our President was willing to actually put himself in harm’s way, a second time, knowing how our big media, and that includes NBC, has repeatedly attacked our President and spread countless lies from, “anonymous sources”, and also lies by intentional omissions.

Well, to my absolute surprise, I began to realize Kristen Welker was doing a professional job, without bias or attempting to tip the scale in Biden’s favor, and then this is what happened:

President Trump took the time to compliment Kristen Welker, something I never thought would happen, but shows me Trump is more than happy to give credit where credit is due. And for that, I applaud President Trump!

Finally, thank you Kristen Welker for the unbiased and professional job you did in moderating last night’s debate.


Our communist/socialist domestic revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

I totally agree. She did seem to give Biden more mic time but she did an outstanding job.
She was by far the best moderator I've seen in this or the 2016 election cycle. A professional who performed her duty ethically and at least somewhat objectively. It made it more enjoyable to watch and probably helped the two duke it out without being concerned they are being over ruled by a judge all night.

She made Weasel Wallace look like a China First patsy in comparison..
She did a good job...made Wallace look like he was on Joe's payroll....I wish Wallace would move along and retire....his sun has set...he is just as big of a never Trumper on his Sunday show too.....Hey Chris! watch Welker...that's how you moderate a debate.....
On a marxist hack scale she was only a 9, so there's that. She did make chrissy look even more unprofessional and hackish, which most people didn't think was even possible.

Sleepy thanked her after the debate and mentioned that she was the sweetest Visiting Angel he had met this week.
As I listened to last nights’ debate, I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the moderator, Kristen Welker, to use her position to tip the scale in Joe Biden’s favor, as was arrogantly and blatantly done during the first debate by Chris Wallace.

Come on man, I’ll bet almost every Trump supporter expected the same last night, and asked themselves’ why our President was willing to actually put himself in harm’s way, a second time, knowing how our big media, and that includes NBC, has repeatedly attacked our President and spread countless lies from, “anonymous sources”, and also lies by intentional omissions.

Well, to my absolute surprise, I began to realize Kristen Welker was doing a professional job, without bias or attempting to tip the scale in Biden’s favor, and then this is what happened:

President Trump took the time to compliment Kristen Welker, something I never thought would happen, but shows me Trump is more than happy to give credit where credit is due. And for that, I applaud President Trump!

Finally, thank you Kristen Welker for the unbiased and professional job you did in moderating last night’s debate.


Our communist/socialist domestic revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Given the blatant debate moderator partisanship over the last few election cycles, Welker was a refreshing surprise. She highlighted the dismal failure of Chris Wallace on several levels.
We need robots to moderate political debates in the future. With laser beams used as an inducement for the candidates to be truthful.
Tramp said she is a "radical democrat"


That was well before the debate, and perhaps it was said because we have a Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ who work 24/7 to attack our president, and totally ignore the many positive accomplishments of our president.


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.
Seems the questions were slanted for Biden. No mention from her about the Biden Crime Family.

She was good.

She seems to have had a memory lapse related to certain areas of interest.....
Court packing.
The Economy.
Middle East Peace.
Four nominations for the Nobel Prize didn't come up.
Riots, violence, assaults on police.....encouraged by and shielded by Democrats escaped her.
Biden referred to the 'Poor Boys'...not the Proud Boys......did he think that they're just as smart as the rich boys?
She seems to have had a memory lapse related to certain areas of interest.....
Court packing.
The Economy.
Middle East Peace.
Four nominations for the Nobel Prize didn't come up.
Riots, violence, assaults on police..

Keep in mind she will catch a lot of heat, from our Fifth Column media cartel, for not being 100% in the tank for Sleepy Joe, and she probably was fully aware of this, and why she treaded lightly. In any event I appreciate her courage for being as fair as possible under the circumstances!


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.
Seems the questions were slanted for Biden. No mention from her about the Biden Crime Family.

She was good.

She seems to have had a memory lapse related to certain areas of interest.....
Court packing.
The Economy.
Middle East Peace.
Four nominations for the Nobel Prize didn't come up.
Riots, violence, assaults on police.....encouraged by and shielded by Democrats escaped her.
Biden referred to the 'Poor Boys'...not the Proud Boys......did he think that they're just as smart as the rich boys?
Lol. They treat Biden like their burping a baby.
As I listened to last nights’ debate, I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the moderator, Kristen Welker, to use her position to tip the scale in Joe Biden’s favor, as was arrogantly and blatantly done during the first debate by Chris Wallace.

Come on man, I’ll bet almost every Trump supporter expected the same last night, and asked themselves’ why our President was willing to actually put himself in harm’s way, a second time, knowing how our big media, and that includes NBC, has repeatedly attacked our President and spread countless lies from, “anonymous sources”, and also lies by intentional omissions.

Well, to my absolute surprise, I began to realize Kristen Welker was doing a professional job, without bias or attempting to tip the scale in Biden’s favor, and then this is what happened:

President Trump took the time to compliment Kristen Welker, something I never thought would happen, but shows me Trump is more than happy to give credit where credit is due. And for that, I applaud President Trump!

Finally, thank you Kristen Welker for the unbiased and professional job you did in moderating last night’s debate.


Our communist/socialist domestic revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Her ass is going to be toast when they get here behind the scenes for not towing the party line....she should get in touch with Dianne Feinstein.

As I listened to last nights’ debate, I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the moderator, Kristen Welker, to use her position to tip the scale in Joe Biden’s favor, as was arrogantly and blatantly done during the first debate by Chris Wallace.

Come on man, I’ll bet almost every Trump supporter expected the same last night, and asked themselves’ why our President was willing to actually put himself in harm’s way, a second time, knowing how our big media, and that includes NBC, has repeatedly attacked our President and spread countless lies from, “anonymous sources”, and also lies by intentional omissions.

Well, to my absolute surprise, I began to realize Kristen Welker was doing a professional job, without bias or attempting to tip the scale in Biden’s favor, and then this is what happened:

President Trump took the time to compliment Kristen Welker, something I never thought would happen, but shows me Trump is more than happy to give credit where credit is due. And for that, I applaud President Trump!

Finally, thank you Kristen Welker for the unbiased and professional job you did in moderating last night’s debate.


Our communist/socialist domestic revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

I totally agree. She did seem to give Biden more mic time but she did an outstanding job.

Even if she did Biden more mic time it did nothing to help Biden and hurt him more...
Her ass is going to be toast when they get here behind the scenes for not towing the party line....she should get in touch with Dianne Feinstein.

The sad thing is, as you point out, Kristen Welker will catch a lot of heat from our Fifth Column media cartel for not being 100% in the tank for Sleepy Joe, and daring to be somewhat unbiased in her job as moderator.

I remember when Juan Williams was fired from NPR for not being politically correct. I hope Kristen will survive the coming onslaught for "not towing the party line" at NBC. If not, I'm sure Fox News will reach out to her and offer her a good paying position.

Aside from all that, I appreciate her courage for being as fair as possible under the circumstances!


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.
Tramp said she is a "radical democrat"


That was well before the debate, and perhaps it was said because we have a Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ who work 24/7 to attack our president, and totally ignore the many positive accomplishments of our president.


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.

That was right before the debate, and next time she asks a hard quest. she will become a radical democrat.

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