tRump continues to be a deplorable monster when it comes to his attitude of tragedy in Pittsburgh.

Your so-called president from a hell hole tRump is only concerned about meeting his Russian and GOPer objective of destroying civilization and all the virtues that goes along with it, including the global economy. Keep running with the 45 devil, and see where you will end up at but I don't think you would like it.
It has come to the point, I cannot stand looking, hearing or the morbid image of this demagogue of a so-called president who has become a burden on my mental and physical health, spirit and soul. As such for this imposter to play one of his gutter sick tricks at making it seem like he cared for the victims of this domestic terrorist attack, the stupid SOB turns around like the devil and blames the victims, including possible children. Based on U.S. Constitutional law, the will of the majority and ultimately God, tRump is not my president but a freakish and wicked creep who deserves to fully experience the punishment guidelines of U.S. Constitutional law as it relates to high treason:

Trump laments Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, then suggests victims should have protected themselves"

source: vox .com

So Trump is encouraging people to defend themselves so tragedies like this don't happen.... and you hate him for it? Doesn't this make you the monster?
Ridiculous and there is no use at defending your so-called president's act of giving a free pass to uncivilized and so-called white nationalist domestic terrorist with the appeared DNA of a cock roach. Therefore, deal with the reality of it all instead of projecting and playing that squalid victims card. This is because it is your so-called president who has a contract with the devil on his soul that must be paid, and at being his fault for this uncivilized and bloody disgrace. Your darling Russian puppet 45 and anti-American conspiring GOPer cronie is not my president but a traitor's so-called president.

Obama was the Muslin Devil. His back door deals with Iran You lefties just can’t help yourselves. You cry and whine when you don’t get your way. If the Republicans were so bad why didn’t Obama go through what President Trump is. We hated Obama and yet we dealt with his disastrous 8 years. Grow up or move if you don’t like it. You have to make up shit and pull stunts like this bomber to try and help your cause. Not working and come November your going to get spanked again.

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It has come to the point, I cannot stand looking, hearing or the morbid image of this demagogue of a so-called president who has become a burden on my mental and physical health, spirit and soul. As such for this imposter to play one of his gutter sick tricks at making it seem like he cared for the victims of this domestic terrorist attack, the stupid SOB turns around like the devil and blames the victims, including possible children. Based on U.S. Constitutional law, the will of the majority and ultimately God, tRump is not my president but a freakish and wicked creep who deserves to fully experience the punishment guidelines of U.S. Constitutional law as it relates to high treason:

Trump laments Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, then suggests victims should have protected themselves"

source: vox .com

You sound like someone that is unhinged and may be a danger to society.
It has come to the point, I cannot stand looking, hearing or the morbid image of this demagogue of a so-called president who has become a burden on my mental and physical health, spirit and soul. As such for this imposter to play one of his gutter sick tricks at making it seem like he cared for the victims of this domestic terrorist attack, the stupid SOB turns around like the devil and blames the victims, including possible children. Based on U.S. Constitutional law, the will of the majority and ultimately God, tRump is not my president but a freakish and wicked creep who deserves to fully experience the punishment guidelines of U.S. Constitutional law as it relates to high treason:

Trump laments Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, then suggests victims should have protected themselves"

source: vox .com

You sound like someone that is unhinged and may be a danger to society.

He is mad because there candidate lost. He should move out of the country with the rest of the left wing assholes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It has come to the point, I cannot stand looking, hearing or the morbid image of this demagogue of a so-called president who has become a burden on my mental and physical health, spirit and soul. As such for this imposter to play one of his gutter sick tricks at making it seem like he cared for the victims of this domestic terrorist attack, the stupid SOB turns around like the devil and blames the victims, including possible children. Based on U.S. Constitutional law, the will of the majority and ultimately God, tRump is not my president but a freakish and wicked creep who deserves to fully experience the punishment guidelines of U.S. Constitutional law as it relates to high treason:

Trump laments Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, then suggests victims should have protected themselves"

source: vox .com

You sound like someone that is unhinged and may be a danger to society.
Someone's so-called Russian skid marked brown shirt 45.
Right is left, up is down, and Liberals suddenly giving a fuck about Jews. The patrisan hackery shining through.
Trumps bullshit call for unity

By Katie Rogers and Jeffery C. Mays

  • Oct. 27, 2018MURPHYSBORO, Ill. — President Trump said on Saturday that “the hearts of all Americans are filled with grief” after a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue left at least 11 people dead, and he called on the country to combat hate crimes together.

“It will require all of us working together to extract the hateful poison of anti-Semitism,” Mr. Trump said to a rally crowd here at an airplane hangar in rural Illinois. “The scourge of anti-Semitism can’t be ignored.”

Still, Mr. Trump again demonstrated that he would not be swayed from the call of the campaign trail during a politically volatile and violent midterm election season. Not as the death toll at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh mounted. And not as the authorities were still investigating how another suspect in a separate case this week went from being a loyal Trump fan to mailing explosive devices to several of Mr. Trump’s critics.

In minutes, Mr. Trump moved from a call for unity to attacking and name-calling Democrats, including his former presidential rival, Hillary Clinton, and leading lawmakers like Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Maxine Waters.

Rather than hang back at the White House, the president barreled forward to Illinois to support Representative Mike Bost, a Republican in a tight race for re-election. Mr. Trump received counterterrorism briefings on the road. He delivered real-time shooting “results” to the country between Air Force One stops and urged Americans to fight religious and racial prejudice. And he repeatedly said that the death penalty should be enforced.

“We can’t make these sick, demented, evil people important,” Mr. Trump said to his rally crowd. “When we change all of our lives in order to accommodate them, it’s not acceptable.”

Asked by reporters beforehand about Cesar Sayoc Jr., who was arrested and charged with sending the explosives, Mr. Trump said, “He was no supporter of mine.”

On Saturday, Mr. Trump made a stop at an Indiana farming convention ahead of a busy schedule next week in the run-up to the elections, when at least 10 campaign events are scheduled. Mr. Trump also said that he intended to visit Pittsburgh, but did not give a time frame.

Hours before his latest rally — where he often voices his support of the Second Amendment — Mr. Trump said that the nation’s gun laws had “little to do” with the shooting and suggested that the synagogue should have had an armed guard in place.

“If they had protection inside, the results would have been far better,” he said. “This is a dispute that will always exist, I suspect.”

Four police officers were among the injured, according to Wendell D. Hissrich, Pittsburgh’s public safety director. And Democrats, including Pennsylvania’s governor, Tom Wolf, quickly disagreed with the president’s assertion that gun laws had little to do with the shooting.

“Dangerous weapons are putting our citizens in harm’s way,” said Mr. Wolf, adding that people should resist accepting “this violence as normal.”
Deal with, President Obama is QE2's cousin thrice removed, which makes my president Obama until further notice part Anglo Saxon.

Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA

Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA is Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom's 10th cousin thrice removed!
President Obama the 44th legitimate and U.S. Constitutionally compliant POTUS until further notice. 45 amounts to a breached birth and dog poop so-called presidency.

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