Trump Donor Tries To Block Gas Plants That Would Bring Jobs To West Virginia


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The move was puzzling. Backers of Moundsville Power said the project would be a significant boost for the area, providing 500 jobs annually during a three-year construction period and 30 permanent jobs once it was operational. Supporters said the project was a way for residents to capture more economic gains from West Virginia’s booming natural gas industry.

The legal action, it turns out, was funded by Murray Energy Corp., one of the nation’s largest coal producers, one of the group’s leaders testified in a deposition in the case. Murray Energy’s founder and CEO is Robert E. Murray, who is among the nation’s best-known advocates for reviving the coal industry and cutting regulations related to it.

'Jobs Alliance,' Funded By Trump Backer, Tries To Block Gas Plants That Would Bring Jobs To West Virginia
Really digging deep aren't you? But I understand because things are so dang great it is really hard to find something negative to pin on Trump. Good effort.

Actually things are really great.

And the Article is about a Trump supporter.

Who's actually taking steps to block good high paying jobs from coming to a depressed area that needs them.

But hey, it's all about dotard right?
providing 500 jobs annually during a three-year construction period and 30 permanent jobs once it was operational.

Isn't that about the same numbers they had for the Keystone Pipeline?
Really digging deep aren't you? But I understand because things are so dang great it is really hard to find something negative to pin on Trump. Good effort.

Actually things are really great.

And the Article is about a Trump supporter.

Who's actually taking steps to block good high paying jobs from coming to a depressed area that needs them.

But hey, it's all about dotard right?
You are the one consumed with Donald Trump morning noon and night. Meanwhile NAFTA is toast and USMCA is in effect! MAGA

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