Trump embraces Putin’s sympathetic comments to claim political persecution

Probably. He didn't believe so. He had a lot of inside intelligence, and I don't know what he knew. I know what I read, and I know that it might be possible that he might have known something that I don't know, I can't say for sure. This is America, and we are all free to believe what we like.
Trump was the first president on record to never have majority support during his first term. He lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by over two million votes. All of the public opinion surveys showed him losing to Joe Biden in 2020. There is no evidence at all that he won the 2020 election.

Unfortunately, the poorly educated angry white men who support him believe his lies because they lack the intelligence to examine evidence.

Former President Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin's moves in Ukraine, calling him "savvy," after the Kremlin recognized the independence of two breakaway, Russian separatist-controlled regions in eastern Ukraine.

"So, Putin is now saying, 'It's independent,' a large section of Ukraine. I said, 'How smart is that?' And he's gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. That's [the] strongest peace force," Trump said, adding that that was the kind of show of force the United States could use on its Southern border.
This had to do with the fact, that the West kept betraying its promises, and would not live up to its end of the Minsk agreements.

And? As we later found out. . . he was right, wasn't he? That is what that whole bogus impeachment was over, Trump wanting to dig into Ukrainian corruption, with the possibility of pausing funding for building the Ukrainian war machine up till he could get to the bottom of all that mess. Our own president was not allowed to do his job though, was he? He could have prevented this war, but the bureaucracy would not allow that!

This caused the military industrial complex, and the corrupt establishment and DNC to go ballistic! THAT, is why they tried to impeach him.

Hell, the western politicians in Europe, like Merkel, HAVE admitted it. This is no secret now. There was never any intention to work with Russia to try to solve this issue in a peaceful, fair and equitable manner. They were always planning for a war. . .


GTFO here with that bullshit.

Ukrayinska Pravda

Putin disappointed by Merkel's words about Minsk agreements​

Little more research, I found the date, it occured on Dec. 7, 2022.

Here is a link, to the pay-walled interview;


"ZEIT: The whole world is waiting for a word of self-criticism!

Merkel: That may be the case, but the attitude of the critics does not correspond to my opinion on many points. To simply bow to it just because it's expected, I think would be cheap. I had so many thoughts back then! It would be downright a sign of inadequacy if, just to have peace of mind and without really thinking like that, I simply said: Oh, right, now I realize it too, that was wrong. But I'll tell you one point that bothers me. It has to do with the fact that the Cold War never really ended because Russia was basically not at peace. When Putin invaded Crimea in 2014, he was expelled from the G8. NATO has also stationed troops in the Baltic States to show that we, as NATO, are ready to defend. In addition, we in the Alliance have decided to spend two percent of each country's gross domestic product on defense. The CDU and CSU were the only ones who still had that in their government program. But we too should have reacted more quickly to Russia's aggressiveness. Germany has not reached the two percent target despite the increase. And I didn't give a passionate speech about it every day either."


"ZEIT: But you can still find plausible how you acted in earlier circumstances and still consider it wrong today in view of the results.

Merkel: But that presupposes also saying what exactly the alternatives were at the time. I thought the initiation of NATO accession for Ukraine and Georgia discussed in 2008 to be wrong. The countries neither had the necessary prerequisites for this, nor had the consequences of such a decision been fully considered, both with regard to Russia's actions against Georgia and Ukraine and to NATO and its rules of assistance. And the 2014 Minsk agreement was an attempt to give Ukraine time.

Note d. Red.: The Minsk Agreement is a set of agreements for the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, which broke away from Ukraine under Russian influence. The aim was to gain time with a ceasefire in order to later come to a peace between Russia and Ukraine.

She also used this time to get stronger, as you can see today. The Ukraine of 2014/15 is not the Ukraine of today. As one saw in the battle for Debaltseve (railway town in Donbass, Donetsk Oblast, ed.) in early 2015, Putin could easily have overrun them at the time. And I very much doubt that the NATO countries could have done as much then as they do now to help Ukraine."

Trump was the first president on record to never have majority support during his first term. He lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by over two million votes. All of the public opinion surveys showed him losing to Joe Biden in 2020. There is no evidence at all that he won the 2020 election.

Unfortunately, the poorly educated angry white men who support him believe his lies because they lack the intelligence to examine evidence.
I certainly can't disagree with that.
OTH, there has been in our nation, a suspicious lack of exit polls since, oh. . . . the 2004 election?


The Washington Post, September 13, 2023​

Former president Donald Trump pointed to sympathetic comments from Russian President Vladimir Putin early Wednesday to try to bolster his case that he is being treated unfairly by prosecutors in the United States.

Trump, who is facing 91 charges in four separate criminal cases and who has accused prosecutors of targeting him to hamper his political future, posted on his social media platform just after midnight that Putin essentially agrees with him. Trump leads a large field of candidates for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Putin, who has a history of persecuting his political opponents, claimed Tuesday that the criminal cases against Trump were part of “the persecution of a political rival for political reasons.” He predicted that the proceedings against Trump would diminish America’s global standing, to Russia’s benefit...

The comments reflected the largely warm relationship between the two leaders during Trump’s presidency, which included a 2018 summit at which Trump refused to support the collective conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election...

In Russia, Putin and his allies have cracked down on dissent, most recently against many who have protested the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

I hope there are a few Trump supporters who are embarrassed by Trump taking satisfaction in being supported by a brutal dictator.
So, Democrats are using Putin's tactics. No surprise there.
I'm not a yuuuuuuuuuuuge Trump fan, I think America needs either a Pinochet, Prigozhin or George Washington.
Then why do you support a human scumbag? and Pinochet or a Prigozhin? (you must be out of your mind) George Washington, I wouldn't know of any achievements done in the 18th century - that would work in the 21st century.
You're upset Trump didn't bend the entire world to the US will? You are in for severe disappointment
Trump is a liar and a human scumbag - who in 4 years did absolutely nothing to the benefit of the USA (couldn't even finish an already existing border fence).
In any event, Putin had EVERY RIGHT to annex Crimea! It's Obama and Biden who were the war criminals in backing the 2014 coup
Ukraine and it's territory - was recognized in 1990/1 by the Russian Federation, by the UN and the entire world. Therefore Putin had no right at all to occupy Crimea. If he took his chances due to US/NATO's endless eastward expansion - provides a reason - but is not a valid action, according to international law.

For your information;
I despise RADICALS no matter their color and shade.
I despise every single Fake Democracy - and every single existing politician that works for a Fake Democracy

The solution to those countries with a fake democracy is for the people to find&choose a candidate that promotes and demands a political system, that is controlled via plebiscites - a TRUE Democracy. And not some factual or wannabe scumbag Dictator.

Autocratic systems don't work or last in Western countries - the people there fought and died for democracy for 100 years and more.
A country like China - has never had democracy - the KMT wasn't democratic at all. Therefore the culture and society is adapted towards an autocratic system since 3000 years. And an autocratic system led by a "responsible&professional" government will always be superior to a Fake democracy.

Just my 2cents
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Lots of links to indictments but not much evidence to support claims by the left that "Trump embraces sympathetic comments by Putin". This is laughable stuff.

The Washington Post, September 13, 2023​

Former president Donald Trump pointed to sympathetic comments from Russian President Vladimir Putin early Wednesday to try to bolster his case that he is being treated unfairly by prosecutors in the United States.

Trump, who is facing 91 charges in four separate criminal cases and who has accused prosecutors of targeting him to hamper his political future, posted on his social media platform just after midnight that Putin essentially agrees with him. Trump leads a large field of candidates for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Putin, who has a history of persecuting his political opponents, claimed Tuesday that the criminal cases against Trump were part of “the persecution of a political rival for political reasons.” He predicted that the proceedings against Trump would diminish America’s global standing, to Russia’s benefit...

The comments reflected the largely warm relationship between the two leaders during Trump’s presidency, which included a 2018 summit at which Trump refused to support the collective conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election...

In Russia, Putin and his allies have cracked down on dissent, most recently against many who have protested the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

I hope there are a few Trump supporters who are embarrassed by Trump taking satisfaction in being supported by a brutal dictator.
Putin has also said that if Trump is elected, he expects no change in USG policy in terms of bellicosity/warmongering.
This had to do with the fact, that the West kept betraying its promises, and would not live up to its end of the Minsk agreements
Obviously you are not familiar with my postings, since I joined this Forum

I have clearly stated multiple times, that the present Ukraine war, was caused by the USA/NATO - due to their Imperialistic and hegemonic mindset, evidently clear since the 1990's and due to it's relentless Eastward Expansion.
Countries like China, Russia, India, etc.etc - do not want to be controlled or influenced by fake democracies, nor by their dismantling of previous known and accepted standards of moral and cultural values.

As for Trump - the only thing he never touched during his term - was the generally known US Imperialistic and Hegemonic policy that exists since 1899 - therefore he NEVER renounced the USA's ambition to get e.g. Ukraine into NATO. He could have done it and therefore avoided a war with Russia, whilst at the same time demanding a plebiscite under UN supervision in regards to Crimea, Donbas and Luhansk and Russian troops needing to pull out of sovereign Ukrainian territory till that plebiscite is done. (approx. 2-3 years) e.g. in 2017.

If the Ukraine want's to join the EU - is none of Putin's business. Which wouldn't happen anyway, since as I had already explained numerous times - the EU does not give membership (Credits&Loans), as to where the respective government and it's system (Fake-democracy) is not ensured via NATO.

If Putin would have refused - aka - veto a respective UN resolution, then the blame would entirely rest onto Putin's shoulders. And NATO would be way more free now to go into rightful actions regarding a then, PROVEN Russian aggressive hegemonic policy.
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Putin has also said that if Trump is elected, he expects no change in USG policy in terms of bellicosity/warmongering.
Naturally he would say that, since it is a fact that the USA has conducted a nonstop imperialistic and hegemonic policy since 1899. Which also was not stopped or revoked during Trumps term. Hence this Ukraine-Russia war.

But he also knows that Trump dislikes Zelinski, (refused to help him against Biden) and that Trump doesn't know how to govern a country aka the USA. Therefore the US support towards Ukraine is certainly going to be reduced and Trump will make sure that the European NATO get's into a conflict with the USA. All to the advantage of Russia.
Obviously you have never read my postings, since I joined this Forum

I have clearly stated multiple times, that the present Ukraine war, was caused by the USA/NATO - due to their Imperialistic and hegemonic mindset, evidently clear since the 1990's and due to it's relentless Eastward Expansion.
Countries like China, Russia, India, etc.etc - do not want to be controlled or influenced by fake democracies, nor by their dismantling of previous known and accepted standards of moral and cultural values.

As for Trump - the only thing he never touched during his term - was the generally known US Imperialistic and Hegemonic policy that exists since 1899 - therefore he NEVER renounced the USA's ambition to get e.g. Ukraine into NATO. He could have done it and therefore avoided a war with Russia, whilst at the same time demanding a plebiscite under UN supervision in regards to Crimea, Donbas and Luhansk and Russian troops needing to pull out of sovereign Ukrainian territory till that plebiscite is done. (approx. 2-3 years) e.g. in 2017.

If the Ukraine want's to join the EU - is none of Putin's business. Which wouldn't happen anyway, since as I had already explained numerous times - the EU does not give membership (Credits&Loans), as to where the respective government and it's system (Fake-democracy) is not ensured via NATO.

If Putin would have refused - aka - veto a respective UN resolution, then the blame would entirely rest onto Putin's shoulders. And NATO would be way more free now to go into rightful actions regarding a then, PROVEN Russian aggressive hegemonic policy.
So why do you suppose China is too chicken shit to help negotiate an end to this madness?

Because they are getting cheap Russian gas?


. . . either way, none of any that, takes away from the fact, of the thesis of the OP, and ALL OF THAT, is derailing;

Former president Donald Trump pointed to sympathetic comments from Russian President Vladimir Putin early Wednesday to try to bolster his case that he is being treated unfairly by prosecutors in the United States.

That's all made up garbage, isn't it? Trump might have pointed to an article in the WaPo, which cherry picked, edited, and manipulated this exchange;

"Vladimir Putin:So, we have no way of knowing who will be elected, but whoever it is, it is unlikely that the anti-Russia policy of the United States will change.

As for the persecution of Trump, well, in today's conditions, in my view, that’s a good thing.

Ilya Doronov: Why is that?

Vladimir Putin: Because it reveals the rotten American political system, which should not be able to claim it can teach others about democracy.

Everything that is happening to Trump is the political persecution of a political rival. That is what it is. And it is happening in the eyes of the US public and the whole world. They have exposed their domestic problems. In this sense, if they are trying to fight us, it is good because it shows, as they used to say in Soviet times, the beastly appearance of American imperialism, its beastly snarling grimace.. . "

So I ask you, what does rehashing the entire history of the conflict in this thread, have to do with that?

One of your Dictator Heros!
I don't have a side, I'm just pointing out the facts, which you can't handle.

So why do you suppose China is too chicken shit to help negotiate an end to this madness?

Because they are getting cheap Russian gas?
China had already received "preferred status" in regards to Russian oil since 2012
China is the only superpower or major country that so far has forwarded a peace proposal - which naturally was immediately scrutinized to death (before it was even made public) and was ultimately rejected by USA/NATO since it would deprive them of their imperialistic and hegemonic interests. Which is exactly as to what e.g. Russia, China, India, Brazil, etc. etc. have in mind.

. . . either way, none of any that, takes away from the fact, of the thesis of the OP, and ALL OF THAT, is derailing;

That's all made up garbage, isn't it? Trump might have pointed to an article in the WaPo, which cherry picked, edited, and manipulated this exchange;
What Trump might have said or felt in regards to Putin's comments - I wouldn't know, since I don't follow up on his garbage e.g. Truth...
According to the WoPo article - the OP is correct - so far I have not seen any official statement by Trump, refuting this WaPo article nor any article forwarded by any other MSM - disputing the WaPo article. have you?
So I ask you, what does rehashing the entire history of the conflict in this thread, have to do with that?

Ahh..? simply rebutting pro Trump nonsense, and factually false statements posted by Trumpist's in regards to the factual and DOCUMENTED Putin/Trump relationship.

E.g. EvilCat Breath:

I kind of expect this. Crimea being majority ethnic Russian voted to return to Russia. But we all know how democrats hate the vote.
If Ukraine wasn't delivering freshly laundered US taxes to bribery Biden no democrat would care what happens to them.
According to the WoPo article - the OP is correct - so far I have not seen any official statement by Trump, refuting this WaPo article nor any article forwarded by any other MSM - disputing the WaPo article. have you?
The OP & WaPo are incorrect, as I have proved, because Putin never made any sympathetic comments.

Wow. They are right there for you. I don't need to dispute it. If you don't want to read those comments, that is on you.

The OP & WaPo are incorrect, as I have proved, because Putin never made any sympathetic comments.

Wow. They are right there for you. I don't need to dispute it. If you don't want to read those comments, that is on you.

If that would be the case as you claim - then were are your sources aka proof, that would refute Putin's statement - cited by the WoPo??

Putin, claimed Tuesday that the criminal cases against Trump were part of “the persecution of a political rival for political reasons.
I certainly can't disagree with that.
Yes, consider the collective IQ that (legally [italics]) placed the absurd CIA puppet into the WH.
Obviously you are not familiar with my postings, since I joined this Forum

I have clearly stated multiple times, that the present Ukraine war, was caused by the USA/NATO - due to their Imperialistic and hegemonic mindset, evidently clear since the 1990's and due to it's relentless Eastward Expansion.
Countries like China, Russia, India, etc.etc - do not want to be controlled or influenced by fake democracies, nor by their dismantling of previous known and accepted standards of moral and cultural values.

As for Trump - the only thing he never touched during his term - was the generally known US Imperialistic and Hegemonic policy that exists since 1899 - therefore he NEVER renounced the USA's ambition to get e.g. Ukraine into NATO. He could have done it and therefore avoided a war with Russia, whilst at the same time demanding a plebiscite under UN supervision in regards to Crimea, Donbas and Luhansk and Russian troops needing to pull out of sovereign Ukrainian territory till that plebiscite is done. (approx. 2-3 years) e.g. in 2017.

If the Ukraine want's to join the EU - is none of Putin's business. Which wouldn't happen anyway, since as I had already explained numerous times - the EU does not give membership (Credits&Loans), as to where the respective government and it's system (Fake-democracy) is not ensured via NATO.

If Putin would have refused - aka - veto a respective UN resolution, then the blame would entirely rest onto Putin's shoulders. And NATO would be way more free now to go into rightful actions regarding a then, PROVEN Russian aggressive hegemonic policy.
After 70 years operations in Ukraine (a drug-trafficking hub for Europe), CIA is the Pimp and NATO is the armed mafiosi accompanying the Pimp. It's not nuclear physics. Victoriaq Nuland knows that a country can't be divided internally via swastikoschismogeneis (a la balkanization) then be declared sovereign.

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