Trump endorses Stacey Abrams!

I do love this game with you. You make a claim, I prove it wrong and then you pretend you never made the claim and just make a different claim that is just as wrong.

You said that the SOS removed the signature verification requirement, that was a lie, in fact they made it stronger by requiring the signature to be verified on the ballot request.

Does it not bother you at all that everything you have been told has turned out to be wrong and that some guy on the internet is able to PROVE they were wrong? Do you not feel any shame in being such a lazy fucking sheep that you did not do this stuff yourself?
No, that is not how it is. The media has managed to minimize everything concerning fraud with legal babble to deal with anything but the problem of known illegal votes being counted. The GA. election had 0 integrity. You two are tied.
No, that is not how it is. The media has managed to minimize everything concerning fraud with legal babble to deal with anything but the problem of known illegal votes being counted. The GA. election had 0 integrity. You two are tied.

Yes, that is how it is. You made a very specific claim about the SOS of Ga. That claim was wrong, I have proven that claim was wrong. So instead of going "yeah, I was wrong" you double down on your lies and just spout some generalized bullshit you have been given to post when caught in one of your lies.

Have you no shame at all? Do you not feel even a tiny bit bad about spreading false information?
Yes, that is how it is. You made a very specific claim about the SOS of Ga. That claim was wrong, I have proven that claim was wrong. So instead of going "yeah, I was wrong" you double down on your lies and just spout some generalized bullshit you have been given to post when caught in one of your lies.

Have you no shame at all? Do you not feel even a tiny bit bad about spreading false information?
It is not false if it shows there was fraud. That is because there was fraud and excuses do not cut when ballots are still being hidden. What part of that don't you understand?

And when the media or government officials say something is a lie or the truth they cannot be believed.
He signed an agreement he had no authority to sign. Period.

That has been proven to be false. you keep moving the goal post and you keep missing.

Just man up and admit you were wrong and move on
So....the presumed head of the repub is screwing the repub....

And MAGA nuts say, "Thank you sir, I'll have another!"

All because Kemp and Roethlisberger upheld the Constitution. This is the worst case of worship of one man, since 1930's Germany. How did that turn out?

Kemp put blinders on and sold out to the Chinese for personal gain using the taxpayers money in a trade deal for supply medical equipment. Rottensburger was his partner in this particular deal. Kemp gets everything he deserves and is getting away with a lot more than he should. Never mind his governor's seat he should be losing his freedom.
I do not believe some bullshit excuse. Illegal ballots were counted.

Talking to you about the election is like talk to a flat earther about the shape of our world. Every specific detail you can give is shot down and proven wrong, but you still never, ever change your mind. You do not care that you post lies on here, and that says a lot about you
Talking to you about the election is like talk to a flat earther about the shape of our world. Every specific detail you can give is shot down and proven wrong, but you still never, ever change your mind. You do not care that you post lies on here, and that says a lot about you
No one has explained every coincidence going Biden's way? Nobody can explain outrageous percentages in late night ballot drops for Biden. The ludicrous 81 million votes. They say it can happen. A lot of things could happen. You could remember you are an American, but I doubt it will happen.

The nasty tone and no cooperation with investigations and audits point directly to guilt. A cover up that would not be necessary if there was no fraud. The AZ audit showed all kinds of illegal behavior and you jerks dismiss it? You do not want the truth. The rule of law means nothing to you and the assholes you support.
No one has explained every coincidence going Biden's way? Nobody can explain outrageous percentages in late night ballot drops for Biden. The ludicrous 81 million votes. They say it can happen. A lot of things could happen. You could remember you are an American, but I doubt it will happen.

It has all been explained, you just ignore it like you ignore it when I prove your post are lies

The nasty tone and no cooperation with investigations and audits point directly to guilt. A cover up that would not be necessary if there was no fraud.

Sort of like Trump fighting tooth and nail to keep this Jan 6th documents from being released?

The AZ audit showed all kinds of illegal behavior and you jerks dismiss it?

Another lie from you. Even the auditors does not call any of it illegal.

You do not want the truth.

This is rich coming from you. Literally every specific fact you have posted on this forum I have shown you to be a lie and you still keep posting them. By next week you will be posting the same lies I proved wrong today.
No one has explained every coincidence going Biden's way? Nobody can explain outrageous percentages in late night ballot drops for Biden. The ludicrous 81 million votes. They say it can happen. A lot of things could happen. You could remember you are an American, but I doubt it will happen.

The nasty tone and no cooperation with investigations and audits point directly to guilt. A cover up that would not be necessary if there was no fraud. The AZ audit showed all kinds of illegal behavior and you jerks dismiss it? You do not want the truth. The rule of law means nothing to you and the assholes you support.

Seriously? Did no one ever explain to you that in most electoral districts they count the in person votes first, then the mail in ballots. That's why Biden's vote count jumped late at night.

Biden easily got 81 million votes. Though, a large percentage were people that wanted Trump out of office.

What's hard to believe is that Trump, the most hated President in history, got more votes in 2020 than 2016.

If there was any massive election fraud, it was done by Republicans.
It has all been explained, you just ignore it like you ignore it when I prove your post are lies

Sort of like Trump fighting tooth and nail to keep this Jan 6th documents from being released?

Another lie from you. Even the auditors does not call any of it illegal.

This is rich coming from you. Literally every specific fact you have posted on this forum I have shown you to be a lie and you still keep posting them. By next week you will be posting the same lies I proved wrong today.
Obama withheld information on "Fast and Furious". Trump deserves the same priviledge. Interesting that you think when something is withheld you assume guilt. Why does that not apply to the information withheld concerning fraud? They must be guilty.

Auditors are not there to determine what is legal and what is not. So some auditor was wrong. No big deal.

Your last sentence is also interesting. Why is the media not held responsible for their lies? They repeat them constantly. They have been caught many times. You have a double standard and doubletalk problem.

Has it occurred to anyone else that Trump would have made a great character on 'Gilligan's Island'?

He would have fit right in. And he wouldn't have even had to act. It would have been hysterical!
Obama withheld information on "Fast and Furious". Trump deserves the same priviledge. Interesting that you think when something is withheld you assume guilt. Why does that not apply to the information withheld concerning fraud? They must be guilty.

Dude, do you not even read waht you post? You are the one that said withholding things is only done to hide something, but when I apply it to your god you suddenly change your mind.

Your last sentence is also interesting. Why is the media not held responsible for their lies? They repeat them constantly. They have been caught many times. You have a double standard and doubletalk problem.

The media is not on this forum, I cannot call out the media on this forum for lying. Is this really your only defense...."yeah, I know my every post is a lie, but the media lies even more than I do" that really the best you can do.

That is like Ted Bundy going "well at least I did not eat them like Dahmer did"
Dude, do you not even read waht you post? You are the one that said withholding things is only done to hide something, but when I apply it to your god you suddenly change your mind.

The media is not on this forum, I cannot call out the media on this forum for lying. Is this really your only defense...."yeah, I know my every post is a lie, but the media lies even more than I do" that really the best you can do.

That is like Ted Bundy going "well at least I did not eat them like Dahmer did"

So you agree that guilt is shown by withholding something. You cannot have that both ways. Next.
He admitted to signing an agreement. He does not have that power. There are a shitload of problems with the election in GA. has admitted to but have decided not to do one thing about it. They also are not releasing ballots for examination. I am tired of excuses, why aren't you?
But the courts say you are full of SHUT UP!
Has it occurred to anyone else that Trump would have made a great character on 'Gilligan's Island'?

He would have fit right in. And he wouldn't have even had to act. It would have been hysterical!
Maybe the Skipper's concubine?
You Republicans better find a way to muzzle the Mango Menace. He already cost you two Senate seats in Georgia, and appears intent on getting rid of the governor. :D

Donald Trump is escalating his fight against Republican Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, and state Republicans fear it will give Democrats a stronger foothold in the key swing state as next year's midterm elections loom.​
The former President's criticism of Kemp now includes hyping Democrat Stacey Abrams as a preferable alternative to the GOP governor, whose crime against Trump was staying out of his attempt to overturn the Georgia 2020 election returns.​
"Having her, I think, might be better than having your existing governor, if you want to know what I think," Trump said Saturday at his rally in Perry, adding later, "Stacey, would you like to take his place? It's OK with me."​

I agree with trump most of the time

But not in this case

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