Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.

This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.

Who Gives a fucking shit? The federal government fucks everything up they touch… fact
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


Michael's "children" went to a private school and had their meals cooked by a chef.........
Yeah, Michelle Obama looks like a real nutrition and fitness expert. Let's put her in charge of deciding what our kids should eat. The DOG is in better shape than she is.

What the hell gives the first bitch the power in the first place? She took fried chicken away from the Marine Corp. When and what law or mandate gave first bitch the right to do that?
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


I drank quarts of whole milk in school------and was----kinda skinny. In my
time a half pint of milk went for TWO CENTS !!!!! in school------I drank lots of
it. What should happen in schools is TAKE OUT THOSE DAMNED SODA
VENDING MACHINES-------schools actually have soda vending machines
Ol Thunder thighs, hooked on ribs and KFC. Do as I say and not as I do. Aside from that, the only thing that will stop childhood obesity is parents doing a better job of feeding them.
She gives them carrots while she slathers the barbecue sauce on her honey glazed baby backs.
You can tell that flat chested fat assed slut has never missed a meal.
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.

Who Gives a fucking shit? The federal government fucks everything up they touch… fact

so true-----kids get hungry at 12 noon-------one need not give them SKIMMED
MILK and raw oats in order to provide them with reasonable food-----peanut
butter and jelly is GOOD FOR YA
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


I drank quarts of whole milk in school------and was----kinda skinny. In my
time a half pint of milk went for TWO CENTS !!!!! in school------I drank lots of
it. What should happen in schools is TAKE OUT THOSE DAMNED SODA
VENDING MACHINES-------schools actually have soda vending machines
It wasn't full of hormones, endocrine disruptors, and artificial sweeteners back then.
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


I drank quarts of whole milk in school------and was----kinda skinny. In my
time a half pint of milk went for TWO CENTS !!!!! in school------I drank lots of
it. What should happen in schools is TAKE OUT THOSE DAMNED SODA
VENDING MACHINES-------schools actually have soda vending machines
It wasn't full of hormones, endocrine disruptors, and artificial sweeteners back then.

what? the milk or the soda? --------Milk is ok------I do not believe all that propaganda
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


I drank quarts of whole milk in school------and was----kinda skinny. In my
time a half pint of milk went for TWO CENTS !!!!! in school------I drank lots of
it. What should happen in schools is TAKE OUT THOSE DAMNED SODA
VENDING MACHINES-------schools actually have soda vending machines
It wasn't full of hormones, endocrine disruptors, and artificial sweeteners back then.

what? the milk or the soda? --------Milk is ok------I do not believe all that propaganda
What propaganda, they added the hormones to the cows to increase production and so the milk comes out with whatever the cows ate or drank. BPA, invades every aspect of children's lives now along with all the other crap. Fat is where toxins are stored by the human body. The more toxins are taken in, the more fat increases.
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


I drank quarts of whole milk in school------and was----kinda skinny. In my
time a half pint of milk went for TWO CENTS !!!!! in school------I drank lots of
it. What should happen in schools is TAKE OUT THOSE DAMNED SODA
VENDING MACHINES-------schools actually have soda vending machines
It wasn't full of hormones, endocrine disruptors, and artificial sweeteners back then.

what? the milk or the soda? --------Milk is ok------I do not believe all that propaganda
What propaganda, they added the hormones to the cows to increase production and so the milk comes out with whatever the cows ate or drank. BPA, invades every aspect of children's lives now along with all the other crap. Fat is where toxins are stored by the human body. The more toxins are taken in, the more fat increases.

I am not all that sure-------the issue should not be TASTELESS food in the school
cafeteria-----the emphasis should be on-----CONTROLLING quality of food----milk is a BIGGIE------a very biggie-------all milk-------then meat, then fish, then CHEERIOS
What the hell gives the first bitch the power in the first place? She took fried chicken away from the Marine Corp. When and what law or mandate gave first bitch the right to do that?
Just be glad her husband wasn't in charge.

I think the thread titles is somewhat misleading. The Trump administration is not attempting to end the fight against childhood obesity. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue merely wanted to make sure the schools were serving food the children were actually eating rather than throwing it away. This is from the OP's link:

“Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

I believe Perdue is right. There is a major problem in the school lunch program that resulted from the strict rules enforced by the Obama administration. Kids are either not taking food or they are taking it and tossing it into the garbage can.

"The basic question we wanted to explore was if under these 2012 USDA guidelines, does requiring a child to select a fruit or vegetable correspond with consumption," said Sarah Amin, a researcher in Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Vermont, in a press release. "It was heartbreaking to see so many students toss fruits like apples into the trash right after exiting the lunch line."

“Despite the 13.3 percent increase in the number of students with a fruit or vegetable on their tray, researchers saw an 11.8 percent decrease in the amount of either being eaten and a 56 percent increase in waste.”

Children throwing away fruit, vegetables from school lunches

“For the study, published in the April issue of Preventative Medicine, researchers examined the lunch trays of 2,000 randomly selected Angeleno middle schoolers over five consecutive days. Though the students are offered a fruit and a vegetable each day, 32 percent of students did not take the fruit from the line, and almost 40 percent did not take the vegetables. Among those who did take a fruit or vegetable, 22 percent threw away the fruit and 31 percent tossed the vegetables without eating a single bite.

“So in essence, just over half the students both took and ate some fruit, and about 42 percent both took and ate a vegetable.

“Salads were the most common vegetable to be left untouched, while whole fruits, like apples and oranges, were far less popular than fruit cups or juices. Girls were both more likely to take fruits and vegetables from the line and were less likely to waste them.

“The vegetable rejection has other downsides, too: Students in L.A. throw out at least $100,000 worth of food a day, as the L.A. Times recently found."

Making School Lunches Healthier Doesn't Mean Kids Will Eat Them

“The National School Boards Association reported Monday that 83.7 percent of school districts around the country have seen an increase in wasted school lunch food since a 2010 law was passed mandating new nutrition rules.”

Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules leading to healthy, hunger-free trash cans

There are many more links showing how students are throwing their food away, not just fruits and vegetables but other items as well. This is a serious problem and it is time someone addressed it.

I think it is possible to serve meals that are both nutritious and tasty. Michelle's plan did not pay sufficient attention to making the food palatable. This deprived students of proper nutrition and resulted in substantial waste. It is estimated that nationally the cost of wasted food is more than $1 billion annually. Clearly, something must be done to correct this mess.

I think Perdue and his staff can do better.
Last edited:
If Americans want healthy children throw the damn play stations out and replace them with
Mitts and base balls
Soccer balls
Volley balls

Ya got fat kids because they don't move their ass!
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


Those idiots think sodium is bad for your health. In reality sodium and essential nutrient. Sodium does not cause childhood obesity.

Those shit-for-brains fuckwads also think calories are bad for you, when the fact of the matter is that we need calories. Growing children need a lot of calories.

Those dirtbags also recommend skim milk. Skim milk is simply milk that is processed to take remove the vast majority of nutrients.

Democrats are a bunch of fucking idiots.
Parents should decide what their kids eat and parents should get them out of the house.

Play ball. Ride a bike. Don't spend all day on the computer playing video games.

Hell when I was a kid we got home from school, grabbed the ball, the bats, gloves and hit the sand lot to play ball.

We rode our bikes all over. No one stayed in the house watching TV. It wasn't allowed.

We went home when Mom's started yelling it was time for supper. No one went hungry and we all had plenty of exercise. Not like todays fat, lazy kids.

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