Trump ends Michelle Obama's effort to fight child hood obesity.

This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


What were the metrics/results of this program? Success? I see intentions of the program up front and then I see waste. Good intentions resulting in waste. Liberals need to understand that Good intentions need to yield good results. Waste means loss.
To get the kids to get active would probably mean Dad will have to get his fat ass off the sofa and do something with his kids.
Can't see that happening very often.
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

For once I agree with you, parents should teach their kids how to eat healthy. That has bum fuck what to do with the Federal government? Nothing.
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.

That's the parents problem. Every penny of mine that goes to these useless programs is money that I could better spend on my children. As for the erroneous supposition that such a program fosters, and reinforces good eating habits.... If there were good habits to reinforce, coming from the children's home life; there would be no "need" for such a program. The fact of the matter is the majority of eating takes place at home. And that's where the problem needs to be dealt with. Get out of my wallet parasite!
You gotta look at the bright side, as Darkfury suggests and medical health proves, fat people die sooner and fat republicans don't need healthy food. Trump's administration looks at this as a win, less social security to pay, reduces the budget. You all enjoy your fried chicken Darkfury, I hear it's great breakfast lunch dinner and snacking. Gobble up, no need to eat healthy you're a real man.
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


/---- If you had kids would you let them eat like pigs? Ever hear of responsibility? Ever hear of parenting? Apparently you're a libtard moonbat and think the Gubmint should raise all children. Geeeeze what a loser.
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


Those idiots think sodium is bad for your health. In reality sodium and essential nutrient. Sodium does not cause childhood obesity.

Those shit-for-brains fuckwads also think calories are bad for you, when the fact of the matter is that we need calories. Growing children need a lot of calories.

Those dirtbags also recommend skim milk. Skim milk is simply milk that is processed to take remove the vast majority of nutrients.

Democrats are a bunch of fucking idiots.

it is truly idiotic to expect children to drink skimmed milk-----there ARE OTHER
WAYS to reduce the intake of this or that sugar and this or that fat.
Yeah, Michelle Obama looks like a real nutrition and fitness expert. Let's put her in charge of deciding what our kids should eat. The DOG is in better shape than she is.


you just do not like a female butt. She is, clearly, in good shape. The picture is not flattering. -----as to her lunch idea-----THEY ARE LOUSY
Why the fuck are liberals so fucking blind to the democrat tactics?

You gotta look at the bright side, as Darkfury suggests and medical health proves, fat people die sooner and fat republicans don't need healthy food. Trump's administration looks at this as a win, less social security to pay, reduces the budget. You all enjoy your fried chicken Darkfury, I hear it's great breakfast lunch dinner and snacking. Gobble up, no need to eat healthy you're a real man.

/--- no fat Democrats ever. No Siri Bobtail.
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


I drank quarts of whole milk in school------and was----kinda skinny. In my
time a half pint of milk went for TWO CENTS !!!!! in school------I drank lots of
it. What should happen in schools is TAKE OUT THOSE DAMNED SODA
VENDING MACHINES-------schools actually have soda vending machines
It wasn't full of hormones, endocrine disruptors, and artificial sweeteners back then.

what? the milk or the soda? --------Milk is ok------I do not believe all that propaganda
What propaganda, they added the hormones to the cows to increase production and so the milk comes out with whatever the cows ate or drank. BPA, invades every aspect of children's lives now along with all the other crap. Fat is where toxins are stored by the human body. The more toxins are taken in, the more fat increases.

fat is where lipid soluble stuff is stored (like vitamin A) Toxins do all kinds
of different passages thru physiology. Lets get SCIENTIFIC----Milk has to
be carefully regulated so at not to contain damaging stuff. -----same is true
of the rest of the good kids eat. --------but no one can force a child to
munch on carrot sticks during the school lunch break. --------I am not at all
surprised that the apples end up in the trash. ---------nothing so unpleasant like a
FORCED apple. Nothing so unpleasant like being FORCED to eat foods that one
despises or has to face DAY AFTER DAY. The REQUIRED VEGGIE policy is
bound for failure. I have a better idea-------a "chip" method. Kids buy "chips" ---and then face a kind of buffet which they pay for with the chips. If the choices
are CONTROLLED to include nutritious stuff and exclude crap------the kids will
eat. and feel IN CONTROL of that which ends up on their lunch tray. School lunch
should not be a matter of FORCE. Given a peanut butter bar-------armed with
some reasonably nutritious bread------and vitamin C fortified jam-------and controlled milk----------hungry kids WILL EAT. If a kid has to hand over some chips for his apple------he will eat the apple. Some kids would eat even carrot sticks faced with this situation
This adminstration just doesn't stop, nor does it care. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing in this country. Parents should teach their kids good healthy eating habits, but it should also be reinforced in our public schools.

WASHINGTON – After only six days on the job, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue moved to stall one of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature accomplishments: stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches, which feed more than 31 million children.

Speaking at Catoctin Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, on Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Patricia Montague of the School Nutrition Association, Perdue announced that his department would be slowing the implementation of aggressive standards on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks that passed under the Obama administration.

“We know meals cannot be nutritious if they’re not consumed, if they’re thrown out,” Perdue told reporters after eating chicken nuggets and salad with a group of fifth graders. “We have to balance sodium and whole grain content with palatability.”

It was the second blow to the Obama administration’s nutritional legacy in less than a week. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration signaled its intent to rewrite long-delayed menu-labeling rules passed as part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee also attached several nutrition-related riders to this week’s appropriations bill, including one that targeted voluntary industry sodium-reductions.

“I feel that we have made such progress in schools meals over the past five years,” said Miriam Nelson, a public health researcher who helped advise Michelle Obama’s nutrition initiatives. “This progress has contributed to reversing the trend in childhood obesity rates nationwide . . . We want to continue the progress we have made.”

School lunches have seen a radical makeover in the past five years. Since 2012, when the nutrition rules mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect, cafeterias have had to slash the amount of calories, trans-fats, sodium and refined grains in their foods, replacing cafeteria staples like conventional pizza with salt-reduced, whole-grain versions. They are also required to serve fruit, a variety of vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
Trump ends Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity – The Denver Post

Here is what the next generation of kindergardners will look like.


It is not the job of the Federal Government to tell people what to eat or to force schools to serve certain foods. We do not need a nanny state, though we pretty much have one already. This is one of the very few things I will agree with Trump on.
If Americans want healthy children throw the damn play stations out and replace them with
Mitts and base balls
Soccer balls
Volley balls

Ya got fat kids because they don't move their ass!

I wish I could give you a dozen "WINNER"s for that.

Only a certifiable idiot would think that kids are fat because of what they eat and not because of their deplorable lack of physical activity.
Give kids a chance go play tag, dodge ball, cowboys and Indians, cops and *******, and you will not see a fat kid.
Yeah, Michelle Obama looks like a real nutrition and fitness expert. Let's put her in charge of deciding what our kids should eat. The DOG is in better shape than she is.


you just do not like a female butt. She is, clearly, in good shape. The picture is not flattering. -----as to her lunch idea-----THEY ARE LOUSY
The last time I saw an ass and legs like that it was a moose!
Parents should decide what their kids eat and parents should get them out of the house.

Play ball. Ride a bike. Don't spend all day on the computer playing video games.

Hell when I was a kid we got home from school, grabbed the ball, the bats, gloves and hit the sand lot to play ball.

We rode our bikes all over. No one stayed in the house watching TV. It wasn't allowed.

We went home when Mom's started yelling it was time for supper. No one went hungry and we all had plenty of exercise. Not like todays fat, lazy kids.
Parents should decide what their kids eat and parents should get them out of the house.

Play ball. Ride a bike. Don't spend all day on the computer playing video games.

Hell when I was a kid we got home from school, grabbed the ball, the bats, gloves and hit the sand lot to play ball.

We rode our bikes all over. No one stayed in the house watching TV. It wasn't allowed.

We went home when Mom's started yelling it was time for supper. No one went hungry and we all had plenty of exercise. Not like todays fat, lazy kids.

Also: Let them WALK to school. There is no reason that any kid could not walk half a mile or more - depending on age - to school.

A school lunch room should be a place where kids eat the lunch that was packed by their parent, not the crap dictated by do-gooders like the former first woman.
Is the assumption retarded, low IQ folks actually read the labels on foods in regards to fats and sugars? The problem is low IQ folks on welfare producing inbred, low IQ, physically fucked up offspring. It is called DNA. It is science.
Parents should decide what their kids eat and parents should get them out of the house.

Play ball. Ride a bike. Don't spend all day on the computer playing video games.

Hell when I was a kid we got home from school, grabbed the ball, the bats, gloves and hit the sand lot to play ball.

We rode our bikes all over. No one stayed in the house watching TV. It wasn't allowed.

We went home when Mom's started yelling it was time for supper. No one went hungry and we all had plenty of exercise. Not like todays fat, lazy kids.

Also: Let them WALK to school. There is no reason that any kid could not walk half a mile or more - depending on age - to school.

A school lunch room should be a place where kids eat the lunch that was packed by their parent, not the crap dictated by do-gooders like the former first woman.

I couldn't agree more.

When I was a kid in the fourth grade we walked a mile and a half to school and back. Never hurt us one damned bit.

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