I tend to agree. As I have said before, I don't believe one candidate in this presidential race is fit to do the job.
What would you say that those qualifications should be? A Phd? Service in the military? 20 years in elected office?
I think the President should be someone who has
1) either worked punching a clock or who owned their own business for 20 years,
2) spent at least 3 years in the US military (lets be generous and include the Coast Guard here),
3) held electoral office of some kind for a minimum of 10 years,
4) has a tested IQ over 130.
This would put them at a minimum of 50 years old, but I wouldnt want to change the Constitution to reflect that; 35 for the exceptional individual is fine by me.
But the President should be a statesman from any background, and not just a political hack who sucked his way up through a political machine.