Trump Has GOP Nomination Nailed Down; Here's the Math

There are unbound delegates in Pennsylvania still in the air................and many are committed to their district votes.............54 on the line there.......and is still in question........................that changes the equation somewhat.................

It's gonna be close...........and Cruz, Kasich and the establishment knows it...............and the people are seeing the establishment trying to change the voters choices and is pissing them off..............which would be a up yours vote coming up in the final 10 states..........could change the playing field.
The 54 are all going to Trump because he won every district.
Them's the rules.

PHILADELPHIA — Mary Ann Meloy, one of the 54 Republican delegates elected in Pennsylvania on Tuesday as free agents to the Republican National Convention, said she would find it very hard to vote for Donald J. Trump.

Ms. Meloy had a sister with cerebral palsy. And Mr. Trump’s disparaging treatment of people with disabilities, she said, “made me want to jump through the television screen.”

Because of the unusual latitude the Pennsylvania Republican Party gives to the delegates like Ms. Meloy who are not required to support any candidate, Mr. Trump’s crushing victory in the state on Tuesday is more complicated than it may appear.
When the party bosses decide to go ahead and support Trump she will do as she is told, like those kinds of morons usually do.
Trump Trounces Cruz With Unbound Delegate Lead in Pennsylvania

Donald Trump has won a vast majority of the unbound delegate count in the state of Pennsylvania, according to an ABC News analysis. Of the 54 available free-agent delegates in the state, 28 said they will support the Republican front-runner, while 13 additional delegates -- who said they would vote for the winner of their congressional district on the first ballot -- will also back Trump.

Only three delegates said they plan to vote for Cruz on the first ballot. Nine others are uncommitted.

While Trump won a resounding victory in Pennsylvania's popular vote Tuesday night, it was not assured that he would walk away with all of the state's 71 delegate votes because of the state's unusual delegation selection process.

Only 17 of the state's delegates are bound to vote for Trump on the first ballot, while voters directly elected the other 54 — three from each of the state's 18 congressional districts – to act as free agents at the convention.
I tend to agree. As I have said before, I don't believe one candidate in this presidential race is fit to do the job.

What would you say that those qualifications should be? A Phd? Service in the military? 20 years in elected office?

I think the President should be someone who has
1) either worked punching a clock or who owned their own business for 20 years,
2) spent at least 3 years in the US military (lets be generous and include the Coast Guard here),
3) held electoral office of some kind for a minimum of 10 years,
4) has a tested IQ over 130.

This would put them at a minimum of 50 years old, but I wouldnt want to change the Constitution to reflect that; 35 for the exceptional individual is fine by me.

But the President should be a statesman from any background, and not just a political hack who sucked his way up through a political machine.

I don't agree with all of those but they're all good sound sensible republican ideas, like GOP candidates used to have.

I'd settle for someone with some integrity, Bernie is the only one who had even a shred of that but nobody who has ever referred to themself as a socialist is getting anywhere near the Whitehouse and his sums didn't even come close to adding up.
I tend to agree. As I have said before, I don't believe one candidate in this presidential race is fit to do the job.

And making more restrictive requirements would change that?

:slap: Don't be an idiot.
Now comes the fun part

How many red states will Trump lose to Hillary?
Trump winning the nomination is music to the ears of democrats. :0)

It ensures that Hillary Clinton WILL be the next president.

NEWSFLASH Gopers .. Trump doesn't want to be president .. never did. It's all an act for his good friend, Bill Clinton.

Jeez republicans are stupid.
Your post is one of the dumbest I've ever read on any forum.
So Trump is going to spend a few BILLION of his OWN money after he wins the nomination to beat Hillary?
But he doesn't really want to win.
And it's all an act to help Bill? Help Bill do FUCKING WHAT????
The fucking pervert already has one foot in the grave.
How old are you? Like twelve mentally?
Dear JESUS you really are a fucking idiot!

I like talking to really dumb ass people like you. If I could write this in crayons I would do it just for you. :0)

Hillary is a seriously flawed candidate .. as demonstrated in 2008. There isn't an easier candidate for her to run against then Donald Trump .. especially a Donald Trump who doesn't even want to win .. so he purposefully offends every demographic he would need to win.

Did he talk this way BEFORE he ran for president?

Not long ago .. Trump was a democrat and he's always been a good friend of the Clintons.. Don't know that .. it's because you're dumb.

Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat' -

Go ask Jeb Bush, Glenn Beck, and a host of other republicans if they think Trump is a plant.

Then again, it doesn't matter what you think ..
Do you find it strange that all theses 'demographics' you claim Trump has purposefully set out to offend seem to be turning out to support Trump in unprecedented historic high numbers.
Watch and see how many millions of these 'offended' people vote for him in November.
He literally 'bought' the Clintons. They are both no better than crack whores.

:0) Oh really?

You mean Hispanics, African-Americans, Women, and college-educated whites are now flocking to Trump?

Hispanic voter registration spikes

Registration among Hispanic voters is skyrocketing in a presidential election cycle dominated byDonald Trump and loud GOP cries to close the border.

Arturo Vargas, executive director of the National Association of Elected and Appointed Officials, projects 13.1 million Hispanics will vote nationwide in 2016, compared to 11.2 million in 2012 and 9.7 million in 2008.

Many of those new Hispanic voters are also expected to vote against Trump if he is the Republican nominee, something that appears much more likely after the front-runner’s sweeping primary victories Tuesday in five East Coast states.

A whopping 80 percent of respondents in a poll of registered Hispanic voters in Colorado and Nevada said Trump's views on immigration made them less likely to vote for Republicans in November. In Florida, that number was 68 percent.
Hispanic voter registration spikes


Trump has a huge deficit among nonwhite voters

Trump likes to claim that he has wide support among "the Hispanics," but like some other assertions he makes, that one's not true.

The latest evidence comes from newly released Gallup Poll data: More than three-quarters of Latinos — 77% — view Trump unfavorably, the poll found, compared with just 12% who have a favorable opinion.


A separate NBC News/SurveyMonkey tracking poll found that Trump was viewed unfavorably by 86% of black voters and 75% of Latinos. Overall about eight in 10 nonwhite voters in that survey had an unfavorable view of Trump, with about seven in 10 saying their view was "very unfavorable.
Trump has a huge deficit among nonwhite voters

Trump overwhelmingly leads rivals in support from less educated Americans
Trump overwhelmingly leads rivals in support from less educated Americans

Hit me back when you figure it out.
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