Trump hires Musk to cut red tape.

If by "Americans" (which you subconsciously typed in lower case, no Freudian slip there) you mean "communists", we wholeheartedly concur.

Difficult to ignore something that doesn't exist to begin with.

Or does it actually make it easier?

Quite the conundrum on this drowsy Friday afternoon.

Yeah, the electric car thing is pretty gay.

But fighting censorship and government tyranny?

Right on.

What chaos?

If by "chaos" you mean not treating Left wing political activists disguised as "journalists" any differently than the rest of the social media hordes - then you have a peculiar definition for the word.

It's all in your head.

None of it is real.

Click those ruby red slippers Dorothy.

You're going to be A-OK.
You are insane.
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