Trump Intel Chiefs: Russians interference real and meant to divide America.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
So, even Trump's own intelligence and enforcement agencies say Russian interference is real, continuing and meant to divide us and our allies.

What sayth the Great Orange Head?

Dirty Don still denies Russian interference. He still is doing Putin's work, whether by ineptitude or being Putin's fool, who knows.

Is there anyone anywhere that still believes Trump's denials of Russian interference, past and present, in this country's electoral system?

Top Trump officials says U.S. under information warfare attack now, Russia wants to 'weaken,' 'divide' ahead of midterms

The US intel chief just said Russian interference is "continuing"
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What is fake and aims to divide the nation are the deep state dems and their manufactured investigation and claims of Russian interference....
What is fake and aims to divide the nation are the deep state dems and their manufactured investigation and claims of Russian interference....
What is fake and aims to divide the nation are the deep state dems and their manufactured investigation and claims of Russian interference....
Honestly this is a pathetic Alex Jones like response.
So, even Trump's own intelligence and enf9rcement agencies say Russian interference is real, continuing and meant to divide us and our allies.

What sayth the Great Orange Head?

Dirty Don still denies Russian interference. He still is doing Putin's work, whether by ineptitude or being Putin's fool, who knows.

Is there anyone anywhere that believes Trump's denials of Russian interference, past and present, in this country's electoral system?

Top Trump officials says U.S. under information warfare attack now, Russia wants to 'weaken,' 'divide' ahead of midterms

The US intel chief just said Russian interference is "continuing"

Instead of whining about somebody's "interference" make sure your elections are secured enough to resist it. It's been 2 years of constant screaming and shouting about alleged "Russian interference" but what has actually been done by intelligence to protect your country? Or if intel protects your country from interference you guys won't have reasons to whine any more...

IS US a banana republic to be vulnerable to any foreign interference? If yes, then fire your intel and save billions of dollars.

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So, even Trump's own intelligence and enforcement agencies say Russian interference is real, continuing and meant to divide us and our allies.

What sayth the Great Orange Head?

Dirty Don still denies Russian interference. He still is doing Putin's work, whether by ineptitude or being Putin's fool, who knows.

Is there anyone anywhere that believes Trump's denials of Russian interference, past and present, in this country's electoral system?

Top Trump officials says U.S. under information warfare attack now, Russia wants to 'weaken,' 'divide' ahead of midterms

The US intel chief just said Russian interference is "continuing"
well it's working

with absolutely no proof, for over 2 years, this is the #1 topic of leftist sheep everywhere.

why trump doesn't admit it, idk, doesn't make sense to me.

but I know you just absolutely know why.
So, even Trump's own intelligence and enf9rcement agencies say Russian interference is real, continuing and meant to divide us and our allies.

What sayth the Great Orange Head?

Dirty Don still denies Russian interference. He still is doing Putin's work, whether by ineptitude or being Putin's fool, who knows.

Is there anyone anywhere that believes Trump's denials of Russian interference, past and present, in this country's electoral system?

Top Trump officials says U.S. under information warfare attack now, Russia wants to 'weaken,' 'divide' ahead of midterms

The US intel chief just said Russian interference is "continuing"

No, everybody pretty much knows the Ruskies tried to sway the vote from the paintsuit bulldyke. Trump knows it too, but just like BO forgets what religion he is pretending to be, Trump forgets what he is suppose to think about Russia’s meddling.
So, even Trump's own intelligence and enforcement agencies say Russian interference is real, continuing and meant to divide us and our allies.

What sayth the Great Orange Head?

Dirty Don still denies Russian interference. He still is doing Putin's work, whether by ineptitude or being Putin's fool, who knows.

Is there anyone anywhere that believes Trump's denials of Russian interference, past and present, in this country's electoral system?

Top Trump officials says U.S. under information warfare attack now, Russia wants to 'weaken,' 'divide' ahead of midterms

The US intel chief just said Russian interference is "continuing"
well it's working

with absolutely no proof, for over 2 years, this is the #1 topic of leftist sheep everywhere.

why trump doesn't admit it, idk, doesn't make sense to me.

but I know you just absolutely know why.
You call it a "leftist' topic, but these were Trump's own intel chiefs that came out this afternoon to make this statement. I don't how that makes it "leftist". Sounds more like concern over our national security.
So, even Trump's own intelligence and enforcement agencies say Russian interference is real, continuing and meant to divide us and our allies.

What sayth the Great Orange Head?

Dirty Don still denies Russian interference. He still is doing Putin's work, whether by ineptitude or being Putin's fool, who knows.

Is there anyone anywhere that still believes Trump's denials of Russian interference, past and present, in this country's electoral system?

Top Trump officials says U.S. under information warfare attack now, Russia wants to 'weaken,' 'divide' ahead of midterms

The US intel chief just said Russian interference is "continuing"
meant to divide us and our allies

They're just now figuring this out? Of course if you look at the back and forth (right vs left) hyper hyped up rhetoric over their "interference" it's obvious they've succeeded.........
So, even Trump's own intelligence and enforcement agencies say Russian interference is real, continuing and meant to divide us and our allies.

What sayth the Great Orange Head?

Dirty Don still denies Russian interference. He still is doing Putin's work, whether by ineptitude or being Putin's fool, who knows.

Is there anyone anywhere that still believes Trump's denials of Russian interference, past and present, in this country's electoral system?

Top Trump officials says U.S. under information warfare attack now, Russia wants to 'weaken,' 'divide' ahead of midterms

The US intel chief just said Russian interference is "continuing"

So it is the Russians that are tearing our culture apart?

THEY are the ones behind all this social justice warrior and antifa non-sense? They are the ones that have been getting all these socialists elected?

I KNEW they were still commies!

So, even Trump's own intelligence and enforcement agencies say Russian interference is real, continuing and meant to divide us and our allies.

What sayth the Great Orange Head?

Dirty Don still denies Russian interference. He still is doing Putin's work, whether by ineptitude or being Putin's fool, who knows.

Is there anyone anywhere that believes Trump's denials of Russian interference, past and present, in this country's electoral system?

Top Trump officials says U.S. under information warfare attack now, Russia wants to 'weaken,' 'divide' ahead of midterms

The US intel chief just said Russian interference is "continuing"
well it's working

with absolutely no proof, for over 2 years, this is the #1 topic of leftist sheep everywhere.

why trump doesn't admit it, idk, doesn't make sense to me.

but I know you just absolutely know why.
You call it a "leftist' topic, but these were Trump's own intel chiefs that came out this afternoon to make this statement. I don't how that makes it "leftist". Sounds more like concern over our national security.

Face it Two Thumbs, the commies have never given it up. . . .

They have brainwashed most of the liberal left. . . . and the Russians are here to stay. . .

So, after 18 months of denying Russian interference, he is finally directing his intelligence heads to fight Russian meddling. The question is why now when it was only a few weeks ago while standing near Putin he took his word that Russia did not meddle in our elections.

I suppose that Trump now will be hard pressed to deny Russian interference.

Any takers that he will deny Russian interference next week?
I would also add that all the times Trump said Russian meddling was "fake news", Trump was lying. Today was his admission that he indeed was misleading the American people for the past 18 months.
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We need no help dividing America..............doing just fine at it....................No need for anyone to try to do what has already been done.
Hey, I must be considered one of those Ruskies, according to Facebook since I got shut down 2 days before they reported they shut down 32 accounts. I used the account for my volunteer rescue work, but made the mistake of posting some facts on Rick Scott’s page about Florida being #1 in fiscal health, 7th in education, etc., since almost all were spouting lies. Shortly thereafter I was accused of being a bot and would be reported. They shut me down that night. Only time I posted anything political.
You call it a "leftist' topic, but these were Trump's own intel chiefs that came out this afternoon to make this statement. I don't how that makes it "leftist". Sounds more like concern over our national security.
Don't be silly. Our national security isn't 1% at as much risk from Russia, as the ACTUAL VOTING interference in our elections from MEXICO.
The Russia investigation isn't an investigation at all. It's nothing but a phony Witch hunt. Never has been anything else.

Huge, inexcusable waste of waste of tax $$, all the while that Mexico is rampaging through our elections, by the millions of votes, and has been doing so for decades, while not one Democrat has uttered a peep.

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