Trump: Iran paid for missiles used to target US soldiers with money released by Obama


Gold Member
May 25, 2017
Trump: Iran missiles fired at US were paid for with money released by Obama administration

President Trump took direct aim at former President Barack Obama on Wednesday, blaming the last administration for giving Iran money that he claimed was then used by Tehran to pay for missiles that were aimed at U.S. troops in Iraq.

“The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration,” Trump said from the White House, referring to settlement money the U.S. paid to Iran in 2016...
We should be able to charge the Hussein with treason. Dems have made it clear we can charge former Presidents.
Trump: Iran missiles fired at US were paid for with money released by Obama administration

President Trump took direct aim at former President Barack Obama on Wednesday, blaming the last administration for giving Iran money that he claimed was then used by Tehran to pay for missiles that were aimed at U.S. troops in Iraq.

“The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration,” Trump said from the White House, referring to settlement money the U.S. paid to Iran in 2016...

That seems unlikely, but possible.
How can anyone believe a single word Trump says? I think he went over the 10,000 lie mark last month, but the long and short of it is that he is not to be trusted. Here is a simple test for a simple Con-dumb mind. Prove Obama paid for those missiles or STFU.
Does Trump have a receipt?

Does it matter? That we would release that money to a country that we know is a major sponsor of terrorism was a huge blunder by the last administration and shows how incredibly naive those people were.
Does Trump have a receipt?

Does it matter? That we would release that money to a country that we know is a major sponsor of terrorism was a huge blunder by the last administration and shows how incredibly naive those people were.
Does it matter?

If missiles are a priority to Iran, they would find the money anyway
Trump is trying to shift the blame for his inept foreign policy to Obama
Does Trump have a receipt?

Does it matter? That we would release that money to a country that we know is a major sponsor of terrorism was a huge blunder by the last administration and shows how incredibly naive those people were.
Does it matter?

If missiles are a priority to Iran, they would find the money anyway
Trump is trying to shift the blame for his inept foreign policy to Obama

Yes, to anybody who is not a complete imbecile it absolutely matters
How can anyone believe a single word Trump says? I think he went over the 10,000 lie mark last month, but the long and short of it is that he is not to be trusted. Here is a simple test for a simple Con-dumb mind. Prove Obama paid for those missiles or STFU.

Prove Obama paid for those missiles or STFU.

Nobody said Obama paid for them.

They said they were paid for with the money Obama released
this girl is good with political satire.

Anita's Hall of Social Justice & Intersectional Feminism

Shocked, disgusted and horrified. I'm literally shaking over this.

People, Trump has gone one step further than genocide, now he's even ordering people that disagree with him to be executed. We need to deconstruct what's happened.

General Qassem Soleimani was a peaceful family man, and was compassionate toward transgender people in Iran and this is a well known fact there. Soleimani and the Ayatollah Supreme leader of Iran Ali Khameneii are/were both ahead of their times, again proving Islam is a feminist religion, let me explain:

Few people know this, but in Iran, if two men are suspected of having sex one of them must get a sex change done and become a woman and then after undergoing gender realignment surgery their partnership is recognized by Islamic religious authority and they are happily married.
Does that mean we can arrest Obama for treason??

Reagan may have dodged a bullet -- but at least we can take down Obama!!


How can anyone believe a single word Trump says? I think he went over the 10,000 lie mark last month, but the long and short of it is that he is not to be trusted. Here is a simple test for a simple Con-dumb mind. Prove Obama paid for those missiles or STFU.
Hey, stupid newbie! Obama flew a special flight into Iran with several pallets filled with cash, as specified by Soleimani.
About $1.8 billion dollars.
Just like with Planned Parenthood, money is fungible and Iran didn't have to set some of the Obama cash away at that exact point in time in order to lay away some missiles for firing at a later date.

Now pay attention, monkey brains....IF Iran didn't buy missiles with that cash it certainly freed up money, in principle, within Iran so those missiles could be bought later on.

Have your special needs teacher draw a diagram for you. And look up the word "fungible".
Does Trump have a receipt?

Does it matter? That we would release that money to a country that we know is a major sponsor of terrorism was a huge blunder by the last administration and shows how incredibly naive those people were.
Does it matter?

If missiles are a priority to Iran, they would find the money anyway
Trump is trying to shift the blame for his inept foreign policy to Obama

Yes, to anybody who is not a complete imbecile it absolutely matters

How does anyone know where the money was spent? It could just as easily be spent on feeding the hungry

Obama offered Iran a path back to solvency. Stop your military escalation, abandon your nuclear program and we will give you back your own money and reduce sanctions

Iran WAS complying with that deal as affirmed by not only Russia, China, UK, France, Germany......but also US inspectors

Trump botched the deal and has brought us to the brink of conflict
Does Trump have a receipt?

Does it matter? That we would release that money to a country that we know is a major sponsor of terrorism was a huge blunder by the last administration and shows how incredibly naive those people were.
Does it matter?

If missiles are a priority to Iran, they would find the money anyway
Trump is trying to shift the blame for his inept foreign policy to Obama

What is the matter with the Trump Foreign Policy now?

We didn't lose one man in last night's attack. And we were able to dispatch some of the worst Evildoers in Human History.

Trump: Iran paid for missiles used to target US soldiers with money released by Obama

Sometimes the truth stings like a bit@h.......

President Trump took direct aim at former President Barack Obama on Wednesday, blaming the last administration for giving Iran money that he claimed was then used by Tehran to pay for missiles that were aimed at U.S. troops in Iraq.

“The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration”

“Iran's hostilities substantially increased after the foolish Iran nuclear deal was signed in 2013, and they were given $150 billion, not to mention $1.8 billion in cash. Instead of saying thank you to the United States, they chanted 'Death to America. In fact, the day the deal was signed they chanted 'Death To America'"

"Iran went on a “terrorist spree” with that money “and created hell in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq.” It was with that money that the missiles fired late Tuesday were funded".

Iran may have targeted US troops in Iraq last night...but those missiles only managed to hit Barry...

Trump: Iran missiles fired at US were paid for with money released by Obama administration

How can anyone believe a single word Trump says? I think he went over the 10,000 lie mark last month, but the long and short of it is that he is not to be trusted. Here is a simple test for a simple Con-dumb mind. Prove Obama paid for those missiles or STFU.

Prove Obama paid for those missiles or STFU.

Nobody said Obama paid for them.

They said they were paid for with the money Obama released
How do you know how the missiles were paid for or that Iran would not have 12 missiles if not for that money?
Does Trump have a receipt?

Does it matter? That we would release that money to a country that we know is a major sponsor of terrorism was a huge blunder by the last administration and shows how incredibly naive those people were.
Does it matter?

If missiles are a priority to Iran, they would find the money anyway
Trump is trying to shift the blame for his inept foreign policy to Obama

Yes, to anybody who is not a complete imbecile it absolutely matters

How does anyone know where the money was spent? It could just as easily be spent on feeding the hungry

Obama offered Iran a path back to solvency. Stop your military escalation, abandon your nuclear program and we will give you back your own money and reduce sanctions

Iran WAS complying with that deal as affirmed by not only Russia, China, UK, France, Germany......but also US inspectors

Trump botched the deal and has brought us to the brink of conflict

How is it President Trump's "fault" that Iran decided to abandon the deal they had with other nations?

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