Trump is always going to let you down


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
If any of you that are still die hard Trump supporters, I'm just wondering, when are you going to realize that Trump simply is not a conservative. But more of a liberal republican. (still a liberal, regardless of his badge)

How many times can he throw you under the bus before you finally get it? He's a lying democrat.
One might thing that all the early on lies he told, you'd wise up. Things like "lock her up, balance the budget in 4 years, make Mexico pay for the wall." I get it, he was campaigning. Politicians are going to lie when they're campaigning.
But after 4 years of nothing but lies, drama, attacking each other (him and the left), and things like the extremely socialist Platinum Plan, his trade wars with China and Mexico that didn't produce anything more than we had with the earlier agreements, you might decide that "hey, maybe Trump ain't as great as he says he is."
And now, he gave the speaker nod to McCarthy and recently bashed DeSantis. And you people are still holding on. Seriously, McCarthy and DeSantis are on complete opposite sides of the political spectrum. McCarthy is as liberal as most democrats.

I just don't get it. What keeps you stuck to Trump.

BTW, I don't think I've ever voted for a democrat. I can't stand liberals, especially the progressives. But it's not that they're liberal. Its that they do liberal things. Same as Trump.
If any of you that are still die hard Trump supporters, I'm just wondering, when are you going to realize that Trump simply is not a conservative. But more of a liberal republican. (still a liberal, regardless of his badge)

How many times can he throw you under the bus before you finally get it? He's a lying democrat.
One might thing that all the early on lies he told, you'd wise up. Things like "lock her up, balance the budget in 4 years, make Mexico pay for the wall." I get it, he was campaigning. Politicians are going to lie when they're campaigning.
But after 4 years of nothing but lies, drama, attacking each other (him and the left), and things like the extremely socialist Platinum Plan, his trade wars with China and Mexico that didn't produce anything more than we had with the earlier agreements, you might decide that "hey, maybe Trump ain't as great as he says he is."
And now, he gave the speaker nod to McCarthy and recently bashed DeSantis. And you people are still holding on. Seriously, McCarthy and DeSantis are on complete opposite sides of the political spectrum. McCarthy is as liberal as most democrats.

I just don't get it. What keeps you stuck to Trump.

BTW, I don't think I've ever voted for a democrat. I can't stand liberals, especially the progressives. But it's not that they're liberal. Its that they do liberal things. Same as Trump.
So because he didn't lock her up, that makes him a liberal? Or a hypocrite?

Because he didn't balance the budget like Clinton did he's a liberal? Obama would have had a surplus too if not for the Great Recession Bush handed him.

Because Trump lied about making Mexico pay for a wall, that makes him a liberal? I thought we wanted open borders and sactuary cities. Is Trump liberal on this issue?

Liberals didn't start a trade war with China or Mexico so Trump doing that, and losing, isn't a liberal thing to do either.

Supporting McCarthy makes him liberal?

I like your thinking but your conclusion is flawed. I give you a C-
These are just weak conservatives...they've been disappointed SO many times..they can't get past media hype. I get it. Sometimes i feel the same. I'm not disappointed in President Trump.. He is no politician. He gets bad advice given in glowing terms by snake repunklicans and sometimes they are democrats pretending to be repunklicans. BUT usually he figures it out. Our enemy is the left and their propaganda arm ...the media.
So because he didn't lock her up, that makes him a liberal? Or a hypocrite?

Because he didn't balance the budget like Clinton did he's a liberal? Obama would have had a surplus too if not for the Great Recession Bush handed him.

Those things are lies that he didn't even attempt. Does it make him a liberal? No. It makes him a liar.
Because Trump lied about making Mexico pay for a wall, that makes him a liberal? I thought we wanted open borders and sactuary cities. Is Trump liberal on this issue?

Again, lying comments to get voters to vote for him, based on lies.
Liberals didn't start a trade war with China or Mexico so Trump doing that, and losing, isn't a liberal thing to do either.

Supporting McCarthy makes him liberal?

I like your thinking but your conclusion is flawed. I give you a C-

The US's over inflated USD value is why the trade deficit is so HUGE with China. And instead of addressing the problem, Trump just wanted to raise taxes. Higher taxes that WE had to pay.

What makes Trump a liberal? Funding Planned Parenthood and their abortions. Funding gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Vetoing only 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years. And that was because it didn't spend enough.
Things like that is what made Trump a liberal. I could list a hundred more. Like his Platinum Plan.
These are just weak conservatives...they've been disappointed SO many times..they can't get past media hype. I get it. Sometimes i feel the same. I'm not disappointed in President Trump.. He is no politician. He gets bad advice given in glowing terms by snake repunklicans and sometimes they are democrats pretending to be repunklicans. BUT usually he figures it out. Our enemy is the left and their propaganda arm ...the media.

Just stop with the blame game. Bad advise? We didn't elect his advisors. He was supposed to be smart enough to do more than just lie to get elected. He didn't even try to balance the budget. His lack of vetoes on spending bills ($6.7 trillion worth) was proof he had no plans of even trying to balance the budget or cut spending.

And yes, he is a politicians. Trumps admitted it many times. If he can admit it, why can't his supporters.
Just stop with the blame game. Bad advise? We didn't elect his advisors. He was supposed to be smart enough to do more than just lie to get elected. He didn't even try to balance the budget. His lack of vetoes on spending bills ($6.7 trillion worth) was proof he had no plans of even trying to balance the budget or cut spending.

And yes, he is a politicians. Trumps admitted it many times. If he can admit it, why can't his supporters.
Don't accuse me of the blame game. YOU started this topic. But look..i GET your dissapointment. I GET the sense of doom. That's what the left wants you to feel. They want you to give turn on trump and THEN....they got you.
Don't accuse me of the blame game. YOU started this topic. But look..i GET your dissapointment. I GET the sense of doom. That's what the left wants you to feel. They want you to give turn on trump and THEN....they got you.

In order to fix any problem, you have realize there is one.
Seriously, do we want to elect politicians who'll abide by the constitution, stop spending so much money and start taking care of the US before other countries, who'll allow the free market to dictate the economy?

This is the actual right.

The leftist right only claims to want those things. But will elect politicians like Trump who won't actually do those things. And in most cases, don't even try.

I'm still standing right of center. Supporting tax cuts and spending cuts. Increasing the amount of tax deductions. Not eliminating them. And 1,000 other things that actual conservatives used to stand for. At least until Reagan came along.
We don't want our 2A infringed upon.

Trump supporters are standing left of center, next to Trump. Who cuts taxes but increases spending and eliminates tax deductions. Who goes on spending spree's with Pelosi. Trump bans bump stocks.

You call it disappointment and get a sense of doom. Well, the GOP is moving very rapidly so far to the left, those of us are scared that fiscal conservatism is a thing of the past. If that happens, we are doomed. And we may already be. $31 trillion in debt. China is becoming the manufacturing giant we should still be. And 1,000 other things.

These things are the problem. And the Trump supporters and liberal republican just don't seem to think it's a problem. At least not until the left does something.
Can you imagine what the right would say if Biden had banned bump stocks? Probably the same thing I'm saying about Trump.
I say the same thing about Biden and Obama spending as I say about Trump. It's not WHO is doing these leftist things that I oppose. It's the leftist things that are being done.

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