Trump is looking to revive the Keystone XL oil pipeline on his first day

You are not educated enough to make any judgments on climate science. I promise.

And you are? Let me give you a little insight as to how this works.

I am in a technical field. If myself along with a few like minded colleagues were told that we needed to release a highly technical report to present to non-technical people to persuade them to believe x or y, do you think we could do so? Do you think we could talk over the non-technical groupā€™s heads to come to virtually any conclusion we wanted? If our non-technical audience wholeheartedly trusted us, we could get away with saying virtually anything. Who is educated enough on the subject matter to scrutinize us if we are all on board? If a technical colleague stepped out of line and questioned us, we would squash them by saying they are obviously wrong since they are in the minority and make them seem as if they donā€™t know what they are talking about.

Scientists are people too and not immune to indoctrination and partisanship and they like money as much as the next guy. If fairness, I donā€™t think all scientists fall into this category, however, the damage has already been done. Once a few initial false premises are agreed upon, most of the community proceeds from that point on and doesnā€™t revisit what are perceived and accepted as well vetted theories. If the foundation is unstable, it doesnā€™t matter how well constructed the remainder of the building.
And you are? Let me give you a little insight as to how this works.

I am in a technical field. If myself along with a few like minded colleagues were told that we needed to release a highly technical report to present to non-technical people to persuade them to believe x or y, do you think we could do so? Do you think we could talk over the non-technical groupā€™s heads to come to virtually any conclusion we wanted? If our non-technical audience wholeheartedly trusted us, we could get away with saying virtually anything. Who is educated enough on the subject matter to scrutinize us if we are all on board? If a technical colleague stepped out of line and questioned us, we would squash them by saying they are obviously wrong since they are in the minority and make them seem as if they donā€™t know what they are talking about.

Scientists are people too and not immune to indoctrination and partisanship and they like money as much as the next guy. If fairness, I donā€™t think all scientists fall into this category, however, the damage has already been done. Once a few initial false premises are agreed upon, most of the community proceeds from that point on and doesnā€™t revisit what are perceived and accepted as well vetted theories. If the foundation is unstable, it doesnā€™t matter how well constructed the remainder of the building.

Guy, here's the problem. I don't really NEED scientists to tell me the world is getting warmer. I can see that for myself.

I can see the dying coral reefs, or the drought in the Amazon, or the melting polar ice caps and glaciers.

Shit, man, I can compare what winters were like when I was a kid in Chicago in the 1970's and compare them to what they are like now.
Guy, here's the problem. I don't really NEED scientists to tell me the world is getting warmer. I can see that for myself.

I can see the dying coral reefs, or the drought in the Amazon, or the melting polar ice caps and glaciers.

Shit, man, I can compare what winters were like when I was a kid in Chicago in the 1970's and compare them to what they are like now.

Like I said before, I have no problem with working towards alternative energy sources. What I do have a problem with is acting as if we donā€™t prohibit combustion engines in the next decade that we are all going to die. The fear mongering is a huge money grab and nothing more. You are one of the sheeple. They will fleece you for everything you have because you are gullible. Stop being such a pansy and address the most pressing issues at hand and put the global warming thing in its placeā€¦on the back burner. It will still be cooking, just wonā€™t be the priority. I can assure you that is what our economic competitors will be doing. They will only support it as long as it benefits them financially to do so. They will not put themselves at a disadvantage in the name of climate change. Only the US and some equally ignorant, idealistic, left-wing, spoiled EU countries would do that.
God doesn't exist.

The amount of Fossil fuels is limited. They will be exhausted in 50 years.

Then what?

Haven't idiots like you been saying that for fifty years now?

You're kind of missing the point. The objection to XL is that it runs right over the largest aquifers in the country, and a leak or terrorist attack on them could pollute the water used by millions. believe there are no pipelines over the aquifer now?
The amount of Fossil fuels is limited. They will be exhausted in 50 years.

Yes, the are limited but you 50 year mark is laughable. New reserves are being found all the time and depending on the size, 1000ā€™s of years could be added. The earth has an immense amount of oil.
Well of course. He told the oil execs he would do his part for their bribes, and he intends to try.

Even Chinese oil execs. See whose oil will flow though the pipeline.

Canadian tar sands crude, headed for refineries in Texas. Last I checked, American workers are at those refineries.

Get a grip on reality.

The US doesn't buy the oil. Private oil companies do. And only if they are the highest bidder.

The Keystine XL pipeline is designed to lower the cost of selling oil owned by foreign companies to foreigners and foreign governments.

This will allow the foreigners to be more competitive in bidding against American entities for the oil.

In short, the pipeline will raise prices for ol and gas in the US.

Abject nonsense.

I doubt that you will be up to it, but please explain what a pipeline intended to move high price shale oil from Canada to Texas is going to do for the U.S. economy.

The oil isnā€™t American. it is most likely going to be exported.

So why the obsession?

Don't worry, the smart people understand.
Yes, the are limited but you 50 year mark is laughable. New reserves are being found all the time and depending on the size, 1000ā€™s of years could be added. The earth has an immense amount of oil.

Not what the oil industry thinks.

Here's the problem with Fossil fuels. They aren't making any more of them. So 50 years is about right without conservation and alternatives...

I should also point out another good reason why we want alternatives. Fossil fuels empower our enemies- Russia, Venezuela, and the various Gulf states that want to kill us for the greater glory of Allah.

Like I said before, I have no problem with working towards alternative energy sources. What I do have a problem with is acting as if we donā€™t prohibit combustion engines in the next decade that we are all going to die. The fear mongering is a huge money grab and nothing more. You are one of the sheeple. They will fleece you for everything you have because you are gullible. Stop being such a pansy and address the most pressing issues at hand and put the global warming thing in its placeā€¦on the back burner. It will still be cooking, just wonā€™t be the priority. I can assure you that is what our economic competitors will be doing. They will only support it as long as it benefits them financially to do so. They will not put themselves at a disadvantage in the name of climate change. Only the US and some equally ignorant, idealistic, left-wing, spoiled EU countries would do that.

What burning issues? That a Tranny might use a bathroom? That a Mexican might want to date a white girl? What kind of pressing issues are you talking about, because mostly what you guys peddled was hate and fear of losing your white straight privilege.

Our economic competitors are taking this seriously. China is making HUGE investments in green energy - about 890 BILLION.

Hey, guy, if we fuck up this planet, we don't have another planet to go to. Get it?
Quite a lot, Ditchweed. I drive a fuel-efficient car. I buy energy-efficient appliances. I keep the temperature at my house at a reasonable level, and don't run the AC unless absolutely necessary.
SURE you do, hypocrite.

You don't need a car, get rid of it. You certainly heat your house more than necessary. I'm sure the house is larger than you need. You don't need air conditioning at all. You're as big a hypocrite as Al Gore.
And you are?
Nope. So I defer to the scientists.

Your claims to cast doubt on science are hilariously stupid. They also show the contrast between scientific rigor and your ad hoc nonsense.

It's pap meant for peole who don't understand how science works.

You basically just tried to argue that your igarant ass is to be believed on climate science, because the across every field of science is lying.

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Canadian tar sands crude, headed for refineries in Texas.
To facilitate sale to foreign countries.

Don't try the jobs argument, it's horseshit. That oil already goes to American refineries, at the current terminii of the pipelines.
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Why is the Left obsessed with stopping the pipeline?
You keep getting answers. Stop.playing so stupid.

As you might recall, your big response to them was to pretend you know more about climate science than the global scientific community.
The United States produced more crude oil than any nation at any time,

We can do better, and we will....

What burning issues?

Nuclear war. People starving all around the world. Child sex trafficking. I don't know, driving five over the speed limit? There are many things more pressing than this climate change hoax.
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