Trump Just Said on 60 Minutes That He Knows More About NATO Than Mattis...

Strange as fuck some continue to pretend Trump is stupid. He's eccentric with some complications, but how the fuck is Trump able to be so effective despite the propaganda and deep state, and call out others which often proves to be correct?

That and he's kicking DC ass, cleaning house, exposing corrupt FBI, etc....Cutting red tape, simplifying and streamlining. We're not short on consumer confidence. Cleaning up previous disasters such as immigration, North Korea, NATO etc. etc. Only POTUS since who that hasn't started a war? though his policies managed to send ISIS into hiding.

Billionaire. Ran for POTUS and won despite DC itself. Demands perfection. In a short period he's proved to be more effective than the last three degenerate POTUS' combined.

He's the best thing to happen to us since Reagan. Less class and charisma, he's probably better than Reagan. Yeah Trump is fucking stupid. I'll take stupid..................Today's liberal = liberal meanings and antonyms.

When a private citizen, one that has never been in politics or served in the military, can go on national television and say that he thinks he knows more about NATO and world diplomacy than one of the most decorated Marine officers in U.S. history, he has a serious Napoleon Complex.
Strange as fuck some continue to pretend Trump is stupid. He's eccentric with some complications, but how the fuck is Trump able to be so effective despite the propaganda and deep state, and call out others which often proves to be correct?

That and he's kicking DC ass, cleaning house, exposing corrupt FBI, etc....Cutting red tape, simplifying and streamlining. We're not short on consumer confidence. Cleaning up previous disasters such as immigration, North Korea, NATO etc. etc. Only POTUS since who that hasn't started a war? though his policies managed to send ISIS into hiding.

Billionaire. Ran for POTUS and won despite DC itself. Demands perfection. In a short period he's proved to be more effective than the last three degenerate POTUS' combined.

He's the best thing to happen to us since Reagan. Less class and charisma, he's probably better than Reagan. Yeah Trump is fucking stupid. I'll take stupid..................Today's liberal = liberal meanings and antonyms.

When a private citizen, one that has never been in politics or served in the military, can go on national television and say that he thinks he knows more about NATO and world diplomacy than one of the most decorated Marine officers in U.S. history, he has a serious Napoleon Complex.
"Napoleon complex" is a term describing a theoretical condition occurring in people of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behaviour is compensatory for the subject's stature.
You're not quite there, Donnie isn't short.
Trump also said that he knows more about interest rates than the Federal Reserve. The guy is nothing if not consistent. Probably what happens to your ego after having everyone blow smoke up your fanny for many years as a billionaire.
His ego knows no bounds, but his decisions so far at least, have been generally sound. Trump's shtick has been to brag and exaggerate in front of the cameras, but checks with the experts before deciding.
Strange as fuck some continue to pretend Trump is stupid. He's eccentric with some complications, but how the fuck is Trump able to be so effective despite the propaganda and deep state, and call out others which often proves to be correct?

That and he's kicking DC ass, cleaning house, exposing corrupt FBI, etc....Cutting red tape, simplifying and streamlining. We're not short on consumer confidence. Cleaning up previous disasters such as immigration, North Korea, NATO etc. etc. Only POTUS since who that hasn't started a war? though his policies managed to send ISIS into hiding.

Billionaire. Ran for POTUS and won despite DC itself. Demands perfection. In a short period he's proved to be more effective than the last three degenerate POTUS' combined.

He's the best thing to happen to us since Reagan. Less class and charisma, he's probably better than Reagan. Yeah Trump is fucking stupid. I'll take stupid..................Today's liberal = liberal meanings and antonyms.

When a private citizen, one that has never been in politics or served in the military, can go on national television and say that he thinks he knows more about NATO and world diplomacy than one of the most decorated Marine officers in U.S. history, he has a serious Napoleon Complex.
"Napoleon complex" is a term describing a theoretical condition occurring in people of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behaviour is compensatory for the subject's stature.
You're not quite there, Donnie isn't short.

He is short in experience compared to Mattis. Napoleon wasn't short himself, they say he was like 5'8"-5'9" which was medium size of the time.

The irony here is, Trump said to voters not to worry about his world policy and military because he would hire the best military and diplomatic minds to take care of it. Now he has Mattis, and he's trying to say he knows more than him. That right there is the red flag that Mattis is leaving. It was rumored before today, and that interview nailed it. Trump called Mattis a Democrat and then tried to undermine him.
Strange as fuck some continue to pretend Trump is stupid. He's eccentric with some complications, but how the fuck is Trump able to be so effective despite the propaganda and deep state, and call out others which often proves to be correct?

That and he's kicking DC ass, cleaning house, exposing corrupt FBI, etc....Cutting red tape, simplifying and streamlining. We're not short on consumer confidence. Cleaning up previous disasters such as immigration, North Korea, NATO etc. etc. Only POTUS since who that hasn't started a war? though his policies managed to send ISIS into hiding.

Billionaire. Ran for POTUS and won despite DC itself. Demands perfection. In a short period he's proved to be more effective than the last three degenerate POTUS' combined.

He's the best thing to happen to us since Reagan. Less class and charisma, he's probably better than Reagan. Yeah Trump is fucking stupid. I'll take stupid..................Today's liberal = liberal meanings and antonyms.

When a private citizen, one that has never been in politics or served in the military, can go on national television and say that he thinks he knows more about NATO and world diplomacy than one of the most decorated Marine officers in U.S. history, he has a serious Napoleon Complex.
"Napoleon complex" is a term describing a theoretical condition occurring in people of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behaviour is compensatory for the subject's stature.
You're not quite there, Donnie isn't short.

He is short in experience compared to Mattis. Napoleon wasn't short himself, they say he was like 5'8"-5'9" which was medium size of the time.

The irony here is, Trump said to voters not to worry about his world policy and military because he would hire the best military and diplomatic minds to take care of it. Now he has Mattis, and he's trying to say he knows more than him. That right there is the red flag that Mattis is leaving. It was rumored before today, and that interview nailed it. Trump called Mattis a Democrat and then tried to undermine him.
Actually, they say around 5'2". Having said that, I really don't care how Trump's personality is. I didn't vote for him because of it. I wanted this country to
go in a different direction, and by golly, he's doing it. A lot of positive things have happened under his watch and you people would never admit to it.
I'm good with that. Keep going with the men in woman's bathrooms policies. Independents are watching.

He seriously just said he knows more about NATO than Mattis and that Mattis didn't tell him that NATO is stopping WWIII.

I read a report recently indicating that the dumber a person is the the more likely that person is to think he is smart......or right....

apparently you can be too stupid to realize just how stupid you are....

kind of explains modern conservatives......

if this board is an example
In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority comes from the inability of low-ability people to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence.[1]

Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia

When your opponent's ideas cannot be deposed from society, academia, culture, history and politics, with truth and fact accuse or rather diagnose him of mental illness, isn't that right? How banal. Try taking two doses of the California F scale, invented by a liberal you'd go down on all fours to worship, in an effort to prove conservative philosophy was more likely to originate from an authoritarian personality, which, fool, it ended up backfiring in the inventor's face after it actually measured the fringe liberal mind as being predisposed to authoritarianism and fascism. Asinine, inane = liberal radicalism.
Although you aren't writing in English I think you might be disagreeing with me about something...with maybe a small insult in there somewhere.

I can't be sure though.
Strange as fuck some continue to pretend Trump is stupid. He's eccentric with some complications, but how the fuck is Trump able to be so effective despite the propaganda and deep state, and call out others which often proves to be correct?

That and he's kicking DC ass, cleaning house, exposing corrupt FBI, etc....Cutting red tape, simplifying and streamlining. We're not short on consumer confidence. Cleaning up previous disasters such as immigration, North Korea, NATO etc. etc. Only POTUS since who that hasn't started a war? though his policies managed to send ISIS into hiding.

Billionaire. Ran for POTUS and won despite DC itself. Demands perfection. In a short period he's proved to be more effective than the last three degenerate POTUS' combined.

He's the best thing to happen to us since Reagan. Less class and charisma, he's probably better than Reagan. Yeah Trump is fucking stupid. I'll take stupid..................Today's liberal = liberal meanings and antonyms.

When a private citizen, one that has never been in politics or served in the military, can go on national television and say that he thinks he knows more about NATO and world diplomacy than one of the most decorated Marine officers in U.S. history, he has a serious Napoleon Complex.
"Napoleon complex" is a term describing a theoretical condition occurring in people of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behaviour is compensatory for the subject's stature.
You're not quite there, Donnie isn't short.

He is short in experience compared to Mattis. Napoleon wasn't short himself, they say he was like 5'8"-5'9" which was medium size of the time.

The irony here is, Trump said to voters not to worry about his world policy and military because he would hire the best military and diplomatic minds to take care of it. Now he has Mattis, and he's trying to say he knows more than him. That right there is the red flag that Mattis is leaving. It was rumored before today, and that interview nailed it. Trump called Mattis a Democrat and then tried to undermine him.
Actually, they say around 5'2". Having said that, I really don't care how Trump's personality is. I didn't vote for him because of it. I wanted this country to
go in a different direction, and by golly, he's doing it. A lot of positive things have happened under his watch and you people would never admit to it.
I'm good with that. Keep going with the men in woman's bathrooms policies. Independents are watching.

You are harping on the idea of moral panic. Men in women's restrooms is not even in the top 50 important issues that are causing problems in this country, and isn't something that is HUGELY supported. Sadly in most other countries around the world all public restrooms are unisex without any issues.

What the problems most people have with Trump is, he only cares about today, and not about tomorrow, the next decade, the next generation, or the generation after that. He proved that tonight and made that a huge speaking point. He said that tax cuts and cutting regulations was saving TONS of money and helping the economy and making everyone happy. That's not true. If everyone is working, and the economy is booming, the deficit should be going down, not up. He lacks the ability to imagine the future, which explains why he's filed bankruptcy so many times. He didn't make long term plans, he just tried to maximize short term profits, and then when a business went to shit, he just stuck up his middle finger to the rest of the world and filed bankruptcy on the company and all kinds of people that did work for him never got paid back.

That's the financial genius he is.

Edit: Was Napoleon Bonaparte Really So Short? | History Rundown

He seriously just said he knows more about NATO than Mattis and that Mattis didn't tell him that NATO is stopping WWIII.

NATO has never stopped WWIII. It almost caused it in 1983 and 1984, but
it's never prevented it. NATO might help prevent a conventional war, but
if someone wants to laucn their missiles...NATO ain't gonna stop them.
There are only two NATO countries with Nukes besides the United States
and their arsenals are limited.

Mattis' job as a general and/or SoD would be in the military capabilities.
The logistics and the meshing of the combined militaries as a single fighting
force. It would have nothing to do with the politics of such. As of a year
ago, the German Air Force only possessed enough missiles to arm four of
its front line fighter jets. They are supposed to have 84 of them online
ready to fly and fight. Mattis would be concerned with having another
country make up for that short fall. (Probably the U.S.) It would be Trump's
job to get the Germans to have 84 jets online as the treaty demands.

We are wasting time and money trying to work with the Western European
Countries. Our bases overseas should be moved forward to Poland and the
other former members of the Warsaw Pact and have them nose-to-nose with the Russians.

Those countries, when the War on Terror began, were the first to send troops
to help us. Not the Gutless, Western Europeans.

There is no doubt that Trump would know more about the operating capitol
and politics of NATO over Mattis or any other General.
Strange as fuck some continue to pretend Trump is stupid. He's eccentric with some complications, but how the fuck is Trump able to be so effective despite the propaganda and deep state, and call out others which often proves to be correct?

That and he's kicking DC ass, cleaning house, exposing corrupt FBI, etc....Cutting red tape, simplifying and streamlining. We're not short on consumer confidence. Cleaning up previous disasters such as immigration, North Korea, NATO etc. etc. Only POTUS since who that hasn't started a war? though his policies managed to send ISIS into hiding.

Billionaire. Ran for POTUS and won despite DC itself. Demands perfection. In a short period he's proved to be more effective than the last three degenerate POTUS' combined.

He's the best thing to happen to us since Reagan. Less class and charisma, he's probably better than Reagan. Yeah Trump is fucking stupid. I'll take stupid..................Today's liberal = liberal meanings and antonyms.

When a private citizen, one that has never been in politics or served in the military, can go on national television and say that he thinks he knows more about NATO and world diplomacy than one of the most decorated Marine officers in U.S. history, he has a serious Napoleon Complex.
"Napoleon complex" is a term describing a theoretical condition occurring in people of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behaviour is compensatory for the subject's stature.
You're not quite there, Donnie isn't short.

Trump lies about his height, so while he is not short, he clearly lives with the idea that he is not tall enough.
Strange as fuck some continue to pretend Trump is stupid. He's eccentric with some complications, but how the fuck is Trump able to be so effective despite the propaganda and deep state, and call out others which often proves to be correct?

That and he's kicking DC ass, cleaning house, exposing corrupt FBI, etc....Cutting red tape, simplifying and streamlining. We're not short on consumer confidence. Cleaning up previous disasters such as immigration, North Korea, NATO etc. etc. Only POTUS since who that hasn't started a war? though his policies managed to send ISIS into hiding.

Billionaire. Ran for POTUS and won despite DC itself. Demands perfection. In a short period he's proved to be more effective than the last three degenerate POTUS' combined.

He's the best thing to happen to us since Reagan. Less class and charisma, he's probably better than Reagan. Yeah Trump is fucking stupid. I'll take stupid..................Today's liberal = liberal meanings and antonyms.

When a private citizen, one that has never been in politics or served in the military, can go on national television and say that he thinks he knows more about NATO and world diplomacy than one of the most decorated Marine officers in U.S. history, he has a serious Napoleon Complex.
"Napoleon complex" is a term describing a theoretical condition occurring in people of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behaviour is compensatory for the subject's stature.
You're not quite there, Donnie isn't short.

He is short in experience compared to Mattis. Napoleon wasn't short himself, they say he was like 5'8"-5'9" which was medium size of the time.

The irony here is, Trump said to voters not to worry about his world policy and military because he would hire the best military and diplomatic minds to take care of it. Now he has Mattis, and he's trying to say he knows more than him. That right there is the red flag that Mattis is leaving. It was rumored before today, and that interview nailed it. Trump called Mattis a Democrat and then tried to undermine him.
Actually, they say around 5'2". Having said that, I really don't care how Trump's personality is. I didn't vote for him because of it. I wanted this country to
go in a different direction, and by golly, he's doing it. A lot of positive things have happened under his watch and you people would never admit to it.
I'm good with that. Keep going with the men in woman's bathrooms policies. Independents are watching.

You are harping on the idea of moral panic. Men in women's restrooms is not even in the top 50 important issues that are causing problems in this country, and isn't something that is HUGELY supported. Sadly in most other countries around the world all public restrooms are unisex without any issues.

What the problems most people have with Trump is, he only cares about today, and not about tomorrow, the next decade, the next generation, or the generation after that. He proved that tonight and made that a huge speaking point. He said that tax cuts and cutting regulations was saving TONS of money and helping the economy and making everyone happy. That's not true. If everyone is working, and the economy is booming, the deficit should be going down, not up. He lacks the ability to imagine the future, which explains why he's filed bankruptcy so many times. He didn't make long term plans, he just tried to maximize short term profits, and then when a business went to shit, he just stuck up his middle finger to the rest of the world and filed bankruptcy on the company and all kinds of people that did work for him never got paid back.

That's the financial genius he is.
Really sad that he has to deal with congress and their spending Bill. He is stuck in between a rock and a hard place. If he doesn't sign the Bill the government shuts down and he's blamed. If he signs it there is too much spending and he is blamed. If you want to place blame, place it where it belongs, with congress. Both democrats and republicans, they're both complicit.
I have no idea what your other blather is about other than class envy, IMO.
When a private citizen, one that has never been in politics or served in the military, can go on national television and say that he thinks he knows more about NATO and world diplomacy than one of the most decorated Marine officers in U.S. history, he has a serious Napoleon Complex.
"Napoleon complex" is a term describing a theoretical condition occurring in people of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behaviour is compensatory for the subject's stature.
You're not quite there, Donnie isn't short.

He is short in experience compared to Mattis. Napoleon wasn't short himself, they say he was like 5'8"-5'9" which was medium size of the time.

The irony here is, Trump said to voters not to worry about his world policy and military because he would hire the best military and diplomatic minds to take care of it. Now he has Mattis, and he's trying to say he knows more than him. That right there is the red flag that Mattis is leaving. It was rumored before today, and that interview nailed it. Trump called Mattis a Democrat and then tried to undermine him.
Actually, they say around 5'2". Having said that, I really don't care how Trump's personality is. I didn't vote for him because of it. I wanted this country to
go in a different direction, and by golly, he's doing it. A lot of positive things have happened under his watch and you people would never admit to it.
I'm good with that. Keep going with the men in woman's bathrooms policies. Independents are watching.

You are harping on the idea of moral panic. Men in women's restrooms is not even in the top 50 important issues that are causing problems in this country, and isn't something that is HUGELY supported. Sadly in most other countries around the world all public restrooms are unisex without any issues.

What the problems most people have with Trump is, he only cares about today, and not about tomorrow, the next decade, the next generation, or the generation after that. He proved that tonight and made that a huge speaking point. He said that tax cuts and cutting regulations was saving TONS of money and helping the economy and making everyone happy. That's not true. If everyone is working, and the economy is booming, the deficit should be going down, not up. He lacks the ability to imagine the future, which explains why he's filed bankruptcy so many times. He didn't make long term plans, he just tried to maximize short term profits, and then when a business went to shit, he just stuck up his middle finger to the rest of the world and filed bankruptcy on the company and all kinds of people that did work for him never got paid back.

That's the financial genius he is.
Really sad that he has to deal with congress and their spending Bill. He is stuck in between a rock and a hard place. If he doesn't sign the Bill the government shuts down and he's blamed. If he signs it there is too much spending and he is blamed. If you want to place blame, place it where it belongs, with congress. Both democrats and republicans, they're both complicit.
I have no idea what your other blather is about other than class envy, IMO.

Republicans have had the majority in Congress since 2014? You want to talk about dumb spending... should we talk about the bridge in Alaska, or the dam that's not needed in KY that McConnell got so that he could let his buddy get the contract? I can go on and on with some of the dumb spending.

The Bridge to Nowhere: A National Embarrassment

Mitch McConnell gets nearly $3 billion for Kentucky dam project in congressional deal
"Napoleon complex" is a term describing a theoretical condition occurring in people of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behaviour is compensatory for the subject's stature.
You're not quite there, Donnie isn't short.

He is short in experience compared to Mattis. Napoleon wasn't short himself, they say he was like 5'8"-5'9" which was medium size of the time.

The irony here is, Trump said to voters not to worry about his world policy and military because he would hire the best military and diplomatic minds to take care of it. Now he has Mattis, and he's trying to say he knows more than him. That right there is the red flag that Mattis is leaving. It was rumored before today, and that interview nailed it. Trump called Mattis a Democrat and then tried to undermine him.
Actually, they say around 5'2". Having said that, I really don't care how Trump's personality is. I didn't vote for him because of it. I wanted this country to
go in a different direction, and by golly, he's doing it. A lot of positive things have happened under his watch and you people would never admit to it.
I'm good with that. Keep going with the men in woman's bathrooms policies. Independents are watching.

You are harping on the idea of moral panic. Men in women's restrooms is not even in the top 50 important issues that are causing problems in this country, and isn't something that is HUGELY supported. Sadly in most other countries around the world all public restrooms are unisex without any issues.

What the problems most people have with Trump is, he only cares about today, and not about tomorrow, the next decade, the next generation, or the generation after that. He proved that tonight and made that a huge speaking point. He said that tax cuts and cutting regulations was saving TONS of money and helping the economy and making everyone happy. That's not true. If everyone is working, and the economy is booming, the deficit should be going down, not up. He lacks the ability to imagine the future, which explains why he's filed bankruptcy so many times. He didn't make long term plans, he just tried to maximize short term profits, and then when a business went to shit, he just stuck up his middle finger to the rest of the world and filed bankruptcy on the company and all kinds of people that did work for him never got paid back.

That's the financial genius he is.
Really sad that he has to deal with congress and their spending Bill. He is stuck in between a rock and a hard place. If he doesn't sign the Bill the government shuts down and he's blamed. If he signs it there is too much spending and he is blamed. If you want to place blame, place it where it belongs, with congress. Both democrats and republicans, they're both complicit.
I have no idea what your other blather is about other than class envy, IMO.

Republicans have had the majority in Congress since 2014? You want to talk about dumb spending... should we talk about the bridge in Alaska, or the dam that's not needed in KY that McConnell got so that he could let his buddy get the contract? I can go on and on with some of the dumb spending.

The Bridge to Nowhere: A National Embarrassment

Mitch McConnell gets nearly $3 billion for Kentucky dam project in congressional deal
Dude, whether you want to admit it or not, the problem transcends party lines. If you don't believe that,
I can't fix stupid.
He is short in experience compared to Mattis. Napoleon wasn't short himself, they say he was like 5'8"-5'9" which was medium size of the time.

The irony here is, Trump said to voters not to worry about his world policy and military because he would hire the best military and diplomatic minds to take care of it. Now he has Mattis, and he's trying to say he knows more than him. That right there is the red flag that Mattis is leaving. It was rumored before today, and that interview nailed it. Trump called Mattis a Democrat and then tried to undermine him.
Actually, they say around 5'2". Having said that, I really don't care how Trump's personality is. I didn't vote for him because of it. I wanted this country to
go in a different direction, and by golly, he's doing it. A lot of positive things have happened under his watch and you people would never admit to it.
I'm good with that. Keep going with the men in woman's bathrooms policies. Independents are watching.

You are harping on the idea of moral panic. Men in women's restrooms is not even in the top 50 important issues that are causing problems in this country, and isn't something that is HUGELY supported. Sadly in most other countries around the world all public restrooms are unisex without any issues.

What the problems most people have with Trump is, he only cares about today, and not about tomorrow, the next decade, the next generation, or the generation after that. He proved that tonight and made that a huge speaking point. He said that tax cuts and cutting regulations was saving TONS of money and helping the economy and making everyone happy. That's not true. If everyone is working, and the economy is booming, the deficit should be going down, not up. He lacks the ability to imagine the future, which explains why he's filed bankruptcy so many times. He didn't make long term plans, he just tried to maximize short term profits, and then when a business went to shit, he just stuck up his middle finger to the rest of the world and filed bankruptcy on the company and all kinds of people that did work for him never got paid back.

That's the financial genius he is.
Really sad that he has to deal with congress and their spending Bill. He is stuck in between a rock and a hard place. If he doesn't sign the Bill the government shuts down and he's blamed. If he signs it there is too much spending and he is blamed. If you want to place blame, place it where it belongs, with congress. Both democrats and republicans, they're both complicit.
I have no idea what your other blather is about other than class envy, IMO.

Republicans have had the majority in Congress since 2014? You want to talk about dumb spending... should we talk about the bridge in Alaska, or the dam that's not needed in KY that McConnell got so that he could let his buddy get the contract? I can go on and on with some of the dumb spending.

The Bridge to Nowhere: A National Embarrassment

Mitch McConnell gets nearly $3 billion for Kentucky dam project in congressional deal
Dude, whether you want to admit it or not, the problem transcends party lines. If you don't believe that,
I can't fix stupid.

I totally agree! ^^^
He is short in experience compared to Mattis. Napoleon wasn't short himself, they say he was like 5'8"-5'9" which was medium size of the time.

The irony here is, Trump said to voters not to worry about his world policy and military because he would hire the best military and diplomatic minds to take care of it. Now he has Mattis, and he's trying to say he knows more than him. That right there is the red flag that Mattis is leaving. It was rumored before today, and that interview nailed it. Trump called Mattis a Democrat and then tried to undermine him.
Actually, they say around 5'2". Having said that, I really don't care how Trump's personality is. I didn't vote for him because of it. I wanted this country to
go in a different direction, and by golly, he's doing it. A lot of positive things have happened under his watch and you people would never admit to it.
I'm good with that. Keep going with the men in woman's bathrooms policies. Independents are watching.

You are harping on the idea of moral panic. Men in women's restrooms is not even in the top 50 important issues that are causing problems in this country, and isn't something that is HUGELY supported. Sadly in most other countries around the world all public restrooms are unisex without any issues.

What the problems most people have with Trump is, he only cares about today, and not about tomorrow, the next decade, the next generation, or the generation after that. He proved that tonight and made that a huge speaking point. He said that tax cuts and cutting regulations was saving TONS of money and helping the economy and making everyone happy. That's not true. If everyone is working, and the economy is booming, the deficit should be going down, not up. He lacks the ability to imagine the future, which explains why he's filed bankruptcy so many times. He didn't make long term plans, he just tried to maximize short term profits, and then when a business went to shit, he just stuck up his middle finger to the rest of the world and filed bankruptcy on the company and all kinds of people that did work for him never got paid back.

That's the financial genius he is.
Really sad that he has to deal with congress and their spending Bill. He is stuck in between a rock and a hard place. If he doesn't sign the Bill the government shuts down and he's blamed. If he signs it there is too much spending and he is blamed. If you want to place blame, place it where it belongs, with congress. Both democrats and republicans, they're both complicit.
I have no idea what your other blather is about other than class envy, IMO.

Republicans have had the majority in Congress since 2014? You want to talk about dumb spending... should we talk about the bridge in Alaska, or the dam that's not needed in KY that McConnell got so that he could let his buddy get the contract? I can go on and on with some of the dumb spending.

The Bridge to Nowhere: A National Embarrassment

Mitch McConnell gets nearly $3 billion for Kentucky dam project in congressional deal
Dude, whether you want to admit it or not, the problem transcends party lines. If you don't believe that,
I can't fix stupid.

Oh it does, but Republicans will always run on balancing the budget and then not do it. It is one thing to add to the deficit, but a totally different thing to run a platform of balancing the budget, only to get elected and then vote to do big spending with kickbacks to your buddies and blame it on the other party.
Actually, they say around 5'2". Having said that, I really don't care how Trump's personality is. I didn't vote for him because of it. I wanted this country to
go in a different direction, and by golly, he's doing it. A lot of positive things have happened under his watch and you people would never admit to it.
I'm good with that. Keep going with the men in woman's bathrooms policies. Independents are watching.

You are harping on the idea of moral panic. Men in women's restrooms is not even in the top 50 important issues that are causing problems in this country, and isn't something that is HUGELY supported. Sadly in most other countries around the world all public restrooms are unisex without any issues.

What the problems most people have with Trump is, he only cares about today, and not about tomorrow, the next decade, the next generation, or the generation after that. He proved that tonight and made that a huge speaking point. He said that tax cuts and cutting regulations was saving TONS of money and helping the economy and making everyone happy. That's not true. If everyone is working, and the economy is booming, the deficit should be going down, not up. He lacks the ability to imagine the future, which explains why he's filed bankruptcy so many times. He didn't make long term plans, he just tried to maximize short term profits, and then when a business went to shit, he just stuck up his middle finger to the rest of the world and filed bankruptcy on the company and all kinds of people that did work for him never got paid back.

That's the financial genius he is.
Really sad that he has to deal with congress and their spending Bill. He is stuck in between a rock and a hard place. If he doesn't sign the Bill the government shuts down and he's blamed. If he signs it there is too much spending and he is blamed. If you want to place blame, place it where it belongs, with congress. Both democrats and republicans, they're both complicit.
I have no idea what your other blather is about other than class envy, IMO.

Republicans have had the majority in Congress since 2014? You want to talk about dumb spending... should we talk about the bridge in Alaska, or the dam that's not needed in KY that McConnell got so that he could let his buddy get the contract? I can go on and on with some of the dumb spending.

The Bridge to Nowhere: A National Embarrassment

Mitch McConnell gets nearly $3 billion for Kentucky dam project in congressional deal
Dude, whether you want to admit it or not, the problem transcends party lines. If you don't believe that,
I can't fix stupid.

Oh it does, but Republicans will always run on balancing the budget and then not do it. It is one thing to add to the deficit, but a totally different thing to run a platform of balancing the budget, only to get elected and then vote to do big spending with kickbacks to your buddies and blame it on the other party.
Both parties have kickbacks, that's why they become multi millionaires on their wages. Simply amazes me with what shenanigans are going on up on the hill.
The difference between me and you is that I can admit that both parties are complicit equally if the truth be known. You have your head buried in the sand as to what
your party does.
You are harping on the idea of moral panic. Men in women's restrooms is not even in the top 50 important issues that are causing problems in this country, and isn't something that is HUGELY supported. Sadly in most other countries around the world all public restrooms are unisex without any issues.

What the problems most people have with Trump is, he only cares about today, and not about tomorrow, the next decade, the next generation, or the generation after that. He proved that tonight and made that a huge speaking point. He said that tax cuts and cutting regulations was saving TONS of money and helping the economy and making everyone happy. That's not true. If everyone is working, and the economy is booming, the deficit should be going down, not up. He lacks the ability to imagine the future, which explains why he's filed bankruptcy so many times. He didn't make long term plans, he just tried to maximize short term profits, and then when a business went to shit, he just stuck up his middle finger to the rest of the world and filed bankruptcy on the company and all kinds of people that did work for him never got paid back.

That's the financial genius he is.
Really sad that he has to deal with congress and their spending Bill. He is stuck in between a rock and a hard place. If he doesn't sign the Bill the government shuts down and he's blamed. If he signs it there is too much spending and he is blamed. If you want to place blame, place it where it belongs, with congress. Both democrats and republicans, they're both complicit.
I have no idea what your other blather is about other than class envy, IMO.

Republicans have had the majority in Congress since 2014? You want to talk about dumb spending... should we talk about the bridge in Alaska, or the dam that's not needed in KY that McConnell got so that he could let his buddy get the contract? I can go on and on with some of the dumb spending.

The Bridge to Nowhere: A National Embarrassment

Mitch McConnell gets nearly $3 billion for Kentucky dam project in congressional deal
Dude, whether you want to admit it or not, the problem transcends party lines. If you don't believe that,
I can't fix stupid.

Oh it does, but Republicans will always run on balancing the budget and then not do it. It is one thing to add to the deficit, but a totally different thing to run a platform of balancing the budget, only to get elected and then vote to do big spending with kickbacks to your buddies and blame it on the other party.
Both parties have kickbacks, that's why they become multi millionaires on their wages. Simply amazes me with what shenanigans are going on up on the hill.
The difference between me and you is that I can admit that both parties are complicit equally if the truth be known. You have your head buried in the sand as to what
your party does.

I have been a Republican ALL my life until 2016. I know both parties do big spending without fiscal responsibility and get way too much from lobbyist... but the difference is, Republicans will say they won't do that, and they will cut social programs and make it so people want to and have to work... and then sign a budget that doesn't do that even though they hold the majority and use bipartisanship with Democrats as their scapegoat. Democrats will say we need more social programs and less wasteful spending on a huge military, and then sign huge budgets and use the scapegoat of the money for the military being in there as a bipartisan work with Republicans as a scapegoat. It's 6 in one hand and half a dozen in the other.

He seriously just said he knows more about NATO than Mattis and that Mattis didn't tell him that NATO is stopping WWIII.

Leslie Stahl was trying SO hard to get Trump to say something that you on the left could jump on and that was about the closest she got to one. Trump simply pointed out that all he wanted from our NATO "allies" was for them to pay more for their own defense. is THAT not 100% correct?
Really sad that he has to deal with congress and their spending Bill. He is stuck in between a rock and a hard place. If he doesn't sign the Bill the government shuts down and he's blamed. If he signs it there is too much spending and he is blamed. If you want to place blame, place it where it belongs, with congress. Both democrats and republicans, they're both complicit.
I have no idea what your other blather is about other than class envy, IMO.

Republicans have had the majority in Congress since 2014? You want to talk about dumb spending... should we talk about the bridge in Alaska, or the dam that's not needed in KY that McConnell got so that he could let his buddy get the contract? I can go on and on with some of the dumb spending.

The Bridge to Nowhere: A National Embarrassment

Mitch McConnell gets nearly $3 billion for Kentucky dam project in congressional deal
Dude, whether you want to admit it or not, the problem transcends party lines. If you don't believe that,
I can't fix stupid.

Oh it does, but Republicans will always run on balancing the budget and then not do it. It is one thing to add to the deficit, but a totally different thing to run a platform of balancing the budget, only to get elected and then vote to do big spending with kickbacks to your buddies and blame it on the other party.
Both parties have kickbacks, that's why they become multi millionaires on their wages. Simply amazes me with what shenanigans are going on up on the hill.
The difference between me and you is that I can admit that both parties are complicit equally if the truth be known. You have your head buried in the sand as to what
your party does.

I have been a Republican ALL my life until 2016. I know both parties do big spending without fiscal responsibility and get way too much from lobbyist... but the difference is, Republicans will say they won't do that, and they will cut social programs and make it so people want to and have to work... and then sign a budget that doesn't do that even though they hold the majority and use bipartisanship with Democrats as their scapegoat. Democrats will say we need more social programs and less wasteful spending on a huge military, and then sign huge budgets and use the scapegoat of the money for the military being in there as a bipartisan work with Republicans as a scapegoat. It's 6 in one hand and half a dozen in the other.

Another liberal claiming to have been a Republican? What is with you guys? Like we haven't seen the way you've posted since you got here?

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