Trump lawyer drops libel lawsuit against BuzzFeed, Fusion GPS

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Trump lawyer drops libel lawsuit against BuzzFeed, Fusion GPS over Trump dossier after FBI raid Trump lawyer drops libel suits against Fusion GPS, BuzzFeed


:abgg2q.jpg: Strike TWO - No Balls! Ex-Playboy Bunny WINS, DrumpF DOSSIER WINS!

Really, Scumbag Cohen has NO Balls to be deposed.. He lies about everythang
FFS! Like the Great Douche Lies about EVERYTHANG!.
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Trump lawyer drops libel lawsuit against BuzzFeed, Fusion GPS over Trump dossier after FBI raid Trump lawyer drops libel suits against Fusion GPS, BuzzFeed

:abgg2q.jpg: Strike TWO - No Balls! Ex-Playboy Bunny WINS, DrumpF DOSSIER WINS!

Really, Scumbag Cohen has NO Balls to be deposed.. He lies about everythang
FFS! Like the Great Douche Lies about EVERYTHANG!.
/----/OK thanks for boring us.
View attachment 188877
So why did the Scumbag Fold? I say FEAR!
As we know most all the dossier is true. And this shows us more it has merits.
He folded because McClatchy caught him in a lie, the same lie that he said Buzzfeed was wrong about.

Just another element of the dossier confirmed.

For those who are bored to tears.
President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen withdrew lawsuits against BuzzFeed News and Fusion GPS on Wednesday to focus on the investigation against him that led to an FBI raid last week.

Cohen filed a pair of defamation lawsuits against BuzzFeed and political intelligence firm Fusion GPS in January after BuzzFeed published an unverified dossier, commissioned by Fusion GPS, that claimed Cohen had met with Russian operatives in Europe to cover up Trump’s ties to Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Cohen’s attorney David Schwartz said Cohen is dropping the lawsuits so he and his legal team won’t have to split their focus after special counselor Robert Mueller enabled the FBI to seize documents from Cohen’s home, hotel and office last week. According to Politico, Cohen and his lawyers will now be devoting their resources to recovering the files seized during the raid.

“The decision to voluntarily discontinue these cases was a difficult one,” Schwartz said in a statement to Politico. “We believe the defendants defamed my client, and vindicating Mr. Cohen’s rights was — and still remains — important. But given the events that have unfolded, and the time, attention, and resources needed to prosecute these matters, we have dismissed the matters, despite their merits.”

BuzzFeed continues to stand by the decision to publish the dossier and maintains that the lawsuits were without merit.

“The lawsuits against BuzzFeed over the Steele dossier have never been about the merits of our decision to publish it,” the company said in a statement. “If there’s one thing that Democrats and Republicans agree on today, it’s that the dossier was an important part of the government’s investigation into potential collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia.”

More: Michael Cohen Withdraws Lawsuits Against BuzzFeed, Fusion GPS

So, the Steele dossier lives on and continues to be a valuable resource for the government’s investigation into potential collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia.
You can't win when you're fighting epic battles on multiple fronts.

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