Trump met with media today.

i keep saying dont get too excited about trump being elected.I am not so sure he will get sworn in because of comments like this.I heard today matter of fact that on dec 19th they are going to recount the electoral votes.know whatthat means? could be another freaking florida.

either that or hellery has the CIA bump him off same as they did with vince foster,we know what happens to the clintons enemies
I saw an article on the NYpost where Trump met with heads of some of the media today in an off the record meeting. According to one soucre, P.E. Trump named some of them by name and called them all liars to their faces. Wish I could have been there to see the butt hurt.

I think he hit that nail on the head.
This is just the beginning. His press secretary will make sure to fully expose the corrupt media.
i keep saying dont get too excited about trump being elected.I am not so sure he will get sworn in because of comments like this.I heard today matter of fact that on dec 19th they are going to recount the electoral votes.know whatthat means? could be another freaking florida.

either that or hellery has the CIA bump him off same as they did with vince foster,we know what happens to the clintons enemies

You are underestimating Trump. Remember, he's been successful as a real human being..he hasn't been brought up entirely in the political arena.

That means he has a lot more comprehensive understanding of the world, and makes him a hell of a lot more capable than any of the yahoos seeking to pull him down. Don't worry.
The media burned all its bridges with Trump when they entered into the gutter and revealed a secret recording of a private conversation he had with another man. That was not a legitimate tactic to use, and Trump will probably not forgive them for the pain he caused to Melania and his children.
i keep saying dont get too excited about trump being elected.I am not so sure he will get sworn in because of comments like this.I heard today matter of fact that on dec 19th they are going to recount the electoral votes.know whatthat means? could be another freaking florida.

either that or hellery has the CIA bump him off same as they did with vince foster,we know what happens to the clintons enemies
That is standard operating procedure. The delegates of the electoral college cast their votes and they are counted. Nothing to get excited about.

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