Trump needs the media and the media needs Trump


Dim Bulb

Larry Bird needed Magic Johnson. Muhammed Ali needed Joe Frazier.

Those of you screaming about the media bias towards Trump are not only missing the point you are falling into their symbiotic trap. Keep clicking and carrying on with the Ponzi Scheme of Outrage. More clicks more dollars for the media. They absolutely love having him where he is complaining about how biased they are. It's a cash generator for them.

Keep it up you're feeding the very machine you profess to hate.
Larry Bird needed Magic Johnson. Muhammed Ali needed Joe Frazier.

Those of you screaming about the media bias towards Trump are not only missing the point you are falling into their symbiotic trap. Keep clicking and carrying on with the Ponzi Scheme of Outrage. More clicks more dollars for the media. They absolutely love having him where he is complaining about how biased they are. It's a cash generator for them.

Keep it up you're feeding the very machine you profess to hate.

Oh it's closer than Ali-Frazier. More like "a tray of ice cubes needs a freezer".

Rump is a CREATION OF the media. Without it, he doesn't exist. Technically he exists but nobody knows who he is. He's exploited mass media for forty years, and done it adeptly.

In fact he's so consumed by it that he actually thinks of everything that happens in terms of "ratings" and uses the same fake benchmark to denigrate his rivals. Of course what he doesn't get is that the only purpose of media "ratings" is to set advertising rates, which means it's essentially worthless unless you're selling something.

But let us make no mistake, he isn't in any way shape or form in a battle with Media. To the contrary he's dependent on it. Ironically it's the media, and not Rump, who hold the control card in that relationship, in the sense that if Media collectively simply ignored him, he would be at their doorstep begging for attention. It's what he craves above all and without which, by his own admission, he'd melt into a puddle.

Unfortunately they won't do that, because if some of them do it, someone else will break the "picket line" and sink the whole gambit. Kind of the same reason we're stuck with the Electoral College "winner take all" bullshit.

To the title, the Media doesn't need Rump nearly as much as vice versa. True, a train wreck always sells but Rump is hardly the only train wreck. But Rump can't just fire the Media and hire another one.
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Larry Bird needed Magic Johnson. Muhammed Ali needed Joe Frazier.

Those of you screaming about the media bias towards Trump are not only missing the point you are falling into their symbiotic trap. Keep clicking and carrying on with the Ponzi Scheme of Outrage. More clicks more dollars for the media. They absolutely love having him where he is complaining about how biased they are. It's a cash generator for them.

Keep it up you're feeding the very machine you profess to hate.
trump communicate by twitter
Trump has new way to communicate - just like JFK
And I need cheese... cheese glorious cheese.

Dude. One time I found myself on the Fundy coast of Nova Scotia, killing time for a few days. Looking around to see what was there I found a cheese farm that specialized in Gouda --- my favorite -- and was open 24/7. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.
Larry Bird needed Magic Johnson. Muhammed Ali needed Joe Frazier.

Those of you screaming about the media bias towards Trump are not only missing the point you are falling into their symbiotic trap. Keep clicking and carrying on with the Ponzi Scheme of Outrage. More clicks more dollars for the media. They absolutely love having him where he is complaining about how biased they are. It's a cash generator for them.

Keep it up you're feeding the very machine you profess to hate.

Oh it's closer than Ali-Frazier. More like "a tray of ice cubes needs a freezer".

Rump is a CREATION OF the media. Without it, he doesn't exist. Technically he exists but nobody knows who he is. He's exploited mass media for forty years, and done it adeptly.

In fact he's so consumed by it that he actually thinks of everything that happens in terms of "ratings" and uses the same fake benchmark to denigrate his rivals. Of course what he doesn't get is that the only purpose of media "ratings" is to set advertising rates, which means it's essentially worthless unless you're selling something.

But let us make no mistake, he isn't in any way shape or form in a battle with Media. To the contrary he's dependent on it. Ironically it's the media, and not Rump, who hold the control card in that relationship, in the sense that if Media collectively simply ignored him, he would be at their doorstep begging for attention. It's what he craves above all and without which, by his own admission, he'd melt into a puddle.

Unfortunately they won't do that, because if some of them do it, someone else will break the "picket line" and sink the whole gambit. Kind of the same reason we're stuck with the Electoral College "winner take all" bullshit.

To the title, the Media doesn't need Rump nearly as much as vice versa. True, a train wreck always sells but Rump is hardly the only train wreck. But Rump can't just fire the Media and hire another one.
Wow well thought out points. But I disagree both with your name calling and the premise that one side needs the other more. If anything the media will find a new outrageous person to feed their clicks. Everyone gets overexposed in the media eventually. Our new President is no exception.
And I need cheese... cheese glorious cheese.

Dude. One time I found myself on the Fundy coast of Nova Scotia, killing time for a few days. Looking around to see what was there I found a cheese farm that specialized in Gouda --- my favorite -- and was open 24/7. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

That sounds awesome.
It's funny how you guys say these things in spite of the fact the left-wing controlled media has been completely ineffective at stopping Trump's rise to power. They've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at him and are now resorting to outright generating fake news to try and damage him somehow.

Trump has never had the media on his side, so why does he need them now? The media certainly doesn't need Trump and would love to not have Trump if they could make that a reality. This notion they somehow need each other is just naive and stupid.
Not from me. And I am pretty sure millions of others that are fed up and won't watch or read those sites anymore.
Larry Bird needed Magic Johnson. Muhammed Ali needed Joe Frazier.

Those of you screaming about the media bias towards Trump are not only missing the point you are falling into their symbiotic trap. Keep clicking and carrying on with the Ponzi Scheme of Outrage. More clicks more dollars for the media. They absolutely love having him where he is complaining about how biased they are. It's a cash generator for them.

Keep it up you're feeding the very machine you profess to hate.
It's funny how you guys say these things in spite of the fact the left-wing controlled media has been completely ineffective at stopping Trump's rise to power. They've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at him and are now resorting to outright generating fake news to try and damage him somehow.

Trump has never had the media on his side, so why does he need them now? The media certainly doesn't need Trump and would love to not have Trump if they could make that a reality. This notion they somehow need each other is just naive and stupid.

There is no "left wing controlled media". Media is controlled by capitalism. It's there to make a profit. That's why they foisted Rump on us in the first place decades ago --- he sells eyeballs.

Nobody makes a dime off a political ideology. You make many many many dimes by broadcasting freak shows.
It's a very simple, if insidious, psychology. And Rump has always been dependent on that freak show stage for his very existence.

Admit it --- without the vast wasteland of television, and a smattering of help from magazines (remember them?) ---- you and I would have no idea who he even is.
It's funny how you guys say these things in spite of the fact the left-wing controlled media has been completely ineffective at stopping Trump's rise to power. They've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at him and are now resorting to outright generating fake news to try and damage him somehow.

Trump has never had the media on his side, so why does he need them now? The media certainly doesn't need Trump and would love to not have Trump if they could make that a reality. This notion they somehow need each other is just naive and stupid.
Boss I think I disagree with you. I think you are wrong. If it weren't for President Trump the media would invent him to get clicks. Clicks from you to justify your world view of the Evil Plotting Media and clicks from Progressives to justify their world view that President Trump is evil. Sounds like you've bought into the dynamic hook line and sinker. I just disagree with your approach is all.
It's funny how you guys say these things in spite of the fact the left-wing controlled media has been completely ineffective at stopping Trump's rise to power. They've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at him and are now resorting to outright generating fake news to try and damage him somehow.

Trump has never had the media on his side, so why does he need them now? The media certainly doesn't need Trump and would love to not have Trump if they could make that a reality. This notion they somehow need each other is just naive and stupid.

There is no "left wing controlled media". Media is controlled by capitalism. It's there to make a profit. That's why they foisted Rump on us in the first place decades ago --- he sells eyeballs.

Nobody makes a dime off a political ideology. You make many many many dimes by broadcasting freak shows.
It's a very simple, if insidious, psychology. And Rump has always been dependent on that freak show stage for his very existence.

Admit it --- without television, and a smattering of help from magazines (remember them?) ---- you and I would have no idea who he even is.
Ding ding ding! Right on!

Soros Gives $61 Million to Media Groups Promoting Clinton's Liberal Agenda

And since it is just your post in the quote, I feel sure you can figure out mine to yours....

It's funny how you guys say these things in spite of the fact the left-wing controlled media has been completely ineffective at stopping Trump's rise to power. They've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at him and are now resorting to outright generating fake news to try and damage him somehow.

Trump has never had the media on his side, so why does he need them now? The media certainly doesn't need Trump and would love to not have Trump if they could make that a reality. This notion they somehow need each other is just naive and stupid.

There is no "left wing controlled media". Media is controlled by capitalism. It's there to make a profit. That's why they foisted Rump on us in the first place decades ago --- he sells eyeballs.

Nobody makes a dime off a political ideology. You make many many many dimes by broadcasting freak shows.
It's a very simple, if insidious, psychology. And Rump has always been dependent on that freak show stage for his very existence.

Admit it --- without the vast wasteland of television, and a smattering of help from magazines (remember them?) ---- you and I would have no idea who he even is.
You can thank President Trump for the virtual collapse of the mainstream media in the last couple of months. George Bush let the media walk all over him but it ain't gonna happen during the Trump administration and I love to see him lash out at them.
And I need cheese... cheese glorious cheese.

Dude. One time I found myself on the Fundy coast of Nova Scotia, killing time for a few days. Looking around to see what was there I found a cheese farm that specialized in Gouda --- my favorite -- and was open 24/7. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

That sounds awesome.

Here's their website.

Sadly they're not 24/7 any more. :crybaby:
Thank you sir.
Trump will mess with the media to distract the left while he's destroying them with executive orders and GOP bills. A master of misdirection, good job Trump :eusa_clap:
You can thank President Trump for the virtual collapse of the mainstream media in the last couple of months. George Bush let the media walk all over him but it ain't gonna happen during the Trump administration and I love to see him lash out at them.

My point. >>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<. You.

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