Trump no longer a transmission risk for the chinese flu, so the debate can go on as planned....right?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

Looks like Biden is sick now, and he doesn’t understand how masks work:

Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

If, God forbid, Biden wins, they will infect him with the Wuhan Flu
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Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

If, God forbid, Biden win, they will infect him with the Wuhan Flu

They won't be sure you think when kamala and jill smother him they will use a "My Pillow?"
Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

What made you think trump really wanted to debate, because look at his embarrassing performance last time. Also, what made you think the antibodies last more than a few months? I had it, and it certainly is not what my doctor told me.
Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

What made you think trump really wanted to debate, because look at his embarrassing performance last time. Also, what made you think the antibodies last more than a few months? I had it, and it certainly is not what my doctor told me.

One.....biden lost the debate, he lost the "Presidential" aura the moment he started calling Trump names....

And the debate is in 5 days, not your point has no merit.....
Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

Looks like Biden is sick now, and he doesn’t understand how masks work:

A lot of people don't, Sleepy Joe is hardly alone here.

The truth is Joe Biden seems like an ok guy, the kind of old timer you'd like to see in the vets clubs pounding down a few Schmidts and Imps , lying and having a good time

He just isn't viable as an actual President.
Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

Looks like Biden is sick now, and he doesn’t understand how masks work:

A lot of people don't, Sleepy Joe is hardly alone here.

The truth is Joe Biden seems like an ok guy, the kind of old timer you'd like to see in the vets clubs pounding down a few Schmidts and Imps , lying and having a good time

He just isn't viable as an actual President.

Sorry.....biden is not an "okay guy." He is a vile human being who lied about the death of his wife, blaming an innocent man and slandering him over and over again in his public speeches, he used his public office to enrich his family and sold out our country to do it....he was in on the plot to destroy General Flynn and to spy on Trump using illegal FISA warrants........if we had a real press, he would have been in jail decades ago.......

1. Military technology
“In 2015, Hunter Biden’s Bohai Harvest joined forces with Chinese military contractor AVIC to buy American parts manufacturer Henniges,” Schweizer explains in the documentary. Henniges produces dual-use technology, which can be used for commercial and military purposes. The deal required Obama administration approval, and the Obama administration did approve it.

AVIC, a company notorious for stealing U.S. military technology, bought 51 percent of Henniges while Bohai Harvest bought the other 49 percent.

2. Military surveillance tech used on the Uyghurs
“Hunter’s firm, Bohai Harvest, also invested in military surveillance technology that the Chinese government would use to monitor and control the population in their own country,” Schweizer says.

The company, FACE++, developed technology the Chinese Communist Party used to identify potential terrorists, which helped result in the detention of over 1 million Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.

3. Rare earth minerals
Over the past few decades, China has dominated the global production of rare earth minerals, which are vital for consumer products, military technology, and the “green” technologies climate activists insist everyone must transition to yesterday in order to save the planet. Hunter Biden also helped China dominate this vital market.

Hunter Biden’s firm, Bohai Harvest, “helped China in its competition with the United States over so-called rare earth minerals,” Schweizer explains in the video. “A Chinese government-run firm called China Molybdenum produces rare earth minerals around the world, competing with Western firms for mining access.” China Molybdenum has even bragged about the military applications of its work.

In 2017, Bohai Harvest teamed up with China Molybdenum to acquire more than half of Congo’s Tenke copper mine, one of the largest copper mines in the world.

“While the Obama administration was competing with China in the race for rare-earth minerals, Hunter Biden and his firm were actually helping Beijing win that race,” Schweizer says.

4. Helping China get nuclear secrets
“In December 2014, Hunter’s firm became an anchor investor in a company called China General Nuclear (CGN),” Schweizer continues. CGN was wholly owned by the Chinese government, but it sold a minority stake to Bohai Harvest. At the time, CGN was under FBI investigation for stealing U.S. nuclear secrets.

“China has been trying to steal American nuclear secrets for a long time,” Schweizer notes. By “partnering with the son of the U.S. vice president,” it seems the country was “trying to buy them, too.”

Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

Um..Trump quit and backed out. It's up to him. Biden's already accepted and said he'll participate.
All Trump has to do is actually prove he's virus free! :) ...which would require releasing his last negative test.
Not thinking this through are you?
Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

Looks like Biden is sick now, and he doesn’t understand how masks work:

What sort of disgusting pig coughs into their hand and then doesn't wipe that hand with at least a baby wipe or something? Joe "Advanced Brain Rotting Disease and Disgusting Pig" Biden coughed into his hand and then put his hand back on the podium.
Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

Um..Trump quit and backed out. It's up to him. Biden's already accepted and said he'll participate.
All Trump has to do is actually prove he's virus free! :) ...which would require releasing his last negative test.
Not thinking this through are you?

The Donald doesn't want to do a Virtual Debate because Creepy Joe is known to read words written for him off Teleprompters, if Creepy Joe was doing the Virtual Debate then there would be no way of knowing WHO ELSE was in the basement with him OR if Creepy Joe was reading off a Teleprompter.
Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

Looks like Biden is sick now, and he doesn’t understand how masks work:

A lot of people don't, Sleepy Joe is hardly alone here.

The truth is Joe Biden seems like an ok guy, the kind of old timer you'd like to see in the vets clubs pounding down a few Schmidts and Imps , lying and having a good time

He just isn't viable as an actual President.

Sorry.....biden is not an "okay guy." He is a vile human being who lied about the death of his wife, blaming an innocent man and slandering him over and over again in his public speeches, he used his public office to enrich his family and sold out our country to do it....he was in on the plot to destroy General Flynn and to spy on Trump using illegal FISA warrants........if we had a real press, he would have been in jail decades ago.......

1. Military technology
“In 2015, Hunter Biden’s Bohai Harvest joined forces with Chinese military contractor AVIC to buy American parts manufacturer Henniges,” Schweizer explains in the documentary. Henniges produces dual-use technology, which can be used for commercial and military purposes. The deal required Obama administration approval, and the Obama administration did approve it.

AVIC, a company notorious for stealing U.S. military technology, bought 51 percent of Henniges while Bohai Harvest bought the other 49 percent.

2. Military surveillance tech used on the Uyghurs
“Hunter’s firm, Bohai Harvest, also invested in military surveillance technology that the Chinese government would use to monitor and control the population in their own country,” Schweizer says.

The company, FACE++, developed technology the Chinese Communist Party used to identify potential terrorists, which helped result in the detention of over 1 million Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.

3. Rare earth minerals
Over the past few decades, China has dominated the global production of rare earth minerals, which are vital for consumer products, military technology, and the “green” technologies climate activists insist everyone must transition to yesterday in order to save the planet. Hunter Biden also helped China dominate this vital market.

Hunter Biden’s firm, Bohai Harvest, “helped China in its competition with the United States over so-called rare earth minerals,” Schweizer explains in the video. “A Chinese government-run firm called China Molybdenum produces rare earth minerals around the world, competing with Western firms for mining access.” China Molybdenum has even bragged about the military applications of its work.

In 2017, Bohai Harvest teamed up with China Molybdenum to acquire more than half of Congo’s Tenke copper mine, one of the largest copper mines in the world.

“While the Obama administration was competing with China in the race for rare-earth minerals, Hunter Biden and his firm were actually helping Beijing win that race,” Schweizer says.

4. Helping China get nuclear secrets
“In December 2014, Hunter’s firm became an anchor investor in a company called China General Nuclear (CGN),” Schweizer continues. CGN was wholly owned by the Chinese government, but it sold a minority stake to Bohai Harvest. At the time, CGN was under FBI investigation for stealing U.S. nuclear secrets.

“China has been trying to steal American nuclear secrets for a long time,” Schweizer notes. By “partnering with the son of the U.S. vice president,” it seems the country was “trying to buy them, too.”

Hunter Biden isn't running for President....Next.
Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

Looks like Biden is sick now, and he doesn’t understand how masks work:

A lot of people don't, Sleepy Joe is hardly alone here.

The truth is Joe Biden seems like an ok guy, the kind of old timer you'd like to see in the vets clubs pounding down a few Schmidts and Imps , lying and having a good time

He just isn't viable as an actual President.

Sorry.....biden is not an "okay guy." He is a vile human being who lied about the death of his wife, blaming an innocent man and slandering him over and over again in his public speeches, he used his public office to enrich his family and sold out our country to do it....he was in on the plot to destroy General Flynn and to spy on Trump using illegal FISA warrants........if we had a real press, he would have been in jail decades ago.......

1. Military technology
“In 2015, Hunter Biden’s Bohai Harvest joined forces with Chinese military contractor AVIC to buy American parts manufacturer Henniges,” Schweizer explains in the documentary. Henniges produces dual-use technology, which can be used for commercial and military purposes. The deal required Obama administration approval, and the Obama administration did approve it.

AVIC, a company notorious for stealing U.S. military technology, bought 51 percent of Henniges while Bohai Harvest bought the other 49 percent.

2. Military surveillance tech used on the Uyghurs
“Hunter’s firm, Bohai Harvest, also invested in military surveillance technology that the Chinese government would use to monitor and control the population in their own country,” Schweizer says.

The company, FACE++, developed technology the Chinese Communist Party used to identify potential terrorists, which helped result in the detention of over 1 million Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.

3. Rare earth minerals
Over the past few decades, China has dominated the global production of rare earth minerals, which are vital for consumer products, military technology, and the “green” technologies climate activists insist everyone must transition to yesterday in order to save the planet. Hunter Biden also helped China dominate this vital market.

Hunter Biden’s firm, Bohai Harvest, “helped China in its competition with the United States over so-called rare earth minerals,” Schweizer explains in the video. “A Chinese government-run firm called China Molybdenum produces rare earth minerals around the world, competing with Western firms for mining access.” China Molybdenum has even bragged about the military applications of its work.

In 2017, Bohai Harvest teamed up with China Molybdenum to acquire more than half of Congo’s Tenke copper mine, one of the largest copper mines in the world.

“While the Obama administration was competing with China in the race for rare-earth minerals, Hunter Biden and his firm were actually helping Beijing win that race,” Schweizer says.

4. Helping China get nuclear secrets
“In December 2014, Hunter’s firm became an anchor investor in a company called China General Nuclear (CGN),” Schweizer continues. CGN was wholly owned by the Chinese government, but it sold a minority stake to Bohai Harvest. At the time, CGN was under FBI investigation for stealing U.S. nuclear secrets.

“China has been trying to steal American nuclear secrets for a long time,” Schweizer notes. By “partnering with the son of the U.S. vice president,” it seems the country was “trying to buy them, too.”

Hunter Biden isn't running for President....Next.

Hunter is running for senior advisor and ambassador to Red China.

Very serious positions.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s doctor said Saturday the president is no longer at risk of transmitting the coronavirus.

In a memo, Navy Cmdr. Dr. Sean Conley says Trump meets the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria for safely discontinuing isolation and that by “currently recognized standards” he is no longer considered a transmission risk.

The memo follows Trump’s first public appearance since returning to the White House after being treated for the coronavirus. Hundreds of people gathered Saturday afternoon on the South Lawn for a Trump address on his support for law enforcement from a White House balcony.

Trump took off a mask moments after he emerged on the balcony to address the crowd on the lawn below, his first step back onto the public stage with just more than three weeks to go until Election Day. He flouted, once more, the safety recommendations of his own government just days after acknowledging that he was on the brink of “bad things” from the virus and claiming that his bout with the illness brought him a better understanding of it.

His return was a brief one. With bandages visible on his hands, likely from an intravenous injection, Trump spoke for 18 minutes, far less than at his normal hour-plus rallies. He appeared healthy, if perhaps a little hoarse, as he delivered what was, for all intents and purposes, a short version of his campaign speech despite the executive mansion setting.

So what you say Joe? Ready to go for round two? I didn't think so. And how about you folks at the debate commission? Care to reverse your decision to not have a second debate? I didn't think so.
Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious...

Are you this fucking dumb? He had the virus......he survived the virus and therefore you dumb shit.....he is now immune to the virus, and can't spread the virus.....

You really are a stupid human being...

They all think that The Donald never had COVID-19 and that all his Medical Team are in on it, that they and The Donald all said that he had COVID-19 so that he didn't have to do anymore Debates. The Donald is all for MORE Debates but NO Virtual Debates, they could even have Debates in OPEN FIELDS or on MIAMI BEACH, just The Donald and Creepy Joe and a few cameras, plenty of room to Social Distance, or how about doing what happened at the Debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris and have the Plexi Glass Screens surrounding The Donald and Creepy Joe, there are MANY things that they could do to have Debates in person, but of course a Virtual Debate with Creepy Joe probably in his basement and reading off a Teleprompter OR having someone in the basement WITH him writing down the answers to the questions for him to read that suits Creepy Joe better.
Trump had the virus, he survived the virus, he is not contagious....he can therefore go to the debate with china puppet, joe biden, and won't even have to wear a mask...since he is both immune to the chinese flu, and can't transmit the Chinese flu to other people...

Meanwhile....China puppet, joe biden.....has not had the chinese flu and is a risk if he should become President...

Um..Trump quit and backed out. It's up to him. Biden's already accepted and said he'll participate.
All Trump has to do is actually prove he's virus free! :) ...which would require releasing his last negative test.
Not thinking this through are you?

The Donald doesn't want to do a Virtual Debate because Creepy Joe is known to read words written for him off Teleprompters, if Creepy Joe was doing the Virtual Debate then there would be no way of knowing WHO ELSE was in the basement with him OR if Creepy Joe was reading off a Teleprompter.

No. Donny doesn't want a virtual debate because he'd be totally screwed. His greatest strength is his ability to riff. To play the crowd. That's why he holds so many Nuremberg...errr..pep rallies. :)
In a closed environment having to answer actual voter questions without being able to interrupt, lie, riff, bs, Donny is totally out of his element. He'd be totally exposed.
While Biden might duck, dodge, dive answers, Trump would just bloviate (like he did on Rush's show). That would be his end. :)

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