Arab Imperialism Unmasked: The Hypocrisy Behind the Anti-Israel Agenda

Do you think the term 'colonialism' applies to Arab conquests?

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George Monastiriakos: The Middle East was shaped by Arab colonialism,
but some minorities survive despite the odds

Have you ever considered the impact of Arab colonialism on the Middle East and North Africa?

This insightful article by George Monastiriakos reveals the often-ignored history of how Arab imperialism shaped the region. Despite centuries of dominance, some resilient minority groups have managed to survive against all odds.

Prepare to be outraged by the historical double standards that have obscured the true diversity of the MENA region. It’s time to acknowledge the enduring presence and contributions of these minority communities.

Have you ever considered the impact of Arab colonialism on the Middle East and North Africa?​
Having purportedly studied history, he really should know better than to say things like

"A liberal, and democratic Jewish State exists despite endless efforts to eradicate the difference it represents, and the threat that diversity poses, to Arab hegemony."

It's far from liberal and far from democratic, if he hasn't grasped that then he's a superficial student of history. There are reams of documentation that undermine these claims of "liberal" and "democratic", he has no excuse. He writes:

Despite millennia of exile, statelessness, forced conversions, pogroms, genocide, and the 1948 Arab invasion, the Jews finally earned a tiny country of their own. Where they can pass their religion (Judaism) and language (Hebrew) on to their children free from the bullying they endured at the hands of their antisemitic oppressors in Europe and the MENA.

What is this "Arab" invasion? The British invaded Palestine after evicting the Ottomans (with lots of help from Arabs) then the British mandate ended. It was the Zionists who invaded Palestine right after the end of the British mandate, by carving over 50% of the territory, declaring independence and installing a Jew-supremacist government over a largely Arab population and then expelling 80% of said Arab population.

Here's what the Arab League wrote concerning their actions in 1948, note the word "invasion" does not appear (it is a characterization used to support Zionist "interpretations")

4. When the war ended Great Britain did not fulfil its pledges. Instead Palestine was placed under a Mandate entrusted to Great Britain. The terms of the Mandate provided for the safeguarding of the interests of the inhabitants of Palestine and their preparation for eventual independence to which they were entitled by virtue of the Covenant of the League of Nations which admitted that the inhabitants of Palestine were fit for it.


5. Great Britain however placed Palestine in such a position as made it possible for the Jews to flood the country with waves of immigrants and factually helped their establishment on the soil despite the saturation of the land with its population which did exceed the absorptive capacity of the country economically and otherwise, thereby neglecting the provided for interests and the rights of its lawful inhabitants. The Arabs used all means at all times to express their deep concern and anxiety at such a policy which they felt was undermining their future and their very existence. But at all such times they were met with utter disregard and harsh treatment such as jail, exile, etc.


10. Now that the Mandate over Palestine has come to an end, leaving no legally constituted authority behind in order to administer law and order in the country and afford the necessary and adequate protection to life and property, the Arab States declare as follows:


(a) The right to set up a Government in Palestine pertains to its inhabitants under the principles of self-determination recognized by the Covenant of the League of Nations as well as the United Nations Charter;

(b) Peace and order have been completely upset in Palestine, and, in consequence of Jewish aggression, approximately over a quarter of a million of the Arab population have been compelled to leave their homes and emigrate to neighbouring Arab countries. The prevailing events in Palestine exposed the concealed aggressive intentions of the Zionists and their imperialistic motives, as clearly shown in their acts committed upon those peaceful Arabs and villagers of Deer Yasheen, Tiberias, and other places, as well as by their encroachment upon the building and bodies of the inviolable consular codes, manifested by their attack upon the Consulate in Jerusalem.

(c) The Mandatory has already announced that on the termination of the Mandate it will no longer be responsible for the maintenance of law and order in Palestine except in the camps and areas actually occupied by its forces, and only to the extent necessary for the security of those forces and their withdrawal. This leaves Palestine absolutely without any administrative authority entitled to maintain, and capable of maintaining, a machinery of administration of the country adequate for the purpose of ensuring due protection of life and property. There is further the threat that this lawlessness may spread to the neighbouring Arab States where feeling is already very tense on account of the prevailing conditions in Palestine. The respective members of the Arab League, and as Members of the United Nations at the same time, feel gravely perturbed and deeply concerned over this situation.

These states acted to thwart the long planned actual invasion, an invasion by foreign Jews, Zionism and fanatical Jewish nationalism.

The entire telegram can be read here.

I don't think the lies that I see about Israel and the history of Palestine since 1900, are matched in any other era or topic.
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Having purportedly studied history, he really should know better than to say things like

It's far from liberal and far from democratic, if he hasn't grasped that then he's a superficial student of history. There are reams of documentation that undermine these claims of "liberal" and "democratic", he has no excuse. He writes:

What is this "Arab" invasion? The British invaded Palestine after evicting the Ottomans (with lots of help from Arabs) then the British mandate ended. It was the Zionists who invaded Palestine right after the end of the British mandate, by carving over 50% of the territory, declaring independence and installing a Jew-supremacist government over a largely Arab population and then expelling 80% of said Arab population.

Here's what the Arab League wrote concerning their actions in 1948, note the word "invasion" does not appear (it is a characterization used to support Zionist "interpretations")




These states acted to thwart the long planned actual invasion, an invasion by foreign Jews, Zionism and fanatical Jewish nationalism.

The entire telegram can be read here.

I don't think the lies that I see about Israel and the history of Palestine since 1900, are matched in any other era or topic.

"Purportedly studied" what?! Did you graduate high-school?
Because you seem to get confused trying to showoff
using more words than you understand.

A state's form, has nothing to do with history,
Israel exceeds all the countries in the region,
by every OECD category - that's just fact.

However it's interesting that all your "history" starts at 1948,
because apparently you want to avoid addressing anything
about actual history of Arab imperialism, in the Levant,
North Africa and even India:

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However it's interesting that all your "history" starts at 1948,
because apparently you want to avoid discussing
the bloody history of Arab imperialism.
Your questions represent the diversionary tactics favored by experienced Zionist apologists. Those tactics chiefly focus on looking into the past to identify some sinister episode that can then be massaged and masquerade as justifications for the current state of Israel and Palestine.

This is the victim mantra, backed up by the Holocaust (a by product of European Christian civilization, not Arabs) it is repeated at every opportunity in the hope that it will nullify the prospect of anyone ever questioning a Zionist. It is designed to discourage probing questions and instead predispose the listener into a false sense of trust, where Zionists can blame everyone but themselves and we must never doubt them.

"Well you can't ask him that, you know, he's Jewish, you know, the Holocaust and all that, so don't be rude, that's not a nice question to ask a Jew after all they've been through" heard it a million times when discussing the state of Israel.

This is why you post endless attempts to create more diversions, today it's "Arab Imperialism" and tomorrow it will be "Arab Fascism" and the next day some other irrelevant sideshow designed to take the spotlight off the elephant in the room - The Zionist monstrosity named Israel.
What is the root cause
of all conflicts in the Middle East?

What is the root cause
of all conflicts in the Middle East?

Yes, I see, I do see. The asymmetry is ever present though, such questions as "How does firing a rocket into Israel help the Palestinians in Gaza" are instructive, but it is the questions they dare not ask that we should perhaps talk about.

There are now official and weighty opinions expressed by the ICJ on the gross illegality of Israel's occupation, there are soon to be arrest warrants issued for Nazinyahu and Gallant, the UK refuses to question the findings of the ICC, the following states have recently recognized the state of Palestine: Armenia, Slovenia, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Bahamas, Trinidad, Tobago, Jamaica, Barbados. The US oil tanker Overseas Santorini cannot find a port to dock in because it carries fuel for Israeli warplanes and no EU state wants to be complicit in the (now HUGE) massacres taking place in Gaza, the UK is considering a cessation of weapons and parts supplied to Israel.

Would any of these recent changes have happened if the Palestinians and Hamas and Hezbollah and the Houthis had remained passive and not fired a single projectile?

The question every Zionist should be asked is why did it take all of this death and destruction to get this very basic progress? the answer is US hegemony, US submissiveness to Zionism and the every valuable UN veto.

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