The interest on the debt reaches 1 trillion.

The tens of millions poor addicted to GOVT livelyhood can’t. Then what? Piglousy forced the longest 39 days on Trump with the MSM blaming him 24-7. They don’t care, its a game to them to remain in power.
You just have to weather the game.....Anyway, the party would not really start till the EBT cards were not recharged.
Phony republicans (dems fooling the public) spend too much. No real Conservative would spend like this over decades.
Actually because washington runs on money and everyone wants to get reelected no one has clean hands
Trump was sending money to Ukraine the whole time he was in office.

How can you people be so terribly misinformed?
Russia invaded Ukraine when Biden was VP.

Russia invade Ukraine when Biden was Pres.

Russia DID NOT invade Ukraine when Trump was President.

How can you people ignore the obvious.
When was the last time a POTUS submitted a balanced budget proposal? The start of the budget process is the submission from the POTUS

As long as they think having less spending is important. We have not elected anyone like that in my lifetime.

Why would they when people like you vote them back into office at a greater than 90% rate?
/——/ “people like you vote them back in office,”
As I said earlier, I live in a Blue state and state wide offices are solid blue. My vote is lost in the blue wave of fiscal stupidity. But, My red county of Nassau is run by Republicans and we have a SURPLS in our budget. Look at page 7 of the 2023 budget. (Sorry I couldn’t cut and paste it on my iPhone.)
/——/ “people like you vote them back in office,”
As I said earlier, I live in a Blue state and state wide offices are solid blue. My vote is lost in the blue wave of fiscal stupidity. But, My red county of Nassau is run by Republicans and we have a SURPLS in our budget. Look at page 7 of the 2023 budget. (Sorry I couldn’t cut and paste it on my iPhone.)

You vote for Repubs, and Repubs when they get to DC are just as bad as Dems as far as spending and debt goes.
You vote for Repubs, and Repubs when they get to DC are just as bad as Dems as far as spending and debt goes.
/——/ Moron, you’re grasping at straws. No Republican I can vote for ever gets to Washington. I can’t make it any easier for you to understand.
That's some fuzzy logic there. You seem to think that there's more people, double the amount of dollars but the same number of goods is available, so that is ok somehow. That doesn't make sense no matter how you finesse it.

I don't need to finesse it. Sorry not sorry the $7T in intragovernmental holdings prevents your team from killing off social security. Perhaps if republicans walked the walk they pretend to walk on student loans we would be less in debt---you borrowed it, now pay the damn money back. Until then, live in your castle in the sky.
I don't need to finesse it. Sorry not sorry the $7T in intragovernmental holdings prevents your team from killing off social security. Perhaps if republicans walked the walk they pretend to walk on student loans we would be less in debt---you borrowed it, now pay the damn money back. Until then, live in your castle in the sky.
/——/ No one wants to kill off SS. That’s a democRAT boogie man you have used for decades.
/——/ Moron, you’re grasping at straws. No Republican I can vote for ever gets to Washington. I can’t make it any easier for you to understand.

But you still support the party, even though they are no better about spending than the Dems.

You and those like you are why we are 34T in debt
But you still support the party, even though they are no better about spending than the Dems.

You and those like you are why we are 34T in debt
/----/ Geeze, you must be the debate champ on the short bus.
Whatever party I 'support" doesn't change anything in Washington. I'm a fiscal conservative and live within my means. That is all I have complete control over.
Why are you desperately trying to blame me for something I have no control over?
I could make the same idiotic claim against you.
Harpy Eagle still supports the party, even though they are no better about spending than the Repubs. He and those like him are why we are 34T in debt
But you still support the party, even though they are no better about spending than the Dems.

As stated by Canada Bill Jones, the great riverboat hustler when asked why he was playing in a game he knew was rigged:

“I know it's crooked, but it's the only game in town.”​

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