The interest on the debt reaches 1 trillion.

Before USMB, I was on the HAL board on Yahoo Finance going back to 2000. As I’ve always said to EVERYONE, Congress controls spending and taxes. The president has limited options to stop it.

That's nice. Maybe you were more opened minded and not such a party drone back then.

Come on, can you find one time on the USMB you told one of your tribe members what you told me about spending?

Plus you are wrong, outside of a veto override the POTUS approves every dime spent by Congress
If Trump wins he will IMMEDIATELY blow up the debt to the tune of 3.8 trillion dollars when he makes permanent his tax cuts. Some of the tax cuts should be made permanent such as the estate tax, but most benefit the upper .01%.

Trump has actually pledged to make even more tax cuts – if that happens, obviously the deficit would grow even faster and the debt would be even larger.

The biggest joke is that Trump will cut the deficit. It will be the opposite. It will explode.
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Good. More money for post office and government retirees and social security recipients.
Still hanging on the tit eh? More money for you but it won't buy as much. Until the things to buy aren't there anymore because we don't produce anything anymore, but good luck.
A POTUS is the one that signs them.

Ron Paul Desk.jpg
That's nice. Maybe you were more opened minded and not such a party drone back then.

Come on, can you find one time on the USMB you told one of your tribe members what you told me about spending?

Plus you are wrong, outside of a veto override the POTUS approves every dime spent by Congress
/——/ Nice try shifting blame to someone who has limited options. When was the last balanced budget from congress?
How long should a president let the government shut down? Why won’t Congress ever comp?
I don’t expect an answer from you party hacks?
. When was the last balanced budget from congress?

When was the last time a POTUS submitted a balanced budget proposal? The start of the budget process is the submission from the POTUS

How long should a president let the government shut down?

As long as they think having less spending is important. We have not elected anyone like that in my lifetime.

Why won’t Congress ever comp?
I don’t expect an answer from you party hacks?

Why would they when people like you vote them back into office at a greater than 90% rate?
When was the last time a POTUS submitted a balanced budget proposal? The start of the budget process is the submission from the POTUS

As long as they think having less spending is important. We have not elected anyone like that in my lifetime.

Why would they when people like you vote them back into office at a greater than 90% rate?
/——/ I don’t vote them back in office, jackass. I’m one conservative voter in Blue state NY.
Here is Trumps attempt to slash spending: Trump's $4.8 trillion budget proposal revisits rejected cuts
don’t vote them back in office, jackass. I’m one conservative voter in Blue state NY.

do you vote for Repubs? If so you are voting those spending too much back into office.

You even fall for their lies. Trump 2021 budget request asked for more money than his 2020 budget request. You cannot "slash spending" by asking for more money.

All Trump did was try to cut some while adding even more to other areas.
Still hanging on the tit eh? More money for you but it won't buy as much. Until the things to buy aren't there anymore because we don't produce anything anymore, but good luck.

The government doesn't produce anything anyway but keep hanging onto that quaint notion that fiat currency operates like a household budget.
The government doesn't produce anything anyway but keep hanging onto that quaint notion that fiat currency operates like a household budget.
I think you are equating currency (fiat or not) with financial responsibility ( budget or lack of it), apples and oranges. They are linked, but are not identical.
do you vote for Repubs? If so you are voting those spending too much back into office.

You even fall for their lies. Trump 2021 budget request asked for more money than his 2020 budget request. You cannot "slash spending" by asking for more money.

All Trump did was try to cut some while adding even more to other areas.
/——/ I agree, but his budget was completely trashed and padded.
And yet I bet 100 bucks I could not find a single time you told this to one of your tribe members blaming Biden.

Everyday every post like clockwork BlackGatersMac&CheeseDik rush in from “the middle” lol! to defend the criminal Obiden regime. Set your watch by it.
Meh, my nest is feathered well enough to where I can withstand a .gov shutdown till they decide to play ball.

LOL....The weakest thing in the world you could threaten me with would be a .gov shutdown. :laughing0301:

The tens of millions poor addicted to GOVT livelyhood can’t. Then what? Piglousy forced the longest 39 days on Trump with the MSM blaming him 24-7. They don’t care, its a game to them to remain in power.
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/—-/ I’ve been educated idiot liberals for 25 years on social media and in person.
I was having lunch with a group of people in a golf club when one said the 2nd amendment only applies to muskets. He said it clearly states that. When I pulled the 2nd up on my phone, and read it to him, he brushed it off with a “that’s just your opinion.”
He refused to be convinced. Two weeks later he repeated it to others who were amazed and said, “ I never knew that.”
I corrected him in public.
So, the education process continues.
Were There Any Predictions on the Netrix Back Then About 9/11?

Then how can we trust any pundit or his posting puppets about what this debt will lead to?
I think you are equating currency (fiat or not) with financial responsibility ( budget or lack of it), apples and oranges. They are linked, but are not identical.
I am no conflating anything. If you want more money then the money supply has to grow and it does so by government debt. If the debt were not growing, all the money would end up pooling into the hands of people who need super yachts and gulfstreams to save the planet from global warming,
If you want more money then the money supply has to grow and it does so by government debt.
That's some fuzzy logic there. You seem to think that there's more people, double the amount of dollars but the same number of goods is available, so that is ok somehow. That doesn't make sense no matter how you finesse it.
That's some fuzzy logic there. You seem to think that there's more people, double the amount of dollars but the same number of goods is available, so that is ok somehow. That doesn't make sense no matter how you finesse it.

Dekster == @bruceTLaney == peacefan
he’s always been crazy and cornfused. But it kept him from going insane. He can fool some, but not all.


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