Kamala Harris: On the Issues

It’s transparently obvious, yet you can’t see it.

In fact, it’s been this way for at least a few decades. The two candidates of the two parties agree on most major issues. Thanks to propaganda many Americans consume, they absurdly believe the two candidates and parties oppose each other.

When both parties are bought and paid for by the same people, you can’t expect them to be different.
It hasn't been transparent. There are obvious difference in the parties.
Yes they are. Stop dreaming.

Joe Biden has been a toady of the wealthy and powerful his whole career, yet you supported him. Kamala and Trump are no different.
Wrong again. I supported Biden because the other choice was right wing extrenism. You being a white person who thinks I shoud be thanking your ancestors for freeing me from slavery because they fought in the civil war, can't see the difference because the republican policies don't affect you.
I agree it is important to show how the media/talking heads on television are deliberately distorting Kamala's and Trump's records to make her look "wonderful" and make him look 'terrible' as much as they can.

Which is why I encourage Patriots to stop with the personal insults and focus instead on her actual statements, track record, stated policy agenda and how the media is now trying to present these as something more acceptable to the general public.
Again I agree that "personal insults" are not the way to go for Trump and the GOP. And again I reiterate it is not a personal insult to call out this disinformation campaign about her being African American. She called herself "multi-Racial" and leaned on her LEGITIMATE Indian heritage when it was politically convenient. But when it became advantageous for her to be African American she ditched her Indian heritage. That is pure identity politics and she should be called out on that.
Wrong again. I supported Biden because the other choice was right wing extrenism. You being a white person who thinks I shoud be thanking your ancestors for freeing me from slavery because they fought in the civil war, can't see the difference because the republican policies don't affect you.
Yet, Joe Biden is essentially a right wing extremist.
She has no track record other than lying, cheating and screwing her way to the top.

Those are nothing but statements. She has no history of carrying out /anything/ good she ever promised.

Of course not! Why would I agree with that. Until you are 18 and move out, you are a ward of your parents. THE FIRST PLACE any child should be going to discuss any such big issue is WITH her parents. If a minor is pregnant and doesn't want the parents to know, my two thoughts are:
  1. Maybe not talking to her parents is why she is pregnant in the first place!
  2. I would want to know WHY she can't talk to her own parents!

Only two things come out of Kamela's mouth (other than the obvious I shall not mention):
  1. Bad ideas.
  2. No ideas.
The woman is a Marxist. Quit legitimizing her. End of discussion.
I don't think you're getting the concept of this discussion. But oh well.
Well, Biden and Harris have been calling Trump, a nazi, a facist, hitler, and existential threat, a rapist, a conman ... for years. I don't see why calling Kalama a vapid San Francisco progressive is off limits.

Do both. Crush her on policy and hammer her on the personal

It will be interesting to see how many of her previous policy positions: 1) flip flops on; 2) maintains; or 3) denies
It gains us nothing to insult her personally or attack or on irrelevant stuff like her former relationships. It might make us feel smug, self righteous, or whatever, but all that accomplishes is give them ammo to make us look bad and generates sympathy for her. Double standards don't matter to the left.

Stating that Kamala is a radical San Francisco progressive is a statement of pertinent fact and is not a personal insult or character attack.

Point out the danger/damage/harm in the policy positions she holds and we can score some big points with people who vote policy over personality. The media is trying to bury her record and paint her as some moderate that she is not.
Harris has supported 100% of Joe Biden's policies on the issues, she owns Biden's shit record.
You have to spell out the specific policy positions/track record though. Generalities will do nothing to counter the false narrative the Democrats and their surrogate MSM are creating.
It’s transparently obvious, yet you can’t see it.

In fact, it’s been this way for at least a few decades. The two candidates of the two parties agree on most major issues. Thanks to propaganda many Americans consume, they absurdly believe the two candidates and parties oppose each other.

When both parties are bought and paid for by the same people, you can’t expect them to be different.
Nothing is transparently obvious when you can't say in simple English what should be transparently obvious.
Nothing is transparently obvious when you can't say in simple English what should be transparently obvious.
Great montage of Harris and all her positions from 2016 or earlier. She is against everything from fracking to healthcare to just about anything she thinks of.....It was on Hanitty this afternoon.....then he played the 'new improved version'. Now she's completely for everything she was against. My my, how convenient.

John Kerry would be proud.....'I was against it before I was for it'.

Anyway, Hanitty is going to post a downloadable version on his site................I plan to spread the good news all over FB, Twitter, you name it.....again and aqain and again.
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Great montage of Harris and all her positions from 2016 or earlier. She is against everything from fracking to healthcare to just about anything she thinks of.....It was on Hanitty this afternoon.....then he played the 'new improved version'. Now she's completely for everything she was against. My my, how convenient.

John Kerry would be proud.....'I was against it before I was for it'.

Anyway, Hanitty is going to post a downloadable version on his site................I plan top spread the good news all over FB, Twitter, you name it.....again and aqain and again.
Please post it here. Hannity did have a long LONG list of Kamala's policy position on his regular TV program last night. I thought I would take the time to write them down but I would be just as happy if you posted it. :)
Please post it here. Hannity did have a long LONG list of Kamala's policy position on his regular TV program last night. I thought I would take the time to write them down but I would be just as happy if you posted it. :)
Oh, we're at the top of the list...
I plan to spread the good news all over FB, Twitter, you name it.....again and aqain and again.
There is no rehab being done on Harris. Again, the only way a person can come to this conclusion is if all they read is right wong disinformation. Her record as DA and AG is cllear. Now in those positions she is going to do things that are going to make people unhappy, but for the most part her record was good. That is why she was elected twice for AG and if what she did was so terrible, she would not have been voted for by the citizens of that state as Senator. The reality of Biden/Harris is that they have been very sucessful. They have not been the failure made up by the RWM. And in the only issue that seems to matter to the right, the border, the current crisis has been excerbated by Republicans as Biden was poised to sign a very strong border bill that was supported by the Border Patrol that Trump told them to stop so he could make it a campaign issue. So here were are with Republicans maing this an issue to put on Harris when whatever problems that are occurring on the border is due to Trump.
im2 she is from California....if Sacramento wants you, you are in....she did nothing great as a AG but was with the in crowd up there....90% of California voters go along with the people in charge without questioning anyone....i have watched this for the last 30 years...the quality of life for a lot of people in cal has gone down....
No I do not, the Biden disaster has been talked to death.
But all I see is Kamala is a commie or something vulgar or whatever said about her. Nobody is talking about specific policy positions that she will almost certainly push if she is elected President:
--Opposes parental notification of abortions for minors.
--Pro reparations
--Reverse 2017 corporate tax cuts (that kept many companies from leaving USA and brought many others back>)
--Cashless bail,
--Defund the Police
--Forgive student loans for everyone in government
--Free college for all
--Medicare for all--no private health insurance
--Carbon neutral by 2030--promote all of Green New Deal
--Climate Change is national security threat
--Ban fracking and off shore drilling
--Ban plastic straws and bags--no single use plastic
--Statehood for District of Coluombia
--Mandatory buy back of weapons classified as assault weapons by the government
--Medical debt can't be included on credit reports
--Undocumented immigrants are not criminals
--Welcome migrants and refugees instead of a border wall
--Biden is her model for being a great vice president (she actually said that.)
--Repeal the 2017 tax reforms
--Transgendered people can access whatever bathroom they choose
--Subsidize teachers' pay with federal money
--If Congress won't pass gun laws, she will do it via executive order.
But all I see is Kamala is a commie or something vulgar or whatever said about her. Nobody is talking about specific policy positions that she will almost certainly push if she is elected President:
--Opposes parental notification of abortions for minors.
--Pro reparations
--Reverse 2017 corporate tax cuts (that kept many companies from leaving USA and brought many others back>)
--Cashless bail,
--Defund the Police
--Forgive student loans for everyone in government
--Free college for all
--Medicare for all--no private health insurance
--Carbon neutral by 2030--promote all of Green New Deal
--Climate Change is national security threat
--Ban fracking and off shore drilling
--Ban plastic straws and bags--no single use plastic
--Statehood for District of Coluombia
--Mandatory buy back of weapons classified as assault weapons by the government
--Medical debt can't be included on credit reports
--Undocumented immigrants are not criminals
--Welcome migrants and refugees instead of a border wall
--Biden is her model for being a great vice president (she actually said that.)
--Repeal the 2017 tax reforms
--Transgendered people can access whatever bathroom they choose
--Subsidize teachers' pay with federal money
--If Congress won't pass gun laws, she will do it via executive order.
Wait....wait.....wait, you got it all wrong, she's all for those issues now.
Wait....wait.....wait, you got it all wrong, she's all for those issues now.
That has been my whole point. The Democrats and their surrogate MSM are doing everything they can to erase or deny her actual statements/track record and rehabilitate her image into a moderate, almost right wing candidate. And unless we stop with the silly insults and characterizations and start focusing and preserving her real statements and track record they are likely to be successful with the general public that depends on the media for information.

Just like the absurd current talking point: "Kamala was never appointed Border Czar i.e. was never given any responsibility for the southern border."

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