Trump Policy has Given us this Inflation

Nixon ran up so much debt that he took US dollar off the Gold standard in 1971.



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Vice President Dick Cheney to Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil: "You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter."
...they don't matter until they do matter, now they matter.

Trump's 2012 Budget was $4T, 2022 was $6.9T, 2023 probably more, and 2024 who knows?

Factor in that interest on the Debt was about $359b in 2021, is about $1.5T in 2023, and will probably hit $2T in 2024.

The shit has officially hit the fan. Not only has interest on the Debt exploded, Social Security and Medicare are going insolvent.

I hope the 5 MAGA Republicans stick to their guns and burn the fucking place down. We need to start over.
What Trump inherited from the so called 'professional' politicians...a nation death spiral of ever increasing borrowing, spending and debt. The corrupt politicians sold our jobs and industries and gave our money to foreign countries to line their own pockets. The so called 'professional' politicians attacked fossil fuels, one of our biggest advantages in the world market while every other country on the planet drilled theirs.

Trump's strategy was to economically grow our way out of this mess. It's the only solution left. That's how big the mess is. We can't tax our way out. Cutting spending won't even work at this point. Growing the hell out of our economy, bringing jobs back to America, cutting taxes, getting governments regulation boot off our neck is the only option left and Trump did an amazing job until the DC swamp wrecked everything with Covid.

Naturally the corrupt politicians want to get back to business as usual in DC so they have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at Trump to stop him.
Trump borrowed massive amounts of money and blew up the deficit. he also had major FED fake money printing. Trump just borrowed money and pumped it into the economy, he got a little short live sugar high, then the economy rolled over end of 2018.

Trump's economy was mediocre at best, but Trump blew up the deficit massively with massive out of control spending bills before covid, then blew it up some more after covid.

truump's policies caused this inflation. he is the number 1 cause of our inflation because he flooded the system with debt, and fake money handouts, and stimulus.
A blatant lie.

Trump practically doubled the annual deficit before covid.
That is terrible
If we didn't have covid, Trump would have still blown up the deficit to ungodly levels.

Bush started his presidency with a balanced budget and left office with $1T/yr deficits, an economy in total ruin, and the balanced budget destroyed.
Trump did the same. Trump started his presidency with a $5-600B deficit and left office with a $3T/yr deficit, terrible. And he blew up the deficit before covid, and covid is not an excuse at all.

Bush and Trump (and Reagan) own this debt because they caused it.
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Just as much as Obama.
Difference is, Obama inherited the massive deficits fromBush. Obama inherited the Bush blow. Obama lowered the deficit down to $500B at the end of his presidency.

Trump caused the massive debt and deficit with his out of control spending. Trump inherited the $500B obama deficit and blew it up before covid even happened.
Trump printed 5 times more money as all presidents combined to buy votes & still lost the election.
These people are in total denial of what Trump did, the out of control spending bills he passed, and the massive inflation he caused.

Just like they are in total denial of the election results despite Trump having no evidence of fraud at all and losing every court case and audit across the country.

Just like they are in total denial of the devastating and overwhelming credible evidence proving Trump guilt in numerous Federal crimes.
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Trump and The GOP blew up the deficit and ramped it up massively Pre-covid.
Trump had world record fake money printing, and begged the FED for more.
Trump handed out $ Trillions and Trillions to his constituents, giving them the printed fake money.
Trump gave us 25% of our total debt, and DOUBLED the FED fake money balance sheet.

Please explain how Trump or any Republican will lower inflation and what policies will they enact. All the GOP policies in the past 20 years increase debt and hand out even more money.

Um, it was Nancy Pelosi who set the budgets. Why the fuck are you blaming Trump for democrats in Congress who did the actual spending? :cuckoo:
Trump printed 5 times more money as all presidents combined to buy votes & still lost the election.
No, Nancy Pelosi did that. Congress is in charge of the spending and she was in charge of Congress.
Trump borrowed massive amounts of money and blew up the deficit. he also had major FED fake money printing. Trump just borrowed money and pumped it into the economy, he got a little short live sugar high, then the economy rolled over end of 2018.

Trump's economy was mediocre at best, but Trump blew up the deficit massively with massive out of control spending bills before covid, then blew it up some more after covid.

truump's policies caused this inflation. he is the number 1 cause of our inflation because he flooded the system with debt, and fake money handouts, and stimulus.
Whole world shut down for a plannedenic that was Endemic from day 1.

Now we pay for Massive inflation for it. Was the globalist did this crap.
Um, it was Nancy Pelosi who set the budgets. Why the fuck are you blaming Trump for democrats in Congress who did the actual spending? :cuckoo:
Um it was trump and the Senate that signed/voted for those budgets.

Trump is most responsible, it is his debt and he owns it.

In Addition, Trump blew up the deficit in 2017 at the start of his presidency. Trump double the deficit before covid hit. Trump owns this debt, he caused it

Worse yet, Bush started his presidency with a balanced budget and left office with $1T/yr deficits, an economy in total ruin, and the balanced budget destroyed.
Trump did the same. Trump started his presidency with a $5-600B deficit and left office with a $3T/yr deficit, terrible. And he blew up the deficit before covid, and covid is not an excuse at all.
Um it was trump and the Senate that signed/voted for those budgets.

Trump is most responsible, it is his debt and he owns it.

In Addition, Trump blew up the deficit in 2017 at the start of his presidency. Trump double the deficit before covid hit. Trump owns this debt, he caused it

Worse yet, Bush started his presidency with a balanced budget and left office with $1T/yr deficits, an economy in total ruin, and the balanced budget destroyed.
Trump did the same. Trump started his presidency with a $5-600B deficit and left office with a $3T/yr deficit, terrible. And he blew up the deficit before covid, and covid is not an excuse at all.
He had to sign it or else the government would shut down. Are you not familiar with the budget process and the leverage that the majority in Congress can use to force the president to sign?

How about blaming the democrats who pushed for that spending? Is that such a crazy thing to ask? How about blaming Pelosi and the dems for the additional 6 trillion in spending once Biden was in office too? ALL of it was Nancy, but you want to blame Trump and say that HE was wrong for it, rather than blaming the people who actually made it happen.

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